1 00:00:00,860 --> 00:00:03,660 In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 2 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:11,800 والحمدللّه ربّ العالمين و الصّلاة و السّلام علي سيّدنا محمّد و آله الطّاهرين 3 00:00:17,400 --> 00:00:20,200 سيّما بقيّة اللّه في الارضين 4 00:00:20,660 --> 00:00:29,460 You are very welcome. It was a very sweet and desirable meeting and it is always like this for me. 5 00:00:30,800 --> 00:00:43,000 From my viewpoint, this meeting ended right now; I mean, I was satisfied and benefited by this meeting. 6 00:00:43,800 --> 00:00:53,600 First of all, I saw you, I heard what you said, [and] that perseverance and motivation and spirit, which one fortunately 7 00:00:54,600 --> 00:01:05,200 sees among young people, I felt this in you; and I [also] took advantage of what you said, that is, I was really benefitted by them; 8 00:01:05,730 --> 00:01:11,930 therefore, I reaped my own benefit from this meeting. Now, it is my turn to say a few words. 9 00:01:12,330 --> 00:01:18,400 I should not forget those people who are not present in this meeting in this year. 10 00:01:18,930 --> 00:01:27,930 A large group of brethren and sisters, dear ones, [and] elites should have naturally been present in this meeting, 11 00:01:28,260 --> 00:01:36,200 [but] this did not take place due to the situation and conditions. I also send my greetings to them as well. 12 00:01:37,000 --> 00:01:49,330 I always, when I am among the youth – especially the young elites – in the first place, I feel thankful [to God]; I thank the Almighty God. 13 00:01:49,800 --> 00:01:52,600 [As put by the Quran,] “And whatever you have of bounty - it is from Allah.” 14 00:01:53,200 --> 00:02:05,530 You are God’s bounties for us; [and] are considered as a divine gift for those who are concerned about the [Islamic] establishment. 15 00:02:06,130 --> 00:02:17,800 For us – those who have lived long – you young people are really a divine favor and a divine bounty; thank [God for that]. 16 00:02:18,200 --> 00:02:32,130 Secondly, [I feel] hope [when I see you]; the future of the country is important to us, [and] the perspective that is before our eyes is important to us. 17 00:02:32,330 --> 00:02:45,130 [Therefore,] when one sees you, he finds hope in that this future, will, God willing, be realized in the way that we hoped and aspired. 18 00:02:48,130 --> 00:02:58,400 Our country’s manpower – as explained by Mr. [Sourena] Sattari – is a unique manpower in the world. 19 00:02:58,800 --> 00:03:06,800 The gist and climax and the most prominent part [of the Iranian manpower] is the country’s elites; 20 00:03:08,400 --> 00:03:17,660 these [elites] can inspire any human being with a sense of commitment. 21 00:03:18,200 --> 00:03:25,330 When they move on the right path and their orientation is a good one, 22 00:03:25,730 --> 00:03:32,600 a sense of commitment comes to life in all those people who know and see them. 23 00:03:33,860 --> 00:03:44,930 Therefore, I am deeply and strongly a believer in elites; I mean, I have respect for you, elites. 24 00:03:46,260 --> 00:03:56,660 My hope and request is that the National Elites Foundation and Mr. Sattari [the president of the foundation] himself, who is in the administration and is a vice president, 25 00:03:57,060 --> 00:04:10,000 make an effort, so that, the country’s officials will believe in elites in the real sense of the word. One of my expectations is that [officials must] believe in elites. 26 00:04:10,460 --> 00:04:19,730 First of all, they [must] believe that we have elites; secondly, they [must] believe that this elite [class] is 27 00:04:20,400 --> 00:04:27,060 able to change the country’s fate in the way that would be acceptable and satisfactory and exhilarating for all. 28 00:04:27,460 --> 00:04:35,860 Some of our officials are overcome by negligence in this regard; they must be taken out of this negligence. 29 00:04:36,400 --> 00:04:44,130 Well, I say a few words about the issue of the [National] Elites Foundation and the issue of elites and the likes of these 30 00:04:44,400 --> 00:04:47,800 and will also say a few words about political issues at the end [of my remarks]. 31 00:04:48,460 --> 00:04:58,130 The first issue or the first point is that scientific progress makes the country powerful. 32 00:04:58,860 --> 00:05:12,400 Our dear presenter read out a hadith today, [which says] science is the sultan; the “sultan” here means might; [therefore,] science is [a source of] might [for any country]. 33 00:05:13,060 --> 00:05:24,130 Anybody who has it will have a powerful hand 34 00:05:24,930 --> 00:05:36,000 and anybody not having it will see a powerful hand [dominating] over him; that is, he will be subdued. This [is the real nature of] science. 35 00:05:36,800 --> 00:05:48,260 Today, you see this; because of the science that they have earned, Americans and Europeans have been able to conquer the entire world. 36 00:05:49,000 --> 00:05:58,730 You know that America, Britain, France and many [other] European countries – even small [European] countries – 37 00:05:59,060 --> 00:06:10,730 managed to conquer countries for many years, [and] in some cases for centuries, wreak havoc to them and devastate them; 38 00:06:11,060 --> 00:06:21,460 they managed to gain supremacy over nations and dominate them [and all this was] because of science; they sought science. We were negligent, [and] lagged behind the scientific progress 39 00:06:21,930 --> 00:06:30,200 despite that [exemplary] historical background [and] despite that brilliant talent! [However,] others moved ahead; we must make up for this [negligence]. 40 00:06:31,530 --> 00:06:41,600 Well, a group of western-minded people have launched a propaganda since a hundred years ago [claiming] that if you want your country to become developed 41 00:06:41,860 --> 00:06:47,600 and [if you want] Iran to move ahead, you must become subordinate to the West 42 00:06:48,330 --> 00:06:55,200 – [this is] Western-mindedness; the same concept of Western-mindedness, which late [Iranian writer, Jalal] Al-e Ahmad put forth and wrote [a book] about. 43 00:06:56,000 --> 00:07:05,260 This was a wrong idea. Now, with regard to some of those people who promoted this idea, [their intention] was treacherous, 44 00:07:05,260 --> 00:07:13,930 [but] in some cases it was not treacherous, [but] was out of ignorance. [Even] today, there are still people who follow suit with them – and one must say [are] their scum – 45 00:07:13,930 --> 00:07:22,660 [and] promote the same ideas that “we must progress as subordinate to the West.” No, [this is not true, because] for fifty years, the country 46 00:07:22,930 --> 00:07:39,260 lived as subordinate to the West during the Pahlavi era; for fifty years! For a while, in the middle of Reza Khan’s rule, [Iran] was subordinate to Germany, [and] then for a while [the country] was subordinate to America until the end [of the Pahlavi rule]. 47 00:07:39,660 --> 00:07:50,330 What progress did the country make? What the country did gain except for misery, except for backwardness, [and] except for the annihilation of the fundamental assets of the country? 48 00:07:50,660 --> 00:08:00,330 No, [progress] is not possible and cannot be achieved as subordinate to the West; that person who says that the country may progress as subordinate to the West 49 00:08:00,660 --> 00:08:06,000 is a traitor, if they know what they are saying; [and] it is also possible that they are [just] ignorant. 50 00:08:07,000 --> 00:08:15,200 So, what have we got to do? We must do away with dependence. 51 00:08:15,200 --> 00:08:23,660 Of course, dependence – has many forms – [and includes] political, economic, [and] cultural dependence; [however,] its basis is political dependence. First of all, 52 00:08:23,930 --> 00:08:34,200 [all kinds of] political dependencies pave the way for other forms [of dependence]. Well, political dependence will naturally cause the [foreign] culture 53 00:08:34,660 --> 00:08:44,600 to infiltrate, [and the foreign] economy to infiltrate [into the country] and lead to dependence in all sectors, even in the security sector; just as it was like this under the monarchial regime. 54 00:08:44,860 --> 00:08:51,200 [At that time,] we were dependent [on foreigners] in the security sector as well, we were, a priori, [dependent on them] in the economic sector, and it was the same in the cultural sector. 55 00:08:51,200 --> 00:08:55,130 Well, the political dependence was eliminated due to the blessing of the [Islamic] Revolution; 56 00:08:57,400 --> 00:09:05,200 [however, getting rid of] other forms of dependence is hard and difficult; it needs [much] effort. This is not something that I would say today, 57 00:09:05,200 --> 00:09:13,260 [because] when I was the president, I said this in the Friday Prayers sermon that our political dependence has been eliminated, 58 00:09:13,530 --> 00:09:21,530 [and] praise be to God, we have been saved [in that sector], [but we] are [still] dependent; we are dependent in economic terms, [and] are dependent in cultural terms; 59 00:09:21,930 --> 00:09:28,000 [therefore,] we must think on this issue. Dependence leads to misery. 60 00:09:28,400 --> 00:09:38,800 Let me tell you that when one looks at these [books of] memoirs, which have remained from the time of [former Iranian monarch,] Mohammad Reza Pahlavi – [and] I have read many of these books [of memoirs] – 61 00:09:39,730 --> 00:09:49,660 [he sees] that there have been cases when this tyrant Mohammad Reza Shah had been very angry with Americans. 62 00:09:50,530 --> 00:09:59,730 [In some cases,] he swears at them and uses profanity [against them]. Of course, [he did this] at a private room and [when he was alone] with his close aides! It was like that person who went on the roof [of his house] 63 00:10:00,330 --> 00:10:08,530 and swore at that police officer in a remote city; he [Iran’s shah] was also like this; he backbit [Americans] at a private room, 64 00:10:08,930 --> 00:10:16,060 but at the same time, if the British ambassador or the American ambassador sent a message, 65 00:10:16,400 --> 00:10:24,660 put a phone call to him, or issued an order, he was there with his arms crossed across his chest [as a sign of obedience] ready to carry out that order; he had no choice; he was forced [to be like this]. 66 00:10:24,930 --> 00:10:28,730 This is [the real face of] dependence [on foreigners]; [and] this must be done away with.ض 67 00:10:28,930 --> 00:10:37,860 Well, fortunately, from a political standpoint, dependence has been totally eradicated in our country, but a lot of effort must be made [to do this] 68 00:10:38,460 --> 00:10:46,730 in other sectors and one of the main elements [which show us] the way out [of any form of dependence] is this very scientific progress, 69 00:10:47,060 --> 00:10:55,400 which is being realized by the likes of you. Therefore, there must be no obstacle on the way of [the country’s] scientific and technological progress. 70 00:10:56,000 --> 00:11:07,130 State-run bodies, public organs, [and] activists in various cultural sectors and the likes of these, 71 00:11:07,600 --> 00:11:12,260 must not create any obstacle on the way of the scientific progress [of the country] 72 00:11:12,260 --> 00:11:19,860 and, praise be to God, there are huge potentialities, examples of which you observed in this meeting, 73 00:11:20,400 --> 00:11:31,660 and I come face to face with many of these examples at various stages. I am either informed [of these examples] or read reports on them or feel them in person; 74 00:11:31,930 --> 00:11:38,260 I know that the potential [for scientific progress] in extraordinarily high and we can move ahead. This is the first point. 75 00:11:38,600 --> 00:11:47,400 The second point is about the condition of the [National] Elites Foundation and the Vice Presidency for Science [and Technology]. Praise be to God, [the foundation] has greatly advanced and has improved. 76 00:11:47,730 --> 00:11:56,130 Many things have come about in these few [past] years, which have made conditions of the Vice Presidency for Science [and Technology] and the [National] Elites Foundation better. 77 00:11:56,800 --> 00:12:09,330 Knowledge-based companies have grown exponentially. It was in the [Iranian calendar] year [13]93 (2014-15), when I talked emphatically in this very meeting about knowledge-based companies. 78 00:12:09,660 --> 00:12:18,530 Fortunately, at the present time, knowledge-based companies have undergone a good growth spurt, [and] good investment has been made [in them]. 79 00:12:18,730 --> 00:12:29,200 Scientific boards [and] scientific cells – and again this was one of those things on which I emphasized – have, praise be to God, come into being in universities. 80 00:12:29,800 --> 00:12:41,460 Intellectual orientations toward raising elites have been rectified. Many of these points, which you, friends, mentioned here, 81 00:12:41,730 --> 00:12:46,860 are taken note of by officials of the [National] Elites Foundation and the Vice Presidency for Science [and Technology], which they have discussed with me 82 00:12:47,330 --> 00:13:00,930 and, in fact, a rectified and complete method and manner and route is going to be brought about and followed up on. 83 00:13:00,930 --> 00:13:07,930 These [realities] exist, but at the same time, I am not satisfied; not that I am not satisfied, 84 00:13:08,930 --> 00:13:14,930 [but I mean that] we cannot suffice [to this]. We have still a long way [to go], [and] we are very far from the desirable point. 85 00:13:15,730 --> 00:13:26,200 This is the same thing on which I emphasize both [in my talks] with Mr. Sattari himself, and with officials who are [concerned with this issues], and also with you dear elites. 86 00:13:26,530 --> 00:13:39,860 In the area of scientific progress, we must not be content with sporadic activities in that given university or that given research institute or the likes of these; 87 00:13:40,400 --> 00:13:49,660 a trend must be built [in this regard], [and] a [clear] procedure must be created; a current must come into being in the country with regard to [promoting] science and scientific progress; 88 00:13:50,460 --> 00:13:58,600 [this issue] must turn into a current, [and] turn into a procedure, which cannot be stopped. It must not be like that if this given administration 89 00:13:59,000 --> 00:14:06,600 came [to office] and had a special taste, it could have an [unwanted] impact on the country’s scientific progress 90 00:14:06,930 --> 00:14:13,600 and, for example, cause a weakness, or if that given state official came [to office] and had a different opinion, likewise [he would be able to change this course]. 91 00:14:14,260 --> 00:14:25,730 [Different] managerial tastes and approaches and methods should not affect the country’s scientific progress; [and] this [goal] would be [only] achieved when a procedure is created. 92 00:14:26,330 --> 00:14:38,730 As for knowledge-based companies, regulations governing these companies must not be downgraded. Take care that regulations in knowledge-based companies be high regulations [in terms of quality]. 93 00:14:39,200 --> 00:14:48,600 It should not be like that we only increase figures. The budget allocated to science and technology must not be reduced, [but on the opposite] must increase. 94 00:14:48,930 --> 00:14:57,930 Of course, friends told me that this innovation fund is facing a problem; God willing, I will give [necessary] recommendations [to concerned officials] and emphasize that this problem 95 00:14:58,130 --> 00:15:03,000 must be solved. Of course, financial resources must be managed in a correct way. 96 00:15:03,800 --> 00:15:09,400 Another point is about scientific papers. 97 00:15:09,860 --> 00:15:18,200 Fortunately, in quantitative terms, we have a high number of papers, but this is not enough and I must even say that this 98 00:15:18,600 --> 00:15:26,800 is not of high importance either. The important point is the quality of [scientific] papers. As I have heard and has been reported to me, 99 00:15:27,060 --> 00:15:38,330 in terms of quality, we are not doing good with regard to papers; [therefore,] we must increase the quality [of such papers], [and at the same time,] qualitative indexes must grow 100 00:15:38,800 --> 00:15:48,460 and instead of [merely] increasing the number of papers, the relationship between [these scientific] papers and the country’s problems must receive attention, 101 00:15:48,660 --> 00:15:56,530 and of course, this was also expressed in the remarks made by some of our dear students [in this meeting]. They have told me themselves and this is also my opinion 102 00:15:56,930 --> 00:16:02,930 that scientific and research papers must serve the country’s needs 103 00:16:03,260 --> 00:16:11,800 and these needs must be explained to elites as well, [because] many elites may not be aware of the country’s needs as they exist. 104 00:16:12,800 --> 00:16:21,600 Another point in this regard is about which I have already notified to Mr. Sattari is that the Vice Presidency for Science [and Technology] 105 00:16:21,930 --> 00:16:30,530 and the [National Elites] Foundation must pay attention to centralized work;I mean that, in fact, they must work as a headquarters 106 00:16:30,860 --> 00:16:36,800 and take advantage of all different organs in the country, which can play a role in the field of science and technology. 107 00:16:37,000 --> 00:16:51,800 [They must] both take advantage of the two ministries that are related to higher education, and of the [Islamic] Azad University, and of ministries, which are related to industry and related to oil [sector], 108 00:16:52,260 --> 00:16:58,660 [because] these [ministries and organs] have abundant facilities, and these facilities can be put at the service of the progress of science and technology, 109 00:16:59,060 --> 00:17:09,260 and the Vice Presidency for Science [and Technology] can do this by relying on its managerial status. By the way, the elites must be urged to work; 110 00:17:10,060 --> 00:17:20,260 an elite person must feel that his presence is beneficial; I mean that he must have the feeling of being beneficial. This is that thing, which makes an elite content, makes him happy, 111 00:17:20,600 --> 00:17:25,800 makes him steadfast, [and] keeps him in the country. [An elite person must] understand that he is useful [and] is beneficial to his country. 112 00:17:26,060 --> 00:17:32,200 They must be asked to work [hard], and in my opinion, this [goal] can be achieved through this very centralized work. 113 00:17:32,530 --> 00:17:45,000 Another point is that we must do something about the country’s industry, and now, from discussions that these friends did here, I found out that a large part [of the country’s problems] 114 00:17:46,200 --> 00:17:56,330 is related to this problem. The country’s industry is plagued with the plight of assembly [of foreign products], which is an age-old plight. 115 00:17:56,730 --> 00:18:02,060 When the issue is the issue of assembly, innovation does not seem very meaningful anymore; 116 00:18:02,930 --> 00:18:09,530 when there is no innovation, then there is no scientific activity and scientific work anymore; 117 00:18:10,600 --> 00:18:17,200 [and] when there is no scientific work on agenda, the relationship between industry and university, on which I have been putting so much stress, will not be realized. 118 00:18:17,460 --> 00:18:23,800 If industry and university get connected, both university and industry will progress; this is quite clear. 119 00:18:24,260 --> 00:18:32,460 Of course, I have raised this issue of [the need to establish a] relationship between industry and university with [various] administrations since a long time ago, 120 00:18:32,860 --> 00:18:38,060 [as a result of] which, this Vice Presidency for Science [and Technology] was established due to my pressures and insistence, 121 00:18:39,060 --> 00:18:46,860 in order for the relationship between industry and university to be realized. However, the relationship between industry and university 122 00:18:47,200 --> 00:18:53,660 would be realized in the real sense of the word only when the industry feels that it needs university; 123 00:18:54,060 --> 00:19:01,000 when [industry is based on] assembly [of foreign products], such a feeling of need does not exist. Industry must be reminded of [this necessity]; 124 00:19:01,800 --> 00:19:08,460 just in the same way that one of our good friends, who talked [here], noted that industries must be required [to establish this relationship]. Well, requiring the industries is one issue, 125 00:19:09,000 --> 00:19:14,860 [while] the feeling of need by the country’s industry is another issue; this feeling of need must be developed. 126 00:19:15,200 --> 00:19:19,330 This [goal] would [only] be achieved when this old problem is solved. 127 00:19:19,660 --> 00:19:28,000 Over a time interval of, for example, ten years – [because] we do not want to be too hasty on this – 128 00:19:28,200 --> 00:19:42,600 this issue of “turning our view from assembly to innovation” must be established in [domestic] industry and this [viewpoint] must become dominant in the country over a time interval of ten years. 129 00:19:44,060 --> 00:19:55,600 The next point is about the issue of elites and the [National] Elites Foundation and the likes of these, [according to] which cultural activities must be considered as important within the foundation; 130 00:19:56,400 --> 00:20:08,930 this is a very important issue. We must pay attention that technology brings with it a [foreign] culture [into the country]; 131 00:20:09,800 --> 00:20:18,530 technology carries culture; this [issue] cannot be ignored. When we take a technology from others, 132 00:20:18,530 --> 00:20:25,200 in fact, we have imported their culture as well. It is true that we seek technological independence 133 00:20:25,200 --> 00:20:32,130 – there is no doubt about this and this must be realized – but at the end of the day, this [issue] is like [the case of] connected vessels; 134 00:20:32,660 --> 00:20:40,730 there is give and take in all fields. Therefore, [necessary] importance must be attached to the issue of culture. 135 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:54,930 We need to attach significance to the issue of culture and do correct and smart cultural work in the [National] Elites Foundation and the Vice Presidency for Science [and Technology]. 136 00:20:56,400 --> 00:21:06,330 Another point, which is the last point in this regard, is that dear elites, they themselves must take care of themselves; 137 00:21:07,930 --> 00:21:14,800 [therefore, try to] take care of yourselves. One of these dear ones pointed out that a war is going on and 138 00:21:15,400 --> 00:21:22,330 in war, we have martyrs and we have those who are injured. He is right; there is a war [going on]. 139 00:21:25,330 --> 00:21:33,660 More dangerous than physical assassination is brain and intellectual assassination. 140 00:21:34,860 --> 00:21:44,330 Sometimes they assassinated and martyred our scientists – you witnessed this after all – but worse than that 141 00:21:45,060 --> 00:21:53,260 and more bitter is when they take our scientists as captive; our scientists must not be taken into captivity. 142 00:21:54,730 --> 00:22:01,600 [Ensuring that] this [will not happen] is first of all a duty for an elite and the elite himself must take care of himself. 143 00:22:01,860 --> 00:22:07,330 This is what the concept of piety means, which has been repeated so many times from the beginning of the Quran to the end of the Quran 144 00:22:07,530 --> 00:22:21,530 – [the concept that the Quran is] “the guidance for those who are pious,” comes at the beginning of the Quran and has been repeated time and again up to the end of the Quran. 145 00:22:22,200 --> 00:22:38,400 Piety means taking care of oneself, [and] protecting oneself [against any harm]. It is like this in all fields; [therefore,] this [goal] must be pursued. 146 00:22:38,730 --> 00:22:46,060 Now, [it is time to talk] about politics, which I mentioned [at the beginning of my remarks], [and] I want to say a few words about politics. 147 00:22:46,860 --> 00:22:56,060 As said before, political dependence is a dangerous thing. Political dependence makes one submissive [to foreigners]. 148 00:22:56,660 --> 00:23:09,200 [The concept of] “being under domination,” which has been mentioned [in Islam] about science, becomes more serious when it comes to political dependence; 149 00:23:09,530 --> 00:23:16,130 “being under domination” means that one will really become submissive. When a nation is politically dependent, 150 00:23:17,060 --> 00:23:27,260 it will have to concede to its submissiveness; [and in this way] it will become submissive. 151 00:23:27,730 --> 00:23:39,260 Well, I said that scientific progress is against this dependence. Now, I want to say that our enemy is extremely angry with our might, with our movement, 152 00:23:39,600 --> 00:23:47,930 [and] with this very motivation that you have for scientific progress and advancement of the country; the enemy is angry. 153 00:23:48,600 --> 00:23:57,060 [Therefore,] in any way that it can, from afar and up-close, the enemy has been painstakingly monitoring the situation in the country 154 00:23:57,600 --> 00:24:07,600 and is greatly concerned about the increasing might of the country. It is very clear for all international observers 155 00:24:08,200 --> 00:24:13,330 that the present-day Iran is poles apart [and very different] from Iran as it was forty years ago. 156 00:24:13,660 --> 00:24:24,930 We were a low-grade and undeveloped country and nation and were condemned to [obey] orders of this and that [foreign power]; [however,] today, [we are] an effective, influential country 157 00:24:25,660 --> 00:24:35,860 and are moving on the road to [increased] might – both scientific might [and] political might – and are still moving [along that road]; 158 00:24:36,600 --> 00:24:41,930 this is quite evident. The enemy is upset and angry about this. 159 00:24:43,000 --> 00:24:56,060 Of course, the main enemy, that is, that enemy, which is more persistent in the arena against Iran and Iranians, is the regime of America; 160 00:24:56,260 --> 00:25:09,130 the people of America are not an issue here. The reason is the same that was mentioned earlier; for many long years, these [Americans] owned this country 161 00:25:10,130 --> 00:25:19,730 and everything in this country was under their control, [but] the Islamic Revolution and the establishment of the Islamic Republic took it from them; 162 00:25:20,000 --> 00:25:31,460 therefore, they have been angry since day one and were upset and imposed sanctions [on Iran] and hatched plots and used harsh rhetoric. 163 00:25:31,730 --> 00:25:40,660 This issue is not particular to the present time [either], [because] they started [taking] these measures since the first day [following victory of the Islamic Revolution]. At that time, neither the nuclear energy was a problem, 164 00:25:40,660 --> 00:25:48,330 nor the missile [program of Iran] was a problem, nor the issue of [Iran's] influence in the West Asia region – [or] Middle East as they call it – was a problem. Such things did not exist [at that time], 165 00:25:48,860 --> 00:25:52,000 but they started a fight [against Iran] due to this very issue [of having lost their dominance on the country]; 166 00:25:52,530 --> 00:26:02,400 it is [quite] clear. Well, we managed to repel the US domination; that is, [we managed] to totally curtail America’s domination over this country; 167 00:26:02,400 --> 00:26:09,660 political domination, security domination, [and] economic domination; we cut the hands of America [from Iran]. 168 00:26:10,400 --> 00:26:18,730 In addition, we have grown in power in spite of America’s animosity; this is very important! 169 00:26:19,200 --> 00:26:32,530 This is a very important thing in the world that nations would see that it is possible for a nation to grow and move without being under the influence of [world] powers, 170 00:26:33,660 --> 00:26:41,330 [and] can even grow and move and stands on its own feet and progress despite animosity of [those] powers; 171 00:26:41,800 --> 00:26:52,600 we have shown this in practice, [and] this [is another issue, which] also makes them angry. The Iranian nation turned into a role model for [other] countries and nations 172 00:26:53,530 --> 00:27:07,330 by showing that it is possible to stand against superpowers and not be afraid of them and, at the same time, march forward. 173 00:27:08,000 --> 00:27:15,860 You know that these military advances and this very missile [program] and these things, about which they are now so angry, 174 00:27:16,260 --> 00:27:25,930 all of these took place in the sanctions period; I mean, we were under sanctions; complete sanctions. 175 00:27:26,730 --> 00:27:35,060 And anything that has happened, [it] has happened in this period [of sanctions]; this is what makes them surprised and makes them upset. 176 00:27:35,460 --> 00:27:44,930 They gave me a report a few years ago [according to] which an Israeli and Zionist general, belonging to this very Zionist regime, 177 00:27:45,330 --> 00:27:55,130 had written an article [about this]. At that time, we had just tested a missile; one of the missiles, which were tested a few years ago. 178 00:27:55,730 --> 00:28:02,860 Well, this person was an expert [and] he understood [importance of that test]. They see [our tests] through satellite [imagery] and the likes of these [and] understand [and] can correctly assess [what we do]. 179 00:28:03,060 --> 00:28:10,930 [The Zionist general had written that] ‘I am really surprised, [and] I am amazed that Iran has been able to pull off this job. 180 00:28:11,330 --> 00:28:20,200 I am an enemy of Iran, but admire Iran, which has been able to pull off this job despite these heavy sanctions, which are imposed on it, 181 00:28:20,530 --> 00:28:25,600 [and it is surprising that] it has been able to do such a thing’; this was the general theme of what he said. Well, the enemies are seeing this. 182 00:28:26,530 --> 00:28:40,930 [and it is surprising that] it has been able to do such a thing’; this was the general theme of what he said. Well, the enemies are seeing this. 183 00:28:41,660 --> 00:28:50,660 Well, they said [what they wanted] and the country’s officials answered, [and] they answered well, [and] answered correctly. 184 00:28:51,000 --> 00:29:01,200 [Therefore,] I do not want [to answer him]; I mean, this is, in fact, a waste of time that one would want to talk about his remarks! 185 00:29:03,530 --> 00:29:13,800 However, I want to tell you and all those who will hear this: know the enemies, know the enemies. 186 00:29:14,600 --> 00:29:21,130 One of those risks, which threaten every nation, is that it would not know its enemies, 187 00:29:22,000 --> 00:29:30,000 [and] does not consider its enemy as enemy; either consider it as a friend or impartial; this is a very big risk. 188 00:29:31,260 --> 00:29:43,060 This is slumber [of nations]. [Therefore, you try to] both know the enemy and know his hostile methods; see how he exercises his animosity. 189 00:29:45,400 --> 00:30:00,330 We must not be overcome with negligence; if we become negligent, we will be plundered; if we become negligent, we will be taken by surprise; [therefore, try] not to be negligent. 190 00:30:00,860 --> 00:30:04,860 [The first Shia Imam, Hadhrat Ali] Amir al-Mo'menin (PBUH) says – this is in Nahj-ul-Balagha – 191 00:30:04,860 --> 00:30:10,460 that “by God, I am not like that hyena that is put to sleep by the sound of stones and stakes pounding around it;” 192 00:30:11,130 --> 00:30:22,460 [he says] ‘I will not be like that animal, which usually when they want to put it to sleep, they sing a song and he goes to sleep; 193 00:30:22,800 --> 00:30:28,400 I will not go to sleep, I am awake, and I know what is going on around me’. 194 00:30:28,860 --> 00:30:40,730 This is what we have been urged to do. We must not fall asleep, [and] must not become negligent. 195 00:30:41,800 --> 00:30:52,130 Of course, let me tell you this; our enemy is afflicted with mental retardation; 196 00:30:52,460 --> 00:30:57,600 well, I will explain [this] a little more. Not only this guy, their boss, 197 00:30:58,130 --> 00:31:05,460 [but also] their [entire] ruling system is really afflicted with some sort of mental retardation. They want to take the young, 198 00:31:05,860 --> 00:31:13,000 faithful, revolutionary, active [and] advanced Iran back in time to [for example] fifty years ago; 199 00:31:14,000 --> 00:31:23,730 well, this is naturally not possible; it is clear that this cannot be done! I mean, in their imagination, they want 200 00:31:24,060 --> 00:31:30,800 to create for this country the same conditions, which these [Americans] had created for this nation fifty years ago; well, is this not [the sign of] mental retardation? 201 00:31:34,060 --> 00:31:42,330 They think like [they did] fifty years ago, [because] they cannot understand what has happened here. 202 00:31:44,000 --> 00:31:53,930 Important developments have taken place in this region. Of course, the most important [of regional developments] is the Islamic Revolution and the creation of the Islamic Republic establishment, 203 00:31:54,600 --> 00:32:00,800 but well, other important developments have also taken place around us; [but] these [Americans] cannot understand this correctly. 204 00:32:01,200 --> 00:32:11,460 Since they cannot understand [regional developments], they are doomed to fail. There is no doubt that wrong calculations will cause them to fail; 205 00:32:12,460 --> 00:32:18,260 their calculations in Iraq were wrong, [and this is why] they were defeated [there]; their calculations in Syria were wrong, [and this is why] they were defeated [there]; 206 00:32:20,600 --> 00:32:27,600 in the region [which is situated] east of us, likewise – now I don’t want to mention all details – 207 00:32:27,930 --> 00:32:33,130 [but] their calculations were [also] wrong [in that region], [and this is why] they were defeated [there]; [it has been like this] up to the present day. The same [is true] about our won country as well; 208 00:32:34,600 --> 00:32:41,200 [I mean,] for forty years, they have been showing hostility toward us, [but] they have been punched in the mouth, [and] have been defeated; why? 209 00:32:42,260 --> 00:32:50,000 Because their calculations are wrong, [and] because their understanding of the reality is erroneous; they lack a correct understanding [of regional realities]. 210 00:32:52,000 --> 00:33:03,260 Well, America – I mean the [political] system of America, [and] the political regime of America – is, of course, a very wicked and bad thing; 211 00:33:03,600 --> 00:33:12,460 it is like what late Imam [Khomeini] said [that the United States] is the Great Satan; it is indeed the Great Satan. 212 00:33:12,930 --> 00:33:23,260 The root cause of insecurity in the region is America; these cases of insecurity, which you observe, their root cause is America. America is the agent of the global Zionism. 213 00:33:25,530 --> 00:33:36,000 There is a dangerous [and] evil network in the world known as the international Zionism; America is their agent. 214 00:33:37,330 --> 00:33:49,260 America is the enemy of independent nations; America is behind most cases of wickedness and warmongering and massacres 215 00:33:49,530 --> 00:34:04,660 [both] in our region and in many other parts of the world. America [is] like a leech, [which] intends to suck up everything that nations have and the life of nations; 216 00:34:05,130 --> 00:34:10,600 this is [the true face of] America; [and] this is [the true face] of the political system of America at the present time. 217 00:34:11,800 --> 00:34:21,260 Now, whether those people who created this political system knew that it would end up like this or not, it is a different issue, 218 00:34:21,530 --> 00:34:31,460 but America today is like this; during these recent years, this has been the condition of the administration and government of America. 219 00:34:31,730 --> 00:34:44,460 America is the main complicit of Zionists in crimes that they have committed; both in Palestine, and in Lebanon, and in Syria, and in other parts of the world. 220 00:34:45,600 --> 00:34:56,600 America is the creator of Daesh and this active [and] armed Takfiri current; 221 00:34:56,930 --> 00:35:04,930 this was clearly admitted by this very person [who is now the US president] during his election campaign. 222 00:35:05,260 --> 00:35:13,600 One of his objections to Democrats was that ‘you have created Daesh!’ He owned up to it himself! 223 00:35:15,860 --> 00:35:23,660 Well, now you expect that force, which has been able to block [the progress of] Daesh not be subject of their wrath? 224 00:35:24,200 --> 00:35:34,530 They created Daesh for a purpose. Now, you see that they make speeches, [and] shout out against the IRGC [Islamic Revolution Guards Corps], 225 00:35:34,530 --> 00:35:39,330 which has been able to block Daesh; well, this is a natural thing [for them] to do after all. 226 00:35:39,800 --> 00:35:44,660 When you know the opposite side, [this] appears quite natural to you. 227 00:35:45,930 --> 00:35:55,260 Well, therefore, they are angry with us. [If you want to know] the reasons behind their anger, as I said before, one [reason] is that their hands have been cut [from Iran]. 228 00:35:55,460 --> 00:36:05,200 And at the present time, [their anger is] because the Islamic Republic has been able to undo America’s plans in the Middle East; 229 00:36:05,460 --> 00:36:13,260 I mean, in this West Asia region, for which they had many plans schemes. 230 00:36:13,600 --> 00:36:21,460 The Islamic Republic has been able to thwart their schemes in Lebanon, their schemes in Syria, [and] their schemes in Iraq. 231 00:36:22,400 --> 00:36:31,400 With regard to the defeat of Zionists at the hands of the Lebanese Hezbollah [movement], well these [Americans] were behind that case, 232 00:36:31,660 --> 00:36:39,000 [and] it was then that the foreign minister of America said that the Middle East was going through labor pains; 233 00:36:39,000 --> 00:36:44,330 they thought that something big was taking place. 234 00:36:45,000 --> 00:36:56,800 Well, now let me give a few recommendations to political and press and cultural activists as well as the country’s officials with respect to these 235 00:36:57,530 --> 00:37:04,330 recent issues and these measures that they took. First of all, nobody must have any doubt that this time around, 236 00:37:05,530 --> 00:37:11,060 Americans will be once again punched in the mouth and will be defeated by the revolutionary nation of Iran; 237 00:37:33,730 --> 00:37:46,400 rest assured that this will [certainly] take place, just in the same way that it has been like this in all cases [that have taken place] during these past few decades, 238 00:37:46,800 --> 00:37:51,130 when they have faced off with the Islamic Republic and have been defeated. This is one point. 239 00:37:51,800 --> 00:38:00,460 Secondly, the president of America is demonstrating imbecility, but this must not cause 240 00:38:00,800 --> 00:38:09,860 us to ignore the enemy’s deception and trickery and conspiracy. The enemy must never be underestimated. 241 00:38:10,660 --> 00:38:20,000 [It is no problem] if we say that someone is, for example, imbecile, [and] is a fool – [just as they usually] say; [and it is] among these things that are said and may also be correct 242 00:38:20,000 --> 00:38:28,860 – but at the same time, this issue must not cause us to ignore the enemy’s ploy. [On the opposite,] everybody must be present in the arena with foresight; 243 00:38:29,460 --> 00:38:39,660 [and] everybody must be present in the arena with awareness, with vigilance, [and] with complete preparedness. There will be no military war, 244 00:38:40,400 --> 00:38:45,730 but there are things whose importance is no less than a military war. 245 00:38:46,200 --> 00:38:51,800 We must be careful [and] see what the enemy is doing and what it wants to do; we must [be able to] predict [the enemy’s moves]. 246 00:38:52,600 --> 00:39:00,130 The third point is that the enemy is opposed to the might of the Islamic Republic. 247 00:39:00,530 --> 00:39:08,460 The enemy is opposed to anything that is an element and source of power in the Islamic Republic. 248 00:39:08,460 --> 00:39:15,930 In spite of the enemy, we must try to boost the elements of power in the Islamic Republic. 249 00:39:17,530 --> 00:39:29,200 One [of these elements] is the science, which you are dealing with; this is really an arena for struggle, [because science] is the source of the country’s power. 250 00:39:31,400 --> 00:39:37,060 Another [element] is the defense power; this very issue of [Iran’s] missiles and these remarks, which they [make when they] clamor [against Iran, are examples in this regard]. 251 00:39:37,460 --> 00:39:47,660 This defense power must be increased day by day, and of course, it is being increased, [and] will continue to increase on a daily basis despite their dismay. 252 00:39:50,730 --> 00:39:59,730 The third [element] is the economic power; we must pay attention to economic power. 253 00:39:59,730 --> 00:40:05,530 Economic power cannot be obtained by being dependent on this or that [country]. 254 00:40:05,930 --> 00:40:18,400 Since old times, not just now, I have frequently said that I agree with all kinds of investment by foreigners in the country, [and] I have no objection to it; 255 00:40:18,730 --> 00:40:26,930 it is no problem [whether] it is Western or European [investment]; however, the country’s economy must not 256 00:40:27,200 --> 00:40:35,330 rely on a pillar, which may become shaky, for example, with one bawl of somebody like Trump; 257 00:40:35,600 --> 00:40:46,460 it must not be like this. That reliable pillar for the country’s economy must be related to [resources that we have] within the country and inside the country; 258 00:40:46,460 --> 00:40:54,730 our economy must be endogenous; I mean, the same Economy of Resistance, whose policies have been declared and must be followed up on. 259 00:40:55,130 --> 00:41:00,400 Therefore, this is also a point that all factors and elements of power must be bolstered from within [the country]; the defense power, the power of [getting engaged in] regional bargaining and the likes of these. 260 00:41:01,060 --> 00:41:12,530 Fourthly, no attention must be paid to the enemy’s suggestions. It suggests certain things. [For example,] in the case of the JCPOA 261 00:41:13,060 --> 00:41:21,260 It created the impresstion that if we reached an agreement, hostilities [against Iran] would cease, [but] if we did not reach an agreement, they would continue to be hostile to us. 262 00:41:21,260 --> 00:41:26,260 Well, we reached the agreement, [however,] the hostilities were not eliminated, but were [even] intensified. 263 00:41:27,060 --> 00:41:35,930 It was an impression created by the enemy that if we did not reach an agreement or dawdled, such and such would happen. 264 00:41:36,860 --> 00:41:45,060 [We must take care that] today, they would not come up with another allegation that if we do not reach an agreement with regard to that given case – for example, 265 00:41:45,530 --> 00:41:54,530 if we do not reach an agreement in the case of the country’s presence in that given region – such and such may happen [to us].No, these are the enemy’s suggestions. 266 00:41:55,400 --> 00:42:10,930 We must evaluate our expediency by ourselves, find it by ourselves, understand what is expedient on our own; [and] do not listen to the enemy. 267 00:42:11,330 --> 00:42:18,800 Fifthly, [the fact that] I put so much emphasis on [bolstering the country’s] defense power comes from our experience; we have experienced [this]. 268 00:42:18,800 --> 00:42:27,000 There was a time that this country – this very [city of] Tehran, [in which] now, praise be to God, you move around with ease of mind and with security 269 00:42:27,330 --> 00:42:37,930 – was under [the fire of] Saddam’s missiles; many of you, perhaps, were not born at that time. 270 00:42:39,530 --> 00:42:50,530 We had no means to defend ourselves, [while] everybody helped Saddam. America helped Saddam with these very missiles and with defense tools 271 00:42:51,060 --> 00:42:57,660 and even with maps of the war theater; its satellites and others helped [Saddam in his war against Iran]. 272 00:42:58,330 --> 00:43:06,000 France [also] helped [Saddam]; France also gave both missiles and aircraft [to Saddam]. Germany helped [Saddam as well]; 273 00:43:06,000 --> 00:43:13,860 it gave chemical substances [to Saddam]. You know that the army of Saddam used chemical weapons in many instances. 274 00:43:14,330 --> 00:43:20,860 [Just see] how many chemically-injured war veterans we have, [and] how many of them have already died! The material [for making chemical weapons] was given to these [Iraqi forces] by Germany. 275 00:43:21,800 --> 00:43:28,600 Germany provided them with chemical substances, so that, they would make chemical bombs. 276 00:43:28,930 --> 00:43:37,060 Sometimes, it might have even given chemical bombs to them. They all helped [Saddam], [while] we were empty-handed, [and] had no means [of defense]. 277 00:43:37,060 --> 00:43:43,530 [Therefore,] we started to think that well, we must produce some means of defense. We started [to do this]; in fact, we started from scratch. 278 00:43:43,860 --> 00:43:49,730 If I tell you and depict for you – now, unfortunately, there is not [enough] time – what was the first thing, 279 00:43:50,060 --> 00:43:59,200 which we could launch, whose range was about twenty kilometers, it may make you laugh! 280 00:43:59,860 --> 00:44:09,930 They had made [something] like a downpipe, [by the means of] which we could, for example assume, launch an RPG rocket 281 00:44:10,200 --> 00:44:18,730 in some way using this downpipe, which for example, could fly about fifteen kilometers or twenty kilometers; [our missile program] started like this. 282 00:44:19,130 --> 00:44:28,130 Then we managed to boost our capabilities. When our capabilities increased and the enemy saw that we could retaliate in kind, 283 00:44:28,130 --> 00:44:30,800 it stopped [firing missiles at us]; this is our experience. 284 00:44:31,460 --> 00:44:36,530 If we do not boost our defense power, 285 00:44:37,000 --> 00:44:44,130 our enemies will be emboldened, will become rude, 286 00:44:44,800 --> 00:44:55,930 [and] will be encouraged to attack us. [Therefore,] our defense power must be such that the enemy would not be encouraged to take any steps [against us] and do anything wrong. 287 00:44:56,200 --> 00:45:11,460 Sixthly, well, European governments have put emphasis on the issue of the JCPOA. 288 00:45:11,730 --> 00:45:20,930 He [Trump] had said that ‘I will tear up [the JCPOA], [and] will do such and such’ – he had made some nonsensical comment – [and] these [European governments] condemned him, [and] said no, you must not tear up [the JCPOA] and [things] like this. 289 00:45:20,930 --> 00:45:28,130 Very well, this is good; I mean, we welcome this degree [of support from Europe] and it [is] good, but this is not enough 290 00:45:28,660 --> 00:45:35,800 that they [simply] tell him that ‘you do not tear up the JCPOA’. Well, the JCPOA is to their benefit; 291 00:45:35,800 --> 00:45:41,460 it is both to their benefit and to America’s benefit; [therefore,] it is natural for them not to want [the JCPOA] to be torn up. 292 00:45:42,130 --> 00:45:48,260 Of course, we have also said that as long as the other side does not tear it up, we will not tear it up, 293 00:45:48,460 --> 00:45:52,800 but if it tore up [the JCPOA], we would tear it to shreds! Now, I had previously said something else. 294 00:45:53,200 --> 00:45:56,600 Well, therefore, this amount [of support from Europe] is good, but it is not enough. 295 00:45:56,860 --> 00:46:04,600 First of all, European [countries] must stand up to America’s practical measures. 296 00:46:05,130 --> 00:46:13,600 In the event that he does not tear up [the JCPOA], but violates it – for example, through these sanctions or these measures, which now they expect 297 00:46:13,860 --> 00:46:22,800 to come out of their Congress – Europeans must stand up to him; [I mean,] France [and] Germany. Now, we do not expect much from Britain! 298 00:46:23,260 --> 00:46:27,600 They must stand [against Trump]; it would not be sufficient for them to [simply] say that we are opposed [to Trump’s measures]. 299 00:46:27,600 --> 00:46:37,600 Secondly, they must avoid interfering in our fundamental issues, like [Iran’s] defense prowess and the likes of this; they must not repeat America’s claims [against Iran]. 300 00:46:38,460 --> 00:46:45,200 It is meaningless for the European governments to say the same thing that he is saying about why Iran is present in the region 301 00:46:45,200 --> 00:46:51,800 – well, [we continue to be present] in spite of you. Why [Iran] should not be present? 302 00:46:52,660 --> 00:47:00,060 Or [when] he objects [to us and says] why you have a missile [with a range of] two thousand kilometers or for example assume, three thousand kilometers, 303 00:47:00,930 --> 00:47:06,260 they would say the same thing. What it has to do with you? 304 00:47:06,860 --> 00:47:12,460 Why you [yourselves] have missile? Why you have atomic missile? Why you have atomic weapon? 305 00:47:13,600 --> 00:47:24,530 If they want to interfere in and talk about the defense power of the Islamic Republic, no, we will not absolutely take this from Europeans; 306 00:47:25,260 --> 00:47:37,600 and they must not accompany America in his bullying and in the wrong claim that it makes; this was the sixth point. 307 00:47:37,600 --> 00:47:44,600 Seventhly, economic officials must take the Economy of Resistance seriously. 308 00:47:45,260 --> 00:47:53,660 Domestic production, prohibition of imports, [and] preventing smuggling; these are among top [economic] priorities. This year, is the year of [boosting] employment. 309 00:47:54,260 --> 00:48:03,400 At the present time, we are actually in the second half of the [Iranian calendar] month of Mehr; I mean, more than half of the year has already passed. 310 00:48:03,930 --> 00:48:12,530 With respect to employment and with regard to domestic production and national production, activities [of concerned sectors] must increase; 311 00:48:12,530 --> 00:48:16,400 [such activities] must be doubled, [and] any lags must be made up for. 312 00:48:17,130 --> 00:48:25,330 For a while, we were busy with elections and election remarks and so forth, [and] some time has passed [in this way]; [officials] must make up [for this lapsed time], 313 00:48:25,730 --> 00:48:28,400 so that, we will be able to get somewhere in this regard. 314 00:48:29,530 --> 00:48:39,200 I said that we welcome foreign investment, but do not pin our hope on what foreign investor does, because he is not reliable. 315 00:48:39,200 --> 00:48:44,800 A foreign investor comes [into the country] today, [but] causes problem for us tomorrow because of an incident. 316 00:48:44,800 --> 00:48:48,930 Foreign investors [are free to] come [to Iran and] make investment, but 317 00:48:49,260 --> 00:48:55,800 the country’s economy must rely on domestic issues. Domestic potentialities are not few, [but] are numerous 318 00:48:56,400 --> 00:49:08,130 and the first steps, which must be taken, are clear and good steps and Mr. Sattari pointed them out. 319 00:49:08,130 --> 00:49:19,200 This logic is also a correct logic that our economy is an oil-based economy, [and] is an economy based on [natural] resources – that is, [an economy in which our] assets are simply sold and [its money is] spent; 320 00:49:19,660 --> 00:49:27,260 because it is [just an] asset after all – [and] this [condition] must change. [Our] economy must be based on added value. 321 00:49:27,730 --> 00:49:34,930 Even the precious stones that we have – [including] precious construction stones, which exist in our country – 322 00:49:34,930 --> 00:49:42,330 many of them are like this [and] are exported abroad without being processed, and this is a very strange thing 323 00:49:42,730 --> 00:49:51,660 and some of our ministers have really failed in these fields. Well, this few points are about political issues. 324 00:49:52,130 --> 00:49:59,660 The last point is addressed at you dear youths, which I have written down here. Young people, [try to] take advantage of [any] opportunity. 325 00:50:00,460 --> 00:50:05,400 At the present time, there is an opportunity for you to be able to build the future of your country. 326 00:50:07,130 --> 00:50:16,800 Your time is different from the time when we were young. Our youth was an insecure time, [and] was a difficult time. 327 00:50:17,330 --> 00:50:24,660 At your age, we were either in prison or under pressure, or under torture, or in exile. 328 00:50:25,400 --> 00:50:37,130 Then, when the revolution became victorious – from those early years [after victory] of the revolution – it was work and endeavor round the clock; there was no [time to] rest; [there was] always [work to do]. 329 00:50:37,660 --> 00:50:45,600 I became president after a couple of years; out of those people who were with me, 330 00:50:46,000 --> 00:50:52,130 some of them did not become the president, [and were] busy endeavoring and working, [and] I who became the president, [was] endeavoring and working in a different way. 331 00:50:52,400 --> 00:51:01,130 I mean, we really went through hard times at a time that we were your age and a little while after your age. You are not like that, 332 00:51:02,000 --> 00:51:13,400 [because] you are [living] in security, in tranquility, in a scientific opportunity, [and, therefore,] have ability, are being encouraged, 333 00:51:13,730 --> 00:51:21,330 [and] are being respected. Appreciate this, [and] take advantage of this opportunity. 334 00:51:22,000 --> 00:51:26,400 The precious gem of youth is at your disposal 335 00:51:27,530 --> 00:51:34,860 and this is the same precious gem, about which the Almighty God will ask us on the Resurrection Day [and will ask] that how you spent your youth? 336 00:51:35,800 --> 00:51:41,600 One of those things about which we will be asked is how you spent your youth? We must answer. 337 00:51:44,330 --> 00:51:53,000 You do not forget your divine and conscience-based duty; make as much effort as you can. 338 00:51:53,800 --> 00:52:04,600 And [have no doubt that] your efforts will be beneficial; I mean, if the country is on the wrong path, you can take it back on the right path; 339 00:52:05,400 --> 00:52:13,330 [and] if there are problems in some places, you can resolve those problems. Fortunately, the [general] orientation of the country is a correct orientation; 340 00:52:13,660 --> 00:52:18,660 of course, there are many problems here and there, but the [general] orientation is correct; 341 00:52:19,130 --> 00:52:28,530 [therefore,] you can resolve [the existing] problems, [and] you can help so that orientations are not hanged for the worse, are not altered, [and] are not diverted [from the right path]. 342 00:52:28,530 --> 00:52:36,660 This is what you, young people – the scientist and scholarly youth – can do. Take advantage of this opportunity, 343 00:52:37,260 --> 00:52:43,460 [and] know that, God willing, the Almighty God will help you. 344 00:52:44,600 --> 00:52:48,130 [As the Quran says,] “And those who strive for Us, We will surely guide them to Our ways.” 345 00:52:48,460 --> 00:52:56,730 When you strive on the path of God, the Almighty God Himself will guide you. 346 00:52:57,460 --> 00:53:00,260 [The Quran also says,] “And whoever believes in Allah, He will guide his heart.” 347 00:53:00,260 --> 00:53:04,530 God will guide your hearts toward that work that you ought to do. 348 00:53:05,400 --> 00:53:11,800 [Therefore,] you [try to] orient your intentions toward feeling of duty and doing that duty and [make sure that your intentions are] divine intentions; 349 00:53:11,800 --> 00:53:18,130 God willing, God will also help you. And I am certain that during 350 00:53:18,860 --> 00:53:24,130 future decades, when, God willing, all the country’s affairs will be in your hands, 351 00:53:24,460 --> 00:53:30,060 at that time, you will see before yourselves an Iran, which will be much better, much advanced, 352 00:53:30,400 --> 00:53:37,660 much orderly and much more organized than today and, God willing, you will manage it. 353 00:53:38,400 --> 00:53:39,860 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings