Jurisprudence & Religious affairs

Working for Someone at the Time of another Contract
A driver carries a consignment for a company and at the same time, another person gives him some goods to deliver it to the destination in addition to the company's consignment and receive a fee, but the company does not accept it. Is there any problem with the fee?

This section contains the latest inquiries about the practical laws of islam answered by the istifta' committee of the supreme leader's office. (updated monthly)

Khums on Proceeds from Gifts/Inheritance
I had a piece of land given to me by my father as a gift and after a while I sold it. Is the money gained from the sale of land subject to khums?

Khums on Business Tools
Is it enough to pay khums on business tools once or we have to pay khums on their appreciations every year?

To Deprive One's Child of Inheritance
Can a father deprive his child of inheritance or give some children more than the others?

Khums on Extra House
If a person hands over his dilapidated house to someone to build several apartments on the land and receives two apartments in compensation for the house; Does the extra apartment that is not for personal use liable to khums?

Internet Taxi
If I request a car from a telephone or internet taxi company, but I ignore my request or cancel it due to excessive delay (about half an hour) and leave the waiting area before the car arrives, am I liable to anything?

To Have more than One Khums Year
In addition to a fixed khums year, is it possible to set a separate khums year for the profit of a separate business?

To Use the Property of Someone Who Does Not Pay Khums
My father does not pay khums, can we use his property? Is it obligatory for the children to pay khums of the used property?

This section contains the latest inquiries about the practical laws of islam answered by the istifta' committee of the supreme leader's office. (updated monthly)

Days of Mourning for the Lady Fātimah (a.)
What are the days of mourning for the Lady Fātimah (a.)?

Making Money from Nail Implants
Is it permissible to earn money from nail implant services?

Wuḍū’ and Ghusl despite Long Nails
Does long nails prevent water from reaching under the nails and as a result invalidate wuḍū’ and ghusl?

How far should we recite the verse of Al-Kursī? To the phrase "wa huwal ‘aliyyul ‘aẓīm" or to the phrase "hum fihā khālidūn"?

Prayer and Fasting on behalf
Can a person who is in charge of his own prayers and fasting perform the prayers and fasts of a person who has passed away?

MONTHLY AHKAM | November 2021
This section contains the latest inquiries about the practical laws of islam answered by the istifta' committee of the supreme leader's office. (updated monthly)

Bleeding in the Mouth during Prayer
What is the duty if the worshiper's mouth bleeds during prayer?

This section contains the latest inquiries about the practical laws of islam answered by the istifta' committee of the supreme leader's office. (updated monthly)