1 00:00:00,850 --> 00:00:04,050 In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 2 00:00:06,110 --> 00:00:15,710 الحمد للّه ربّ العالمين، و الصّلاة و السّلام علي سيّدنا و نبيّنا ابي القاسم المصطفي محمّد 3 00:00:25,310 --> 00:00:33,250 و علي آله الاطيبين الاطهرين المنتجبين، سيّما بقيّة اللّه في الارضين 4 00:00:33,940 --> 00:00:44,000 This is a meeting, which is very sweet and eloquent and rich in meaning and beneficial; 5 00:00:45,200 --> 00:00:57,250 I do not mean this meeting per se [is like this], [but] I say this about the process, which has led to this meeting, [during] which you made effort 6 00:00:58,910 --> 00:01:10,280 and set up the “night of memories” sessions as a lasting move and, 7 00:01:12,220 --> 00:01:23,710 well, praise be to God, today, this humble one succeeded to sit down [with you] and listen to and take advantage [of what you say]. 8 00:01:26,220 --> 00:01:31,250 It was very good, [and] I took great advantage [of this meeting and] was greatly benefitted [by it]. 9 00:01:31,770 --> 00:01:41,020 Of course, memories of the likes of this humble one are not important memories, 10 00:01:42,400 --> 00:01:54,050 because just in the same way that he [film director, Masha’allah Shahmoradi] said, when [the southwestern Iranian city of] Khorramshahr was liberated [from occupation of the Iraqi forces], he heard the news in [city of] Kermanshah, 11 00:01:54,740 --> 00:02:01,080 [and] I heard the news in Tehran. Of course, it would be appropriate to say that 12 00:02:01,540 --> 00:02:11,370 – now, I don’t remember whether the news was aired on the radio or not – [but] Martyr [Ali] Sayyad Shirazi contacted me at the president’s office 13 00:02:11,940 --> 00:02:20,800 and told [me about this development] and explained some details as well. Among other things, he said, “Now that I am talking to you, 14 00:02:21,310 --> 00:02:28,510 Iraqis have formed a line in order to be taken into captivity.” It was a very interesting interpretation [of what was happening]. 15 00:02:28,850 --> 00:02:37,310 I got into the car and went to meet the late Imam [Khomeini] at the afternoon on the same day, and of course, other people were on the streets in throngs 16 00:02:38,220 --> 00:02:45,710 and expressed kind remarks and expressed happiness [when they saw me]. I met with the Imam and told the same to the Imam. 17 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:57,540 I said, “Mr. Sayyad says that Iraqis are in line to come and be taken into captivity;” it was a long line, [including] ten [or] fifteen thousand people! 18 00:02:59,540 --> 00:03:17,600 My memories are not important memories, [but] the memories of [those] brethren and sisters, who were at war for long periods of time and saw [different] developments, those [memories] are important. 19 00:03:19,420 --> 00:03:31,710 I believe that this war [with Iraq] – [and] this Sacred Defense – apart from losses, which it entailed for us, 20 00:03:32,800 --> 00:03:47,080 had big benefits and gains as well; these gains are much bigger and higher than those losses. 21 00:03:49,310 --> 00:03:59,370 Our losses there included human and material losses; I mean, we lost young people, 22 00:03:59,710 --> 00:04:11,820 families lost their loved ones, all of us became mournful for the young persons [who were killed at war], and material damage was inflicted [on the country as a result of which] 23 00:04:13,020 --> 00:04:26,450 the country somehow lagged behind in terms of the apparent reconstruction work at that juncture; these were losses of war. 24 00:04:27,140 --> 00:04:36,800 All wars entail losses like this. However, the benefits of war were long-term benefits, [and] were lasting benefits. 25 00:04:37,250 --> 00:04:47,710 Of course, [the war] had short-term and near benefits as well. 26 00:04:49,200 --> 00:05:01,710 One of the biggest benefits of the eight-year war [with the Iraqi aggressors] and the eight-year defense was maintenance and strengthening of the spirit of revolution and movement 27 00:05:02,170 --> 00:05:06,910 among our young generation and in our society. 28 00:05:08,170 --> 00:05:19,480 If this jihadi and sacrificing movement had not come about, 29 00:05:20,000 --> 00:05:29,600 the revolutionary spirit, which had not run its roots deep in those early days [after victory of the Islamic Revolution] would have been damaged. 30 00:05:30,680 --> 00:05:38,800 Yes, the honorable Imam was there and his personality was the one that 31 00:05:39,080 --> 00:05:52,000 guaranteed many things, but dangers [posed to the revolution] were grave; [if there was no war] the revolutionary spirit would have been certainly exposed to [various kinds of] threats. 32 00:05:56,970 --> 00:06:04,170 Through presence in the arena of the Sacred Defense, the revolution become lasting. 33 00:06:04,910 --> 00:06:27,600 Another benefit [of the war] was that once again, we experienced this idea and concept of defending the national identity as well as religious and revolutionary identity, 34 00:06:28,680 --> 00:06:39,600 and we have frequently said and heard and quoted [others as saying] that the Almighty God helps and makes humans 35 00:06:41,370 --> 00:06:56,510 victorious in the face of obstacles and barriers that exist on the right path; this is very important. 36 00:06:58,280 --> 00:07:13,200 A society, which is moving in the direction of [achieving] lofty goals, will naturally face many obstacles, 37 00:07:13,770 --> 00:07:24,620 especially in the materialistic world of today; and if those ideals are spiritual ideals and opposed to power seeking 38 00:07:24,620 --> 00:07:35,420 and opposed to seeking [mundane pleasures of] the world and the likes of these, obstacles will be naturally faced. 39 00:07:36,000 --> 00:07:44,740 [The fact] that a nation will feel that it can overcome obstacles is a very important thing. 40 00:07:45,420 --> 00:07:51,200 Yes, in [Islamic] traditions and verses [of the Holy Quran] we read about putting one’s trust in God and 41 00:07:51,480 --> 00:07:54,620 وَ مَن يَتَوَکَّل عَلَي اللّهِ فَهُوَ حَسبُه that “whoever relies upon Allah, then He is sufficient for him,” 42 00:07:54,910 --> 00:08:02,170 and say them and believe in them; however, it is a totally different 43 00:08:02,740 --> 00:08:04,910 thing that one would observe “whoever relies upon Allah, then He is sufficient for him” in practice. 44 00:08:04,910 --> 00:08:14,910 [According to the Quran,] Prophet Abraham, despite all his grandeur, 45 00:08:15,420 --> 00:08:21,370 tells the Almighty God that “I want to see how dead people come back to life [on the day of Resurrection].” 46 00:08:22,280 --> 00:08:31,250 The Almighty says, “Have you not believed?” [Abraham] answers, “Yes, 47 00:08:31,710 --> 00:08:35,200 I believe. But [I ask] only that my heart may be satisfied.” 48 00:08:36,340 --> 00:08:50,220 This satisfaction of one’s heart [and] this acceptance of a truth from the depth of one’s belief and heart is a very important thing; 49 00:08:50,620 --> 00:08:57,940 this was shown to us by the war [and by] the eight-year defense [of the country]. 50 00:08:58,970 --> 00:09:07,540 At the present time, we can claim the Islamic Republic 51 00:09:08,570 --> 00:09:17,600 with all our power that despite all challenges that [enemies] pose to it, can fight off [those challenges] and can overcome all of them, 52 00:09:40,400 --> 00:09:45,020 because we have experienced this. 53 00:09:45,020 --> 00:09:52,970 [As put by the Quran,] “So, do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers.” 54 00:09:53,370 --> 00:10:01,020 If faith exists in one’s heart and action, 55 00:10:01,600 --> 00:10:08,570 mountains will be turned to dust in the face of a society, a [human] complex, [and] a powerful person, 56 00:10:08,910 --> 00:10:12,800 and will not be able to resist. 57 00:10:13,140 --> 00:10:17,370 This was one of the benefits of war for us. Well, these are true statements. 58 00:10:17,600 --> 00:10:27,540 Of course, the benefits of war are more than these; now, these are analytical remarks and the likes of these [and] I don’t want the time [of this meeting] to be spent on such things. 59 00:10:28,110 --> 00:10:39,600 This auspicious incident, [and] this huge incident, and 60 00:10:40,400 --> 00:10:51,480 at the normal level of us, simple and superficial people, [this] really unbelievable [incident], took place in our country; 61 00:10:53,540 --> 00:11:03,940 I mean, we had nothing at the start of the war; let me tell you this; we had nothing; we were empty-handed, 62 00:11:04,280 --> 00:11:10,800 [and] our weapons were both few and faulty, and out of reach; 63 00:11:11,080 --> 00:11:18,740 some of the existing items, which were stocked in our warehouses, 64 00:11:19,540 --> 00:11:29,880 did not come into use until long after the beginning of the war. 65 00:11:30,740 --> 00:11:42,910 I was here at the General Staff [of the Armed Forces] at the advisory bureau and was in touch with the military personnel. 66 00:11:43,080 --> 00:11:48,510 Well, there were committed and faithful youths in the Army who came [to the General Staff and] reported to me; 67 00:11:48,910 --> 00:11:55,600 I also followed up [on developments] as the Imam’s representative. They told me that “we have some canons 68 00:11:55,880 --> 00:12:07,020 known as 203-mm cannon, which are our heaviest artillery and this had not been used [in the war] so far, and [its use] had not been proposed at all.” 69 00:12:07,310 --> 00:12:16,740 Now, in such a war [and] with all these tools that are available to the enemy, we have a means [of defending our country] that we can use and we have not. 70 00:12:16,970 --> 00:12:26,620 In our meeting, a meeting that I had with these gentlemen – [including then Iranian president, Abolhassan] Banisadr and others – I brought this up; 71 00:12:27,480 --> 00:12:34,910 Banisadr basically did not know anything about it [and] some others [in that meeting] did not like such issues to be discussed; 72 00:12:35,650 --> 00:12:45,650 then one of the [military] commanders, who was martyred [in the war later] – May God Bless His Soul – said, “Yes, we have this, [and] this is a very important thing.” 73 00:12:45,880 --> 00:12:54,970 I said, “Alright, why we do not use it?” I mean, there were things, which were available and we did not use [them in the war]. 74 00:12:56,400 --> 00:13:07,540 [When I was] in [city of] Ahvaz, a young army officer informed me that at a garrison manned by the Division 92, 75 00:13:08,050 --> 00:13:14,170 we had [a number of these] new personnel carriers – which are called BMP-2, 76 00:13:15,370 --> 00:13:24,510 [and] which were made available later. 77 00:13:25,310 --> 00:13:32,050 I repeatedly said that we needed that given [military] equipment, [and] they said we didn’t have it. 78 00:13:32,570 --> 00:13:41,480 One morning, I woke up and along with the same person – the same Army brother – 79 00:13:42,110 --> 00:13:51,480 entered the garrison from another way and through another place, because you could not enter the garrison through the normal gate – and went toward the middle of the garrison; 80 00:13:51,480 --> 00:14:05,370 I saw that yes, there were perhaps, for example, nine [or] ten of these brand-new BMP-2 [personnel carriers] 81 00:14:06,450 --> 00:14:13,600 – I mean, they were still in boarded packaging – [at that garrison]. 82 00:14:13,600 --> 00:14:19,650 Of course, some of them had been exposed to weather and wind and rain; [and] they were left derelict beneath the sky! 83 00:14:20,400 --> 00:14:25,310 We were in such conditions at the beginning of the war. We did not have equipment of war, 84 00:14:25,480 --> 00:14:32,000 [and] did not have a disciplined and regular force ready to work, or we had very small of that [force]; 85 00:14:32,450 --> 00:14:39,080 we also had certain things of this type of which we did not take advantage, 86 00:14:39,080 --> 00:14:47,880 because the person or persons, who were in charge, did not care; 87 00:14:49,310 --> 00:14:56,570 we advanced under such conditions. This [memory] that I recounted here is related to the second half of the [Iranian calendar year, 13]59 (second half of 1980); 88 00:14:56,970 --> 00:15:05,770 that is, during the first six months after the start of the war. 89 00:15:06,110 --> 00:15:21,710 Well, how long is the interval between the first six months of the war, that is, the second half of [Iranian calendar year, 13]59 to the first six months of [the Iranian calendar year, 13]61 (1982)? 90 00:15:23,710 --> 00:15:33,600 In this interval, the movement of the Iranian nation and our armed forces become so [energetic] that 91 00:15:33,820 --> 00:15:45,480 two big and important operations were carried out during the first couple of months of the year 1361; 92 00:15:45,480 --> 00:15:56,570 I mean, Operation Fat-hol-Mobin at the beginning [of that year] in April, and Operation Beit-ol-Moqaddas and the liberation of Khorramshahr in May; 93 00:15:57,140 --> 00:16:04,400 I mean, we went ahead like this, [and our] movement was so rapid! 94 00:16:05,200 --> 00:16:16,340 That is, during the same month that [the Iraqi forces] pounded Ahvaz with mortar shells from a distance of 10 kilometers q 95 00:16:16,570 --> 00:16:26,000 – I mean from Dob Hardan, which I think is about 10 kilometers from Ahvaz, they fired mortar shells at Ahvaz – 96 00:16:27,200 --> 00:16:36,170 we progressed from that position [of weakness] to this position [of strength] in which [we took into captivity] several thousand prisoners of war in [Operation] Fat-hol-Mobin 97 00:16:36,570 --> 00:16:44,510 and several thousand [more] prisoners of war in [Operation] Beit-ol-Moqaddas, and recaptured large swathes of land and recaptured Khorramshahr 98 00:16:44,910 --> 00:16:52,910 and strengthened our forces and other issues. This state of affairs continued right to the end of the war; 99 00:16:53,140 --> 00:17:01,540 I mean, we could get the grasp of and become knowledgeable of our identity, 100 00:17:02,000 --> 00:17:08,000 [and] our power day by day, and move ahead and know ourselves [better]; and this happened [in practice]. 101 00:17:08,000 --> 00:17:17,710 For eight years, the entire world joined hands against us and fought us; this is a reality, the entire world! 102 00:17:18,050 --> 00:17:29,310 I mean, the United States was against us in practice, NATO was against us in practice, then Soviet Union was against us in practice, 103 00:17:29,940 --> 00:17:36,170 [and] reactionaries of the region – these very Saudi [Arabia] and Kuwait and the rest of them – were all against us in practice! 104 00:17:36,510 --> 00:17:44,620 I mean, all of them took part [in the Iraqi imposed war] against us. [However, although] we were a newly grown sapling 105 00:17:45,020 --> 00:17:54,740 with limited experiences, we could overcome all of these [adversaries]; this is our experience. Isn’t this enough [evidence so] that “my heart may be satisfied?” 106 00:17:55,540 --> 00:18:07,140 This example is [similar] to the example of birds that came to life, when Prophet Abraham (PBUH) asked the Almighty God, [and] God said, “Act in this way 107 00:18:07,880 --> 00:18:18,620 so that your heart would be satisfied.” We must have this heartfelt satisfaction; anybody who does not have it, is faulty; 108 00:18:19,650 --> 00:18:27,880 I mean, a better description [for such a person] is to say that he is faulty, [because] if we look optimistically, we must say that he is faulty; [ 109 00:18:28,050 --> 00:18:32,220 however, if] we look pessimistically, well, we must pass a different judgment. 110 00:18:34,510 --> 00:18:41,940 We can overcome all hardships and all challenges like a faithful person [does]; 111 00:18:42,340 --> 00:18:48,220 this is the result of keeping and safeguarding memories. 112 00:18:48,510 --> 00:18:52,680 I want you to pay attention to the importance of this task; q 113 00:18:54,450 --> 00:18:59,820 do not let the memory of these eight years of the Sacred Defense be forgotten. 114 00:19:00,280 --> 00:19:07,770 These very details, [and] these very things that [our] friends said [in this meeting] all of these are important. 115 00:19:08,510 --> 00:19:16,680 These books, which are being written [on this subject], are important, [and] these [books] are valuable; [because] they are not merely a work of art. 116 00:19:16,680 --> 00:19:22,450 Of course, a good artistic work is also being done [in this regard]. Both in writing 117 00:19:22,800 --> 00:19:27,650 and literature, and in movies and similar fields, 118 00:19:27,650 --> 00:19:35,420 good steps, fortunately, are being taken. Of course, in some fields we have advanced more, 119 00:19:36,220 --> 00:19:44,680 [and] in some fields we lag behind [and] must move ahead. In terms of arts and from the viewpoint of literary aspects, good works exist; 120 00:19:44,680 --> 00:19:49,480 but the issue of these [memories] stands at a higher level than this artistic work. 121 00:19:50,220 --> 00:19:59,480 This movie that this gentleman makes, [and] this book, which that gentleman writes are, in fact, 122 00:20:00,220 --> 00:20:12,280 like injecting cement into these pillars, when we want to make them stronger, [and] want to make them more lasting. 123 00:20:13,880 --> 00:20:22,050 [The issue here] is strengthening the pillars of the revolution, strengthening the pillars of the country’s progress, 124 00:20:22,680 --> 00:20:28,000 [and] strengthening national identity; [therefore,] it is very valuable. 125 00:20:28,680 --> 00:20:34,400 And let me tell [you] that these memories are, indeed, a national wealth; 126 00:20:35,250 --> 00:20:44,170 these memories are national wealth, [because] they do not belong to the person who retells and recounts these memories, [but] belong to us; 127 00:20:44,740 --> 00:20:48,340 [and] everybody must say, [and] must write [them]. 128 00:20:50,050 --> 00:21:00,050 Of course, it is evident – [and] I have frequently said, which is also apparently the case – that exaggeration and overstatement and the likes of these must be totally avoided. 129 00:21:00,280 --> 00:21:07,880 The [main] context of the incident [that pertains to the war] – just in the same way that it has happened – is so excellent and so beautiful 130 00:21:08,280 --> 00:21:16,910 and so miraculous that needs no exaggeration; that incident, which has taken place, is like this. 131 00:21:16,910 --> 00:21:29,140 The same thing that has happened, [narrators] must say [exactly] the same, must bring it to life, [and] must employ artistic methods in order to give better expression to it. 132 00:21:30,400 --> 00:21:36,170 And [all] such measures are considered as good deeds, [and all] these [measures] are considered as alms [handed out for the sake of God]. These people who do such things, these brethren who 133 00:21:36,400 --> 00:21:45,140 are present here, both those who are [active] in the field of writing and literature and the likes of these, and those who are [active] in the field of movies and cinema and the likes of these, 134 00:21:46,850 --> 00:21:55,020 [they must] know that this step that they take is a good deed, [and] great spiritual alms. 135 00:21:57,080 --> 00:22:06,510 [By taking this step,] you are providing this nation, this population, [and] this country with their means of sustenance, 136 00:22:06,800 --> 00:22:11,250 [and] you are a medium through which the divine sustenance and the spiritual sustenance [reaches] them. 137 00:22:12,110 --> 00:22:18,170 Appreciate this [state, because] this is very good. [Taking people to see former war zones by organizing] Rahiyan-e Nour [tours] is among these measures; 138 00:22:18,510 --> 00:22:25,710 Rahiyan-e Nour is among these [spiritual]alms and good deeds. 139 00:22:26,450 --> 00:22:32,220 Writing memories [is] also like this, [and even] this meeting is like this. 140 00:22:32,740 --> 00:22:38,970 Do not let this miraculous development be weakened. 141 00:22:39,310 --> 00:22:46,280 My dear ones! There exists [strong] motivation for weakening this truth 142 00:22:46,570 --> 00:22:57,200 in the reality of our lives and in the reality of our minds. Some people have [this] motivation. 143 00:22:58,620 --> 00:23:09,370 There are people who make plans for Islamic countries and notify those plans [to them] and they [Islamic countries] accept to 144 00:23:09,820 --> 00:23:17,770 take out and erase the issue of jihad or the issue of martyrdom from the religious books 145 00:23:18,050 --> 00:23:25,370 of schools and universities and other books. 146 00:23:26,220 --> 00:23:35,250 This [issue] has been notified to some [Islamic] countries; they have been told to remove the issue of jihad and the issue of martyrdom and 147 00:23:36,280 --> 00:23:43,880 the likes of these [from their books] and they have accepted and removed [them from their books]. These motivations [which I referred to] are like this 148 00:23:44,280 --> 00:23:50,340 [and] the same motivations continue into [the country], persist 149 00:23:50,570 --> 00:23:59,080 and are seen in the form of some secondary cultural policies here and there; [therefore,] we must not be negligent. 150 00:23:59,250 --> 00:24:08,050 [We must] keep the war, the Sacred Defense, the martyrdom, [and] the jihad alive; 151 00:24:08,400 --> 00:24:13,540 [and to do this, we] must appreciate these memories, [because] these [memories] are very valuable. 152 00:24:16,570 --> 00:24:27,600 Of course, we still have many things to say in this regard – [when I say] “we,” I mean you and those who were present in the war – 153 00:24:27,820 --> 00:24:35,880 and these [things] in the real sense of the word can connect and attach the current generation 154 00:24:36,110 --> 00:24:42,800 to the same generation, which created that climax of the Sacred Defense 155 00:24:43,200 --> 00:24:49,880 and created this historical climax of ours. People frequently, and very numerous times, come [or] write letters to me 156 00:24:50,110 --> 00:24:58,220 [and] insist, implore, [and] cry so that they would be allowed to go [to Syria] and defend the [holy] shrine [over there] and become one of the Defenders of the Shrine [volunteers, who are active in Syria]. 157 00:24:58,400 --> 00:25:05,650 I mean, [this is just like] the same things that we saw in those days [during the Iranian calendar years] of the 1360s (1980s) – 158 00:25:06,680 --> 00:25:16,800 when young people, small kids, [and] those who could not be sent [to war fronts] on some ground and for some reason, came [to us], [and] implored in order to be dispatched. 159 00:25:17,540 --> 00:25:25,310 Right now, the same conditions can be seen in many of these people; 160 00:25:27,770 --> 00:25:29,770 [as the Quran says:] [O God!] “Join me with the righteous.” 161 00:25:29,770 --> 00:25:39,940 This is how you join with the righteous. This is a result of this effort and this endeavor that you are making. 162 00:25:40,450 --> 00:25:46,800 God willing, the Almighty would bless this effort of yours, [and] this step that you take 163 00:25:47,940 --> 00:25:51,540 and, God willing, boost its effects on a daily basis. 164 00:25:51,940 --> 00:26:01,600 I really thank the arts bureau of the Islamic Development Organization and our dear brother, Mr. [Morteza] Sarhangi and other brethren who are in charge; 165 00:26:02,050 --> 00:26:11,140 their work is a very valuable work. [They must] pursue [this line of work]; both this step, that is, [holding] the “night of memory,” 166 00:26:11,820 --> 00:26:19,200 and compilation of these memories and these notes; [you must know] how valuable this is. 167 00:26:19,540 --> 00:26:29,080 And they are everywhere. I knew a limited number of [high-profile] personalities of war, 168 00:26:29,540 --> 00:26:40,400 [and] had heard memories from them; then they gradually went to [such provinces as] Azarbaijan, Hamedan, Lorestan, Khorasan, 169 00:26:40,680 --> 00:26:51,420 Isfahan, here and there, and found [former] combatants there, wrote down their memories, [and those memories] came to life. 170 00:26:51,650 --> 00:26:56,970 [It was then that] I saw what a world it is, [and] what a sea 171 00:26:57,820 --> 00:27:05,540 of sayings, of logic, of morale, and of inspiration it is. 172 00:27:05,540 --> 00:27:10,170 This step is a very valuable step and [I advise you to] continue doing this in this way. 173 00:27:10,620 --> 00:27:22,620 I have repeatedly said that if we keep talking about and working on these eight years of the Sacred Defense for another fifty years to come and 174 00:27:22,850 --> 00:27:33,600 do new works [in this regard], it would not be too much. And I suppose that we would not reach the end of it in fifty years from now. 175 00:27:34,740 --> 00:27:42,000 Of course, good methods must be taken advantage of, [and] artistic methods must be taken advantage of. 176 00:27:43,770 --> 00:27:52,110 Thank you very much. Today was a very good meeting; I availed myself of the remarks [made by these] gentlemen 177 00:27:53,080 --> 00:27:58,400 and met with some dear friends whom I had not met for a long time. 178 00:27:58,910 --> 00:28:01,600 God willing, the Allah God would make you successful. 179 00:28:02,000 --> 00:28:04,680 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings