1 00:00:05,050 --> 00:00:07,250 In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful 2 00:00:07,510 --> 00:00:09,880 الحمدلله ربّ العالمين 3 00:00:14,370 --> 00:00:20,420 والصّلاة والسّلام علي سيّدنا و نبيّنا ابي‌القاسم المصطفي محمّد 4 00:00:31,340 --> 00:00:37,820 و علي آله الاطيبين الاطهرين المنتجبين سيّما بقيّةالله في الارضين 5 00:00:38,340 --> 00:00:45,710 You are very welcome my dear brethren and sisters. 6 00:00:48,880 --> 00:00:58,480 One of the most desirable meetings for me is always the meeting with you; 7 00:01:01,000 --> 00:01:07,370 both those [of you] who are reminders of the Sacred Defense period 8 00:01:09,340 --> 00:01:16,480 and revive the most valuable of memories in my mind, 9 00:01:16,820 --> 00:01:25,770 and dear youths and next generations who, during these [past] few decades, 10 00:01:25,910 --> 00:01:28,820 have joined this blessed organ. 11 00:01:31,970 --> 00:01:36,680 I hope, God willing, divine blessings would be bestowed upon all of you 12 00:01:40,420 --> 00:01:47,050 and you would be able to tread that straight path - the direct path - 13 00:01:48,970 --> 00:01:56,000 and the sacred jihad at all times, 14 00:01:56,880 --> 00:02:03,400 because this is the key to human happiness and salvation both in this world and in the Hereafter. 15 00:02:05,820 --> 00:02:14,910 First of all, the [lunar calendar] month of Dhu al-Hijjah is an important month, [and we must] appreciate it. 16 00:02:15,910 --> 00:02:21,880 Apart from the honored Eid al-Qadir and the auspicious Eid al-Adha, 17 00:02:23,820 --> 00:02:30,080 what is important in this month - apart from these two occasions - 18 00:02:31,050 --> 00:02:35,970 is the occasion of the Arafah; appreciate the Day of Arafah; 19 00:02:38,420 --> 00:02:47,450 [and] prepare yourself to enter into the court of supplication before the Almighty. 20 00:02:49,710 --> 00:02:52,970 The Day of Arafah is a big day. 21 00:02:55,850 --> 00:03:06,800 We are plagued with dusty and rusty hearts; 22 00:03:09,970 --> 00:03:20,020 supplication, humility, mention [of God], and recourse [to God] will do away with these rusts and dusts 23 00:03:21,220 --> 00:03:33,200 and [there are] certain days, [which] are superior opportunities for this [purpose of] doing away with this rust and [false] color and dust [that cover our hearts], 24 00:03:33,940 --> 00:03:40,910 among the most prominent of which is the [Day of] Arafah. Appreciate the Day of Arafah. 25 00:03:41,000 --> 00:03:47,740 From the noon of Arafah to the sunset of Arafah are very important hours; 26 00:03:47,880 --> 00:03:53,970 every moment of these hours are important like elixir, [and] like philosopher’s stone; 27 00:03:55,340 --> 00:04:02,280 let’s not spend these [moments] with negligence. 28 00:04:04,340 --> 00:04:11,280 One example [of the acts that must be done in this day] is this amazing prayer of Imam Hossein (PBUH) on the Day of Arafah, 29 00:04:12,310 --> 00:04:26,110 which is the symbol of humility and supplication and mention [of God] and the symbol of the most humble prayer before the Almighty. 30 00:04:26,510 --> 00:04:34,600 Another example is the prayer of Imam Sajjad [the fourth Shia Imam] (PBUH) [as recommended] in [his prayers book of] Sahifeyeh Sajjadiyeh. 31 00:04:35,220 --> 00:04:44,050 Read these [prayers] with reflection and muse; [because] these [prayers] will be your provision [in the Afterlife]. 32 00:04:44,420 --> 00:04:52,620 The path that you have [ahead of you] is a long, difficult and very valuable path. 33 00:04:54,850 --> 00:04:57,200 Well, there are many ways to live; 34 00:04:58,370 --> 00:05:02,510 everybody is living, everybody is earning a living, 35 00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:08,620 [and is] working - [including] permissible works, recommended works, and [even] prohibited works - 36 00:05:11,220 --> 00:05:17,770 but this path that you have chosen is a unique path; 37 00:05:17,970 --> 00:05:26,340 [and] is [like] a jewel in comparison to dust and dirt and rubble; [therefore,] it is an important path. 38 00:05:29,310 --> 00:05:35,570 [It] is among those paths of life which make history, 39 00:05:36,510 --> 00:05:43,050 glorify nations, save countries, build futures, 40 00:05:43,800 --> 00:05:52,110 and above all, bring you the divine satisfaction as well as a heavenly life [both] in the Hereafter and in [this] mundane life. 41 00:05:52,110 --> 00:05:54,110 This path is such a path. 42 00:05:55,740 --> 00:06:01,140 Well, naturally, in parallel to the importance of this path, 43 00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:07,280 there are a lot of tiredness and difficulties and dust and dirt along this path; 44 00:06:07,910 --> 00:06:16,540 [therefore treading it] needs [enough] energy [and] vivacity. These actions, these [forms of] attention [to spiritualities], will bring you that vivacity [that you need]. 45 00:06:18,710 --> 00:06:25,880 Don’t ignore spirituality, recourse, [and] humility. 46 00:06:28,740 --> 00:06:34,370 Every minute of supplication before God 47 00:06:35,510 --> 00:06:42,340 creates a valuable saving in the hearts of man.This is the first point. 48 00:06:44,910 --> 00:06:49,910 However, as for the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps [IRGC]. 49 00:06:49,910 --> 00:06:57,740 There are four words that every one of these four words has a depth, 50 00:06:57,940 --> 00:07:02,770 has a core, [and] has an explanation. 51 00:07:05,510 --> 00:07:13,940 You are busy [with your] activities and occupied with [your] activities within the IRGC; 52 00:07:14,220 --> 00:07:23,540 perhaps, you would not have [enough] time as much as the future [generation], [and] next viewers and researchers 53 00:07:24,000 --> 00:07:29,910 to muse and reflect on these [words], but there is room for reflection: 54 00:07:32,420 --> 00:07:42,020 “corps,” “guarding,” “revolution,” and “Islam.” These are four words, 55 00:07:43,340 --> 00:07:47,170 which make up your name and your title. 56 00:07:50,600 --> 00:08:01,620 But as for “corps;” you are the corps; well, guarding the [Islamic] Revolution is not limited to the IRGC; everybody is duty-bound 57 00:08:01,740 --> 00:08:08,600 - every human being [and] every faithful person is duty-bound - 58 00:08:08,820 --> 00:08:12,940 but the [main] characteristic of the IRGC is that it is an organization, 59 00:08:13,020 --> 00:08:17,080 is a regular organ, [and] is a corps. [and] is a corps. 60 00:08:18,850 --> 00:08:26,970 This [fact of] being a corps [means] emphasis on order and discipline and managerial work 61 00:08:30,080 --> 00:08:34,400 and fruitfulness of every bit of the work. 62 00:08:34,680 --> 00:08:42,280 When there is disorder, there would be confusion, [and] many works would be wasted; 63 00:08:43,540 --> 00:08:51,220 [but] when there is an organization, is an organ, [and] is a structure, [and] there is order and discipline in place, 64 00:08:52,280 --> 00:08:58,540 it would be like the drainage system underneath a dam full of water, 65 00:08:58,740 --> 00:09:04,420 which if done correctly, not even a single drop of water would be wasted 66 00:09:04,600 --> 00:09:12,050 and all [the water] reaches the place it is needed. This is the characteristic of being a corps. 67 00:09:14,770 --> 00:09:22,170 Among regular organs in the country, we have no place 68 00:09:22,710 --> 00:09:32,050 other than the IRGC, which, for guarding the most precious incident in history of this country 69 00:09:32,850 --> 00:09:36,770 and the current incident of this country - which I will explain later. 70 00:09:39,140 --> 00:09:43,910 has defined for itself an organizational duty 71 00:09:46,280 --> 00:09:53,400 Therefore, the meaning of being a corps is to be organized, [and] its meaning is order, 72 00:09:54,420 --> 00:09:58,420 its meaning is defined and specific missions. 73 00:10:01,880 --> 00:10:10,850 Another dimension of being a corps and organized is lack of senility; 74 00:10:11,280 --> 00:10:15,710 [in this state] the organization does not age. Succession of generations, 75 00:10:17,200 --> 00:10:25,250 [in addition to] exchange of knowledge, [and] experiences do not allow an organization to get old; 76 00:10:25,620 --> 00:10:29,140 it continuously renews life. 77 00:10:34,080 --> 00:10:39,170 [Of course,] it is not only the exchange of knowledge, [but the organization] grows as well. 78 00:10:39,620 --> 00:10:47,710 I mean, today, the IRGC has got its hand on [various kinds of] knowledge in different fields, 79 00:10:47,820 --> 00:10:53,480 which did not have this knowledge in this clear way [and] with this [degree of] clarity thirty years ago. 80 00:10:53,710 --> 00:10:58,250 The knowledge-related achievements of the IRGC in various fields 81 00:11:00,110 --> 00:11:03,850 grow on a daily basis [and] become more profound. 82 00:11:06,620 --> 00:11:16,220 This is another characteristic of being organized and regular and having a structure. 83 00:11:18,600 --> 00:11:24,340 Another characteristic is to train new elements; 84 00:11:25,650 --> 00:11:29,340 both internal elements, and external elements. 85 00:11:31,310 --> 00:11:36,970 When there is an organization, when there is order, [then] people 86 00:11:37,740 --> 00:11:45,220 are trained within the organization and efficient and understanding elements are created; 87 00:11:46,400 --> 00:11:53,340 in the state of organizational disruption, this characteristic cannot be achieved. 88 00:11:54,400 --> 00:11:58,080 In addition to internal training, there is also external training. 89 00:11:58,280 --> 00:12:03,200 Today, the IRGC affects the public opinion, 90 00:12:03,450 --> 00:12:07,220 [and] affects making of the youth and [other] human beings; 91 00:12:09,110 --> 00:12:16,820 elements exported by the IRGC to other organizations, whose number is also very high 92 00:12:18,450 --> 00:12:21,620 - which IRGC has regularly exported elements 93 00:12:21,620 --> 00:12:26,650 from among themselves for the management of various organs during these years - 94 00:12:27,820 --> 00:12:31,940 affect those organs and organizations. 95 00:12:32,110 --> 00:12:39,340 Therefore, training of humans and [helping] growth of talented elements 96 00:12:40,620 --> 00:12:44,880 are among other characteristics of these [revolution guards]. 97 00:12:45,050 --> 00:12:50,620 [The IRGC] is symbol of power in the field; [and] this is [another] characteristic of the IRGC. 98 00:12:52,000 --> 00:13:00,820 [Having] power in the political field, [and] in the field of propaganda, is one thing, 99 00:13:01,020 --> 00:13:05,050 [but having] power on the ground [and] in the field is another thing. 100 00:13:07,200 --> 00:13:14,140 Power in the field causes political power to come into being as well. 101 00:13:15,620 --> 00:13:21,740 When you have power on the ground, you can conquer, 102 00:13:21,740 --> 00:13:27,250 you can do things, you can repel, [and] you can attract. 103 00:13:29,310 --> 00:13:32,600 When a nation has this characteristic 104 00:13:34,510 --> 00:13:41,340 or when an organ of a nation has this characteristic, 105 00:13:41,800 --> 00:13:47,280 this will also give birth to political power, [and] gives birth to identity-related power as well, 106 00:13:48,880 --> 00:13:56,570 [and] also makes [an organ] dignified and things like this. The IRGC is the symbol of power in the field. 107 00:13:56,650 --> 00:14:02,510 Of course, power in the field is meaningful in the economic field as well. 108 00:14:02,680 --> 00:14:12,170 There, if there is a powerful, active and influential economic organ, 109 00:14:12,280 --> 00:14:19,220 [then] it would be also [a form of] power in the field, which is a different issue. 110 00:14:22,510 --> 00:14:28,170 Therefore, guarding the Islamic Revolution by the “IRGC” as a corps, as an organization, 111 00:14:28,310 --> 00:14:35,510 [and] as an organ has a meaning 112 00:14:35,620 --> 00:14:42,880 that if it were not for this order, [and] for this organization [and if] there were disorder 113 00:14:42,970 --> 00:14:48,880 [and if] there were a group of people who were all of them faithful, all of them supporters of the Islamic Revolution 114 00:14:48,880 --> 00:14:54,080 and wanted to guard the revolution but this organizational order was absent, 115 00:14:54,450 --> 00:14:56,510 [then] it would have turned out to be something different. 116 00:14:57,570 --> 00:15:03,620 This organizational order, [and] this organizational existence is among major blessings; 117 00:15:03,680 --> 00:15:05,310 this is special to the IRGC. 118 00:15:06,310 --> 00:15:11,850 Well, with this characteristics that I explained, I said that the IRGC is renewable, 119 00:15:12,050 --> 00:15:15,620 it does not get old, it does not age 120 00:15:17,280 --> 00:15:22,910 - [of course,] people do age, but the organization does not age - it means that 121 00:15:23,110 --> 00:15:32,200 all elements that can help this renewability should be taken advantage of. 122 00:15:34,650 --> 00:15:40,710 The characteristic of giving room to the youth - to which, fortunately, attention is paid 123 00:15:42,050 --> 00:15:45,740 and willingness is shown within the IRGC, which are positive characteristics - 124 00:15:45,940 --> 00:15:52,480 should be combined with taking advantage of experienced, [and] veteran [people] and the elders; 125 00:15:53,910 --> 00:16:03,220 I mean the elders of the IRGC, [and] the veterans of the IRGC who have passed their test, have done their work, 126 00:16:03,680 --> 00:16:10,170 [and] have had a lot of activities, they must be taken advantage of in [making possible] this renewability; 127 00:16:10,170 --> 00:16:15,570 [because] without their presence, renewability would be difficult or at times may not be possible. 128 00:16:15,820 --> 00:16:18,940 Generational gap must not come about within the IRGC, 129 00:16:18,940 --> 00:16:23,250 especially [taking into account] that our elders have done things, 130 00:16:23,880 --> 00:16:30,250 [and] in practice have passed tests, which are big tests. 131 00:16:31,650 --> 00:16:37,800 Although I was kept abreast of all news at that time 132 00:16:37,800 --> 00:16:40,740 and have also studied all these books about the war later, 133 00:16:41,570 --> 00:16:45,680 again, when a new book is brought up, [when it] comes out 134 00:16:45,970 --> 00:16:48,820 and I have the opportunity, [and] I manage to read it, 135 00:16:48,820 --> 00:16:52,970 again a new door opens in front of me, 136 00:16:53,570 --> 00:16:59,600 [and] I hear new things. What a strange world 137 00:17:00,200 --> 00:17:08,020 [and] what a deep ocean this eight-year period has put in front of the Iranian nation, 138 00:17:08,170 --> 00:17:12,250 which will not end anytime soon and in an easy way. 139 00:17:13,420 --> 00:17:16,110 Well, those people who were active, [and] were influential [must be taken advantage of]. 140 00:17:16,110 --> 00:17:26,970 Of course, I don’t want to say that any person who was active at that time, we should rate them on the basis [of their activity] in that time; 141 00:17:27,080 --> 00:17:37,140 no, I have frequently said that all of us - I at [an age of] close to eighty years [in one way], you young people, in one way, 142 00:17:37,400 --> 00:17:43,020 [and] the old ones in one way - are exposed to test, [and] are prone to going astray; 143 00:17:44,400 --> 00:17:48,140 a person may go astray at any moment [as put by the Iranian poet:] 144 00:17:48,970 --> 00:18:05,140 Judgment about sobriety and drunkenness depends on what happens at the end, [because] nobody knows in what state everybody would leave here. 145 00:18:05,800 --> 00:18:13,510 Sometimes a person has gone through a good life, but a tough test 146 00:18:14,820 --> 00:18:16,880 causes a U-turn in [that] person. 147 00:18:16,970 --> 00:18:22,540 I do not want to claim that for every person who at that time, for example, has been present there, 148 00:18:23,570 --> 00:18:31,340 we must consider a secure margin and do not dare [to get close to them]; no, 149 00:18:32,140 --> 00:18:36,910 but those veterans must be valued, must be appreciated, 150 00:18:37,080 --> 00:18:43,480 and those people who have been able through these years to maintain that reserve for themselves, 151 00:18:43,600 --> 00:18:46,620 [and] keep themselves safe, they are very valuable 152 00:18:51,200 --> 00:19:00,800 Well, this is now the meaning of the “corps” in the sense of an organization, [and] in the sense of a regular organ; 153 00:19:01,370 --> 00:19:03,770 this [is the meaning of] the first part of your name. 154 00:19:04,000 --> 00:19:09,310 Of course, if one wanted to talk and explain in this regard, there is more to say; 155 00:19:09,450 --> 00:19:12,850 [however,] these few words would suffice for now. 156 00:19:13,080 --> 00:19:18,820 [Another part of your name is] guard; the “guard corps;” [which means that] you are guards 157 00:19:21,220 --> 00:19:33,220 Guarding the revolution is, in fact, symbol of the revolutionary will of this country; 158 00:19:36,420 --> 00:19:41,050 a revolutionary will, revolutionary presence, [and] revolutionary identity. 159 00:19:42,110 --> 00:19:47,650 When you say that the duty of this organization is to guard the revolution, 160 00:19:47,770 --> 00:19:52,200 it means that the will of the revolution is still strong 161 00:19:54,770 --> 00:20:03,620 and revolution is firmly present in the arena and in the scene; well, this is a very important concept. 162 00:20:05,200 --> 00:20:12,680 The revolution must not become limited to revolutionary incidents, 163 00:20:12,680 --> 00:20:20,710 for example, the beginning of the revolution and commencement of the revolution and the days of victory of the revolution; they are [just] one part of the revolution. 164 00:20:21,910 --> 00:20:27,400 Perhaps if somebody considers the meaning of the revolution in a correct light, 165 00:20:27,850 --> 00:20:35,600 [they would see that] revolutionary movement and revolutionary uprising is [just] a small part of the revolution. 166 00:20:35,600 --> 00:20:45,880 Revolution means an overarching change within a human complex 167 00:20:46,480 --> 00:20:55,200 - either within a nation or beyond a nation, within a generation, [and] within a civilization - this is [true] meaning of revolution. 168 00:20:56,740 --> 00:21:01,220 Now, across the world, they sometimes call coup d’états as revolution, 169 00:21:01,970 --> 00:21:08,200 but revolution has a more profound meaning and this is the same thing that has happened in our country. 170 00:21:09,420 --> 00:21:19,310 What happened in our country was in true sense of the world a revolution and [still] is and this continues. 171 00:21:19,740 --> 00:21:30,770 With regard to the revolution, I will talk about [various] interpretations of the revolution, 172 00:21:32,570 --> 00:21:39,540 but with regard to this guarding part, when you say we are revolutionary guards, 173 00:21:40,000 --> 00:21:45,340 it means that the revolution is [still] alive, that the revolution is present, [and] that the revolution does exist. 174 00:21:45,620 --> 00:21:54,540 If revolution - as some people claim or some aspire - was dead, it did not need [any] guard; 175 00:21:54,800 --> 00:21:59,600 a dead thing does not need guard; then the revolution is present. 176 00:22:01,710 --> 00:22:07,220 Then the meaning of guarding the revolution guarantees the meaning of the presence of the revolution; 177 00:22:07,740 --> 00:22:09,880 that is, you want to say that the revolution exists; 178 00:22:10,510 --> 00:22:17,400 I will later explain that yes, the revolution is [still there] and is [present] with [full] force and power. 179 00:22:21,250 --> 00:22:31,680 When you say ‘I am a revolutionary guard’, one of the meanings of being a guard and one of the conceptual aspects of being a guard 180 00:22:31,740 --> 00:22:35,400 is that the revolution is exposed to threats; yes, 181 00:22:36,480 --> 00:22:39,850 if there is no threat, there is no need to being a guard. 182 00:22:40,400 --> 00:22:45,250 A person becomes a guard where there is a threat; 183 00:22:46,680 --> 00:22:52,110 so, you are both confirming the existence of the revolution through your name, 184 00:22:52,420 --> 00:23:04,340 and also elucidate the threats that are posed to the revolution and inform [people] of their existence. 185 00:23:04,340 --> 00:23:09,170 Well, if we are guards of the revolution, we must know these threats. 186 00:23:10,680 --> 00:23:26,370 One of the basic tasks for the IRGC is to monitor international issues simply to know threats. 187 00:23:28,370 --> 00:23:34,370 Monitoring international issues and international developments and international news 188 00:23:36,080 --> 00:23:39,680 will help us know what the threats are; 189 00:23:40,850 --> 00:23:45,140 and [we must] also monitor domestic incidents in the country. 190 00:23:45,570 --> 00:23:53,910 Therefore, the IRGC is not just a shy entity, sitting at a corner busy doing its office work; 191 00:23:54,880 --> 00:24:02,140 [no] it is an entity [which is] informed, observing, watchful, [and] aware of [what is going on in its] surroundings 192 00:24:02,480 --> 00:24:08,910 – [as it is] both aware of [what is going on] around the country, and aware of what is going on at international level and at regional level – 193 00:24:09,370 --> 00:24:18,110 which is looking, just like a living [and] awake creature, in order to see where the threat is. 194 00:24:18,250 --> 00:24:22,880 [And to see] to whom [or] to what the threat is posed? Here, individuals are not an issue 195 00:24:23,710 --> 00:24:29,880 [but] there is a threat to the revolution; [therefore,] you must monitor continuously. 196 00:24:31,710 --> 00:24:41,540 The intelligence sections of the IRGC and anything that is related to intelligence issues of the IRGC are included in this definition. 197 00:24:41,800 --> 00:24:54,370 Of course, various ranks, [the entire] hierarchy, and [the IRGC’s] cadres must be kept abreast of these issues, 198 00:24:54,480 --> 00:25:03,540 [and] must be informed of [the existing] threats in order for everybody to know what they are doing and what they want to do. 199 00:25:05,310 --> 00:25:14,510 If the IRGC’s hierarchy were not aware of the threats posed to what they are guarding, 200 00:25:14,770 --> 00:25:17,510 it were not clear if they would be able to fulfill their duty correctly. 201 00:25:17,650 --> 00:25:22,000 When one understands what the threat is and from where it is posed, then they will have motivation. 202 00:25:22,420 --> 00:25:30,910 Therefore, one of the dimensions of the word “guard” is to be devoted to the revolution 203 00:25:31,220 --> 00:25:34,280 as well as constant vigilance and awareness; 204 00:25:35,450 --> 00:25:38,340 [this is] the same thing that is [mentioned] in Amir al-Mo’menin’s letter [where he wrote:] 205 00:25:38,340 --> 00:25:40,800 “The brother of war is awake.” 206 00:25:42,450 --> 00:25:50,600 the brother of war is awake. There is no need for this war to be an existing and present war; 207 00:25:50,820 --> 00:25:56,280 no, that person who has prepared himself for war, must be awake. 208 00:25:56,740 --> 00:26:02,110 The war with whom? We have never been and will never be the initiator of a war; 209 00:26:02,940 --> 00:26:09,650 we have no war with impartial and harmless people or nations or governments; 210 00:26:09,770 --> 00:26:18,450 our war is with troublemakers and with adversaries and with those who pose a threat. [Amir al-Mo’menin uses the word] awake 211 00:26:19,140 --> 00:26:28,910 ,which means [a guard] is always awake. So, one dimensions of the word ‘guard’ is permanent awakening and devotion. 212 00:26:29,250 --> 00:26:35,220 Naturally, when you identify threats, you will gain proportionate preparedness [to tackle them]. 213 00:26:36,910 --> 00:26:46,740 There was a time when threat [posed to a country] was not electronic; at that time, there was no need for anybody to go after electronic issues; 214 00:26:47,020 --> 00:26:49,400 [but] today [it] is [needed and] necessary to go after it; 215 00:26:49,740 --> 00:26:55,400 Mr. commander [of the IRGC] and our dear general explained [this]. 216 00:26:55,600 --> 00:27:02,910 Here, in these Hosseiniyeh, the IRGC guys came and put their prominent and remarkable and very good advances 217 00:27:03,910 --> 00:27:12,110 on display for those people who are knowledgeable 218 00:27:12,280 --> 00:27:16,680 [and] it became clear that the IRGC has done a lot in this field as well; the same is true in all fields. 219 00:27:17,540 --> 00:27:25,970 When you know the threat, you will also know the means of foiling the threat and will go after it; 220 00:27:26,420 --> 00:27:30,820 if [you already] have it, you would keep it and if you don’t have it, you would get it. 221 00:27:34,020 --> 00:27:42,940 This [task of] guarding in fact guarantees two meanings; 222 00:27:44,480 --> 00:27:48,370 one meaning is to safeguard and protect, 223 00:27:49,000 --> 00:27:52,480 [while] one [other] meaning of guarding is to revere; 224 00:27:53,280 --> 00:27:57,850 to guard [the memory of] somebody or something 225 00:27:58,280 --> 00:28:04,250 means to revere that person, to respect him; this is also [another meaning]. 226 00:28:05,540 --> 00:28:11,140 The meaning of guarding the revolution is not just to protect the revolution 227 00:28:11,140 --> 00:28:13,940 – which the explanation I gave [above] was about protection – 228 00:28:15,000 --> 00:28:23,940 but it also means to revere the revolution, to attach importance to revolution, [and] to extol the revolution. 229 00:28:24,880 --> 00:28:33,250 When one guards somebody, it means to revere him, to appreciate him, [and] to know his importance. 230 00:28:35,480 --> 00:28:40,600 This requires one to know the revolution correctly [and therefore] you must become knowledgeable about the revolution. 231 00:28:40,740 --> 00:28:45,850 At the level of the IRGC, [and] along the entire hierarchy of the IRGC, 232 00:28:46,310 --> 00:28:56,680 the knowledge about the revolution must be an informed, clear and comprehensive knowledge; 233 00:28:57,620 --> 00:29:04,170 the revolution must be [understood] correctly. If, in the area of cultural works, 234 00:29:05,020 --> 00:29:11,570 there are shortcomings in this regard, they must certainly be rectified; [so] look and see [where the shortcomings are]. 235 00:29:14,510 --> 00:29:26,250 The brethren and sisters [who are members] of the IRGC must be equipped with the strong logic of the revolution from top to down, 236 00:29:28,310 --> 00:29:32,650 because anti-revolutionary [elements] today use various means. 237 00:29:33,680 --> 00:29:41,110 One of the ways for entry and infiltration – which I will say a word about infiltration; 238 00:29:41,880 --> 00:29:50,540 I keep repeating [my past remarks] about the infiltration of enemy [and] emphasize [on this issue] – 239 00:29:51,110 --> 00:29:58,680 is to raise doubt about [people’s] convictions; [both] revolutionary conviction [and] religious conviction. 240 00:29:59,310 --> 00:30:06,570 They cause disruption in [understanding of] revolutionary and religious ideas; this is where they infiltrate. 241 00:30:08,020 --> 00:30:13,140 And they use all means and have various people [to push for this goal]; 242 00:30:13,140 --> 00:30:22,140 they have university professor, have student activist, have intellectual and scientific elites, 243 00:30:22,510 --> 00:30:28,020 [and] there are all kinds of people to make way for this infiltration. 244 00:30:28,680 --> 00:30:38,650 Brethren at various levels of the IRGC must maintain their preparedness and this logical strength. 245 00:30:40,570 --> 00:30:46,220 Before the revolution, we took advantage of this strength of logic in many cases; 246 00:30:46,400 --> 00:30:53,170 young people at that time [and] in discussion sessions that I held – discussions on the Quran and things like that 247 00:30:53,420 --> 00:31:00,000 [including] Nahj-ul-Balagha and Quran and such things that I organized – [they] told me 248 00:31:00,540 --> 00:31:05,620 that ‘now at the university we are not short of logic vis-à-vis these Marxists anymore; earlier we were short of logic; 249 00:31:06,800 --> 00:31:12,850 now, we have something to say, we have logic, we argue, [and] it is not simply about rejection [of their ideas], 250 00:31:13,850 --> 00:31:17,820 but we also prove [our own ideas] and express the realities. 251 00:31:21,000 --> 00:31:28,050 A young person who is currently working with the IRGC, must have such a power of convincement, 252 00:31:29,910 --> 00:31:38,370 such a logical power and strength of expression; this is among [our] basic works; 253 00:31:38,910 --> 00:31:43,000 this is [tantamount to] guarding the revolution and extolling the revolution; 254 00:31:44,020 --> 00:31:49,650 that is, to revere the revolution, to do justice to revolution, [and] to appreciate the revolution. 255 00:31:51,880 --> 00:31:59,650 Another dimension of extolling the revolution and guarding the revolution is to know the enemy; 256 00:32:00,310 --> 00:32:02,650 [we must] know the enemy. 257 00:32:04,340 --> 00:32:06,770 Of course, you know the enemy; 258 00:32:07,050 --> 00:32:11,050 the enemy is the global arrogance, whose complete manifestation is America 259 00:32:12,370 --> 00:32:22,800 and its agents are reactionary regimes and traitors and weak people and the likes of them; 260 00:32:23,050 --> 00:32:32,200 the enemy is known to you; [so] this knowledge must be taken advantage of. 261 00:32:34,140 --> 00:32:43,510 The weaknesses of the enemy – intellectual and practical weaknesses of the enemy – must be identified 262 00:32:43,880 --> 00:32:50,970 and they should be flaunted at people who need this issue to be flaunted at them. 263 00:32:54,600 --> 00:32:57,850 The enemies of the Islamic Revolution are the same people who 264 00:32:57,970 --> 00:33:04,820 entered the region ten [or] fifteen years ago [and] whose slogan was to establish security; 265 00:33:05,540 --> 00:33:09,140 today, you just look where in this region security does [really] exist? 266 00:33:10,540 --> 00:33:16,220 Insecurity has engulfed this region; [including] West Asia and North Africa. 267 00:33:19,220 --> 00:33:24,280 When they attacked Afghanistan, their slogan was to fight terrorism 268 00:33:24,820 --> 00:33:29,310 [but] today, terrorism has engulfed the entire region; and what kind of terrorism for that matter! 269 00:33:30,110 --> 00:33:41,250 A wild and violent terrorism; [a] terrorism whose agents 270 00:33:41,600 --> 00:33:46,200 burn human beings – [whom they consider as] their enemies – alive in fire [and] before the eyes of everybody; 271 00:33:48,820 --> 00:33:54,600 [and] they take advantage of various technical facilities in order to 272 00:33:54,600 --> 00:34:04,820 transfer and reflect this scene correctly to the eyes and minds of all people of the world; 273 00:34:05,050 --> 00:34:11,140 such terrorism! Takfiri elements are like this today; 274 00:34:13,570 --> 00:34:20,420 [they] kill child in front of his mother, [and] behead father and mother in front of their children. 275 00:34:22,110 --> 00:34:26,970 They had come to dismantle from the region the terrorism 276 00:34:28,050 --> 00:34:34,650 [that existed] in the region with this slogan and this claim – I am not saying that this was their true intent; [but] this was their slogan -; 277 00:34:35,110 --> 00:34:37,940 today, where in this region terrorism does not exist? 278 00:34:41,970 --> 00:34:46,370 They had come, according to their claim, to establish democracy [in the region]; 279 00:34:46,540 --> 00:34:55,050 today, the most reactionary and the most tyrant and the most dictatorial regimes in this region 280 00:34:55,740 --> 00:35:05,200 survive and continue their crimes with support from America and the allies of America. 281 00:35:07,280 --> 00:35:11,770 In reality, this is one of the basic problems of America. 282 00:35:12,710 --> 00:35:21,110 American politicians have been entangled in this problem; [and they] are badly stalled [by it]. 283 00:35:21,740 --> 00:35:28,540 They are supporting those regimes that during long years, 284 00:35:28,620 --> 00:35:42,250 the anti-dictatorship slogan and human rights slogan [of Americans] is refuted by [the mere] existence of these regimes; 285 00:35:42,680 --> 00:35:49,740 now, this [issue] has become a major problem among the intellectuals as well as political and intellectual elites of America; 286 00:35:50,620 --> 00:35:55,570 they have no answer [for this problem]. This enemy is such a creature. 287 00:35:55,910 --> 00:36:00,800 The enemy that is in front of us, that is its human rights problem, 288 00:36:00,970 --> 00:36:05,480 that is its democracy problem, that is its terrorism problem, 289 00:36:05,620 --> 00:36:15,600 that is its problem with establishing security, that is the problem [it has with the issue] of peace; they said ‘we are fighting for peace’; where is that peace? 290 00:36:17,400 --> 00:36:27,310 They have contaminated the entire region with war; where in this region war does not exist now? This is the enemy. 291 00:36:27,710 --> 00:36:34,340 The one against whom the revolution has stood up, [and] the one in whose face you have withstood, is this [enemy]; 292 00:36:35,250 --> 00:36:40,280 such a creature with all these contradictions, with all these weaknesses, 293 00:36:41,250 --> 00:36:47,140 with all these voids in knowledge and practice; this is that enemy. 294 00:36:47,280 --> 00:36:54,480 One of the characteristics of guarding the revolution is to open our eye, 295 00:36:55,080 --> 00:36:59,600 see these [issues], [and] know the enemy; both know the revolution, and the enemy; 296 00:37:01,850 --> 00:37:04,000 now, this is [sufficient explanation] about [the task of] guarding. 297 00:37:04,000 --> 00:37:07,310 Of course, with regard to guarding and the meaning of guarding 298 00:37:07,310 --> 00:37:13,450 and the depth of this meaning, if somebody wanted to talk more, there is [equal to] a [complete] book of [issues to] talk [about]. 299 00:37:16,420 --> 00:37:21,850 But [as for] the revolution; I explained about guarding the revolution. 300 00:37:23,020 --> 00:37:30,880 Revolution is a continuous affair; [it] is not a sudden affair that we could say on a given date, 301 00:37:31,370 --> 00:37:36,220 for example, an incident took place, a group of people came into the streets, 302 00:37:36,220 --> 00:37:41,170 and it took ten days, twenty days, two months, [or] six months and the government was toppled; 303 00:37:41,170 --> 00:37:45,480 this is revolution; no, this is not the revolution; this is [just] one part of the revolution. 304 00:37:46,710 --> 00:37:55,140 Revolution is a lasting and permanent truth. 305 00:37:55,540 --> 00:37:57,620 Revolution means change; 306 00:37:57,850 --> 00:38:07,740 profound changes do not take place in a matter of six months and one year and five years; 307 00:38:09,480 --> 00:38:17,800 in addition [to the fact that] basically, alteration and evolution – in the sense of change of state [and] development – 308 00:38:17,940 --> 00:38:25,800 has no restraining limit at all; it never comes to an end; this is the revolution. 309 00:38:26,170 --> 00:38:31,420 Revolution is a permanent affair. 310 00:38:32,880 --> 00:38:36,400 The remarks that a group [of people] make 311 00:38:36,770 --> 00:38:42,940 – the source of these remarks, as admitted by themselves, is foreign think tanks, 312 00:38:43,140 --> 00:38:48,220 [and] here these remarks are relayed and repeated and expressed by some people 313 00:38:48,910 --> 00:38:52,140 in newspapers and in magazines and in their various remarks; 314 00:38:52,340 --> 00:38:57,340 in the Iranian language [however, the source] of [these] remarks is there 315 00:38:57,570 --> 00:38:59,080 – that yes, the revolution has come to an end. 316 00:38:59,510 --> 00:39:05,400 Now, an insane person comes out and explicitly says the revolution should be sent to the museum, 317 00:39:05,770 --> 00:39:09,480 [while] there are some of them who are not this insane [and] do not say it so explicitly, 318 00:39:10,200 --> 00:39:15,140 [but] they say it under cover; they talk in such a way that the meaning [of what they say] is that the revolution has come to an end; 319 00:39:15,770 --> 00:39:22,000 [they seek] conversion of the revolution into the Islamic Republic. This [revolution] is not convertible at all. 320 00:39:22,200 --> 00:39:26,420 The Islamic Republic must be the symbol of the revolution. 321 00:39:26,820 --> 00:39:31,740 That is, the same state of renewability, [and] the same state of constant development [which is special to revolution], 322 00:39:32,600 --> 00:39:37,770 the same state must exist in the Islamic Republic; otherwise, it would not be the Islamic Republic; 323 00:39:38,970 --> 00:39:45,020 [and] would not be the Islamic government; [therefore], revolution is a continuous affair. 324 00:39:46,080 --> 00:39:49,600 Well, what does a revolution do? 325 00:39:49,910 --> 00:39:57,970 What a revolution does at the beginning is to delineate ideals; it delineates ideals. 326 00:40:00,880 --> 00:40:06,540 Of course, lofty ideals are unchangeable; 327 00:40:08,020 --> 00:40:16,340 the means [of achieving them] are changeable, [and] daily developments are changeable, 328 00:40:16,970 --> 00:40:22,080 but those principles, which are the same basic ideals, are unchangeable; 329 00:40:22,220 --> 00:40:29,170 that is, from the outset of creation of human beings up to today, justice has been an ideal; 330 00:40:29,620 --> 00:40:35,140 there is no time that justice would not be an ideal anymore; human freedom is an ideal 331 00:40:36,110 --> 00:40:38,170 – ideals mean such things – 332 00:40:38,600 --> 00:40:43,280 [and] a revolution [first] depicts and delineates ideals, 333 00:40:43,570 --> 00:40:46,450 [and] then starts moving toward those ideals. 334 00:40:46,650 --> 00:40:50,820 Now, if we wanted to define ideals in one word 335 00:40:51,200 --> 00:40:54,280 and bring a Quranic description for it, [it would be] the “pure life” which [according to the Quran]: 336 00:40:55,080 --> 00:41:07,170 “We will surely cause him to live a pure life;” [and] “respond to Allah and to the Messenger when he invites you to that which gives you life;” 337 00:41:07,820 --> 00:41:14,600 [so the Quran says] it gives you life. The Prophet [of Islam (PBUH)] and all prophets invited [people] to life; 338 00:41:14,800 --> 00:41:17,680 what kind of life? Naturally the pure life. 339 00:41:19,540 --> 00:41:24,020 Well, what is the meaning of the pure life? It means all these things that human beings 340 00:41:24,650 --> 00:41:29,200 need for their welfare and for their happiness. 341 00:41:29,370 --> 00:41:38,020 For example, national dignity is part of the pure life; a humiliated, and submissive nation has no pure life. 342 00:41:40,110 --> 00:41:46,250 Independence and not being dependent on foreigners and on others is part of the pure life. 343 00:41:46,480 --> 00:41:51,400 The pure life should not be solely sought in acts of worship and in books of prayers; 344 00:41:51,540 --> 00:41:56,140 these are the realities of life. The pure life of a nation 345 00:41:56,600 --> 00:41:59,770 also means that this nation must live dignified, live with its head held high, 346 00:41:59,940 --> 00:42:03,110 not be dependent, [and] live independently. 347 00:42:03,250 --> 00:42:06,820 Now, they write books to reject independence! 348 00:42:07,880 --> 00:42:15,050 One is really amazed how some people are brazen enough to make such remarks today. 349 00:42:17,420 --> 00:42:23,480 [Assume that] a bandit blocks a road, stops a caravan, 350 00:42:24,220 --> 00:42:29,000 [and] forcefully asks them to give him everything that they have, 351 00:42:29,600 --> 00:42:35,310 [and then] a person comes out and says ‘yes, today it is expedient for us to join him, [and] do whatever he says’! 352 00:42:35,570 --> 00:42:41,880 Talking in rejection of independence is something like this. 353 00:42:42,000 --> 00:42:48,020 I [have already] noted that independence, [is] freedom on the scale of an entire nation. 354 00:42:48,770 --> 00:42:54,600 They defend freedom in name, [but] reject independence. Independence means freedom; 355 00:42:55,080 --> 00:43:04,170 however, not freedom of a single person, [but] freedom of a nation from [all kinds of] impositions, from humiliating behaviors, 356 00:43:04,310 --> 00:43:12,740 from being kept behind, from exploitation, [and] from putting nations under the yoke; 357 00:43:13,020 --> 00:43:16,510 when a nation is liberated from such things, it becomes independent. 358 00:43:19,940 --> 00:43:28,910 One of the things that provides pure life is being pioneer in [the field of] global science and civilization. 359 00:43:30,450 --> 00:43:38,800 If a nation could be a pioneer within the framework of global science and global civilization 360 00:43:39,020 --> 00:43:42,940 and push ahead, 361 00:43:44,340 --> 00:43:53,680 [and] put a new ladder before the humanity for the promotion of the entire humanity, 362 00:43:54,450 --> 00:43:58,940 this is one of the components of pure life. 363 00:44:00,650 --> 00:44:06,020 Westerners are not like this; yes, they have brought many material advances, 364 00:44:06,450 --> 00:44:10,570 they have said new things in these fields, and are still saying them, 365 00:44:10,570 --> 00:44:18,480 however, they have associated this with something that makes falling from this ladder certain; 366 00:44:18,770 --> 00:44:23,140 yes, they put a ladder in front of humanity but they do something that 367 00:44:23,140 --> 00:44:29,540 will cause humans to certainly fall off this ladder; [because] they corrupt [human] ethics. 368 00:44:29,710 --> 00:44:37,450 You can observe today that under the Western culture the ugliest and the most heinous acts 369 00:44:37,800 --> 00:44:43,280 are becoming ordinary, customary and legal 370 00:44:45,110 --> 00:44:50,340 and if somebody opposes these acts, they would be condemned because they are opposing [such inhuman acts]; 371 00:44:50,510 --> 00:44:55,280 [they do this] merely because humans like to do it! Well, there are many things that humans like [to do]. 372 00:44:55,620 --> 00:45:02,510 Where such shamelessness is going to end up in the West? There is no cure for it; 373 00:45:03,050 --> 00:45:06,970 that is, there is certainly no way out of this [deplorable situation]; this path that they are treading, 374 00:45:07,420 --> 00:45:11,310 it will wreak havoc on the West [and] will destroy them. 375 00:45:13,220 --> 00:45:17,020 in this manner that they are moving ahead in moral depravity, 376 00:45:17,220 --> 00:45:23,450 Alas for their people, one [really] pities the people of these countries and these nations; 377 00:45:23,620 --> 00:45:31,370 they are pitiable people. [In those countries,] elites, influential people, planners, [and] policymakers 378 00:45:31,770 --> 00:45:37,480 are taking steps on the basis of their own evil and dirty goals. 379 00:45:37,770 --> 00:45:46,940 Well, being a pioneer in [the field of] human science and civilization, along with spirituality, [and I repeat] along with spirituality [provides pure life]. 380 00:45:47,620 --> 00:45:53,680 The other day, in [a meeting with] a group – I think it has been also broadcast [on TV] – 381 00:45:54,420 --> 00:46:00,110 I said assume twenty years from now, [or] thirty years from now 382 00:46:00,420 --> 00:46:08,050 the country of the Islamic Republic, for example, with a population of 200 million, or 180 million, or 150 million, 383 00:46:08,650 --> 00:46:20,710 with amazing material and scientific and industrial advances and with spirituality and justice in place; 384 00:46:20,880 --> 00:46:30,450 see what would happen; what attraction [such a country] would create among all human beings – both Muslim and non-Muslim -; 385 00:46:31,710 --> 00:46:37,310 but they [the Western states] don’t want this to happen. This is the meaning of the pure life; 386 00:46:37,400 --> 00:46:44,110 it means we [must] move toward such a situation for the life of the country; 387 00:46:44,970 --> 00:46:47,620 the revolution wants to take us to such places. 388 00:46:52,600 --> 00:47:02,540 Welfare, justice, vitality, vitality at work, enthusiasm to work, science, [and] technology, 389 00:47:04,220 --> 00:47:09,370 all of these are components of the pure life; [and] in addition to [all] these, spirituality, mercifulness, 390 00:47:10,800 --> 00:47:16,310 Islamic conduct, [and] Islamic lifestyle, these are also among [components] of the pure life. 391 00:47:16,480 --> 00:47:25,050 Order is part of the pure life. This movement toward the pure life is unending. 392 00:47:26,170 --> 00:47:31,620 [As put by the holy Quran:] “Undoubtedly, toward Allah do [all] matters evolve.” 393 00:47:32,740 --> 00:47:38,940 This [is] the same as evolution toward God. Evolution means to change from one state to another, 394 00:47:40,200 --> 00:47:51,600 [and means] something creating a change in its nature and becoming better day by day; this is what they call evolution; 395 00:47:52,280 --> 00:48:00,370 humans evolve toward God and a desirable Islamic society is the one in which 396 00:48:00,450 --> 00:48:06,220 this evolution exists; this evolution is unending; 397 00:48:06,220 --> 00:48:10,220 it continues incessantly; this is [true meaning of] revolution. 398 00:48:12,940 --> 00:48:18,800 One of the characteristics of the pure life and characteristics of this revolution, 399 00:48:19,170 --> 00:48:24,480 which has been clearly mentioned in the Quran, is the faith in Allah and rejection of despots: 400 00:48:26,480 --> 00:48:32,910 “So, whoever disbelieves in despots and believes in Allah [he] has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it.” 401 00:48:33,940 --> 00:48:41,200 “The most trustworthy handhold” means that you, for example, are going through a dangerous place, [and] over a slippery road, 402 00:48:41,540 --> 00:48:47,050 [and] there is a rope, [or] something which hold it with your hand so that you would not fall to the ground, 403 00:48:47,280 --> 00:48:52,220 would not slip, [and] would not fall down [the cliff]; this is called “the most trustworthy handhold.” 404 00:48:54,170 --> 00:48:58,650 If you have faith in Allah and reject despots, this is [a form of] “the most trustworthy handhold.” 405 00:49:00,280 --> 00:49:06,600 These two accompany each other: faith in Allah and rejection of despots; these two must not be separated from each other. 406 00:49:09,080 --> 00:49:16,200 Here again I remind [you] that the faith in Allah can be only taken from people with difficulty; 407 00:49:17,170 --> 00:49:20,510 the enemy’s propaganda is focused on rejection of despots; 408 00:49:21,770 --> 00:49:30,770 [they want] to weaken rejection of despots gradually, [and] take this part of the issue from people. 409 00:49:31,220 --> 00:49:35,450 Well, yes, [they say] you can have faith in Allah, [and] also have faith in despots. 410 00:49:36,310 --> 00:49:42,080 [However,] this is not possible; faith in Allah goes hand in hand with rejection of despots. 411 00:49:42,220 --> 00:49:47,340 Eliminating ideology is among common remarks. 412 00:49:48,280 --> 00:49:52,800 Now, it was [pursued] for a few years, then it [apparently] stopped for a few years, [and] now they have started all over again. 413 00:49:53,680 --> 00:50:00,250 [They say we must] remove ideology from diplomacy, [and remove ideology] from domestic politics. No, this is exactly on the opposite of [what is] right, 414 00:50:00,710 --> 00:50:02,880 [and] is against the truth; 415 00:50:04,050 --> 00:50:09,600 [because] it means that [we must] not let principles and fundaments of the revolution and Islam 416 00:50:09,770 --> 00:50:14,280 to interfere in domestic and foreign policy. How not to let [them] interfere [in policies]? 417 00:50:14,820 --> 00:50:19,970 Basically, these policies must be based on these fundaments; 418 00:50:20,940 --> 00:50:32,910 it is the same in all [other] fields. Pay attention, because this is a delicate point; 419 00:50:33,250 --> 00:50:38,680 science means moving toward a reality, discovering a reality and knowing it. 420 00:50:39,340 --> 00:50:45,250 Of course, ideology has no meaning in this field; 421 00:50:46,140 --> 00:50:52,280 however, [when it comes to such issues as] what reality we must go after, [and] what reality we must not pursue, 422 00:50:52,400 --> 00:50:59,770 here, thought and belief and ideology – as Western-minded people say – play a role. 423 00:51:00,970 --> 00:51:05,450 We do not want to go after this [form of] science; this science is harmful science. 424 00:51:08,110 --> 00:51:14,050 We choose this science because science is beneficial; we have both beneficial science and harmful science. 425 00:51:14,910 --> 00:51:20,970 Therefore, even with regard to the issue of science, thought, belief, conviction 426 00:51:21,220 --> 00:51:26,480 and, as put by Western-minded people, ideology are effective. 427 00:51:30,080 --> 00:51:38,020 Now, one of the things that you hear a lot, 428 00:51:38,910 --> 00:51:45,340 [is] two propositions that our opponents, [and] our enemies say, 429 00:51:45,620 --> 00:51:48,510 [and] some people repeat the same [propositions] inside the country; 430 00:51:49,000 --> 00:51:55,110 which in fact these [two propositions] are contradictory, but no attention is paid to their contradiction. 431 00:51:55,710 --> 00:52:01,420 One proposition is that and they keep repeating that you are a powerful country; 432 00:52:01,880 --> 00:52:07,370 you are an influential and effective country. We hear this frequently in the world today. 433 00:52:09,740 --> 00:52:16,620 Now, a group – of weak and shortsighted people inside [the country] – are not willing to accept even this, 434 00:52:18,710 --> 00:52:25,310 but those who observe issues from the outside, confess time and time again – both our friends, and our enemies – 435 00:52:25,310 --> 00:52:33,400 that the Islamic Republic is currently a powerful country in the region and weighs down on regional developments; 436 00:52:34,200 --> 00:52:38,910 [they say Iran] has [great] influence [on regional developments]. This is one proposition. The second proposition is that they say 437 00:52:39,280 --> 00:52:46,570 ‘you do not pursue this word “revolution” and the issue of revolution and the revolutionary spirit so ardently. 438 00:52:46,970 --> 00:52:53,540 Well, these [two propositions] contradict each other. Basically, this power, [and] this influence is because of the revolution; 439 00:52:54,480 --> 00:53:01,770 if it were not for the revolution, if it were not for revolutionary spirit, [and] if it were not for revolutionary performance, this influence would not exist. 440 00:53:03,800 --> 00:53:11,620 [Their claim] that you are influential, [and] you are powerful [and you must] put the revolution aside so that we could live together, 441 00:53:11,740 --> 00:53:19,570 actually means that you put the revolution aside so that you would lose this power and we could devour you. 442 00:53:20,970 --> 00:53:32,850 They say this clearly to people from the Islamic Republic and attention is not paid to true meaning and connotation of this remark. 443 00:53:34,680 --> 00:53:38,340 [They actually say] ‘until when you want to be revolutionary, until when you want to keep talking about the revolution, 444 00:53:38,710 --> 00:53:44,050 come [and] join the global community’; this means that this influence that you have now, this power that you have, 445 00:53:45,740 --> 00:53:48,420 this effectiveness that you have in the region, 446 00:53:48,800 --> 00:54:02,080 [and] this strategic depth that you have among nations, put them aside and lose them; 447 00:54:02,080 --> 00:54:05,570 that is, [they say] ‘become weak so that we could devour you’. 448 00:54:07,450 --> 00:54:09,620 They say ‘become a member of global community’; 449 00:54:09,910 --> 00:54:17,140 well, what they mean by global community is [comprised of] a few arrogant, bullying [and] oppressor powers; 450 00:54:17,400 --> 00:54:22,710 that is, ‘you become absorbed in our plans’; this is the meaning of this remark. 451 00:54:23,340 --> 00:54:26,600 Therefore, revolution enjoys such dimensions; 452 00:54:26,940 --> 00:54:34,050 [about] guarding this revolution there are many things to say, which now I stop my remarks in this regard. 453 00:54:34,170 --> 00:54:36,680 [As for] Islam; [it must be noted that] the revolution is an Islamic revolution. 454 00:54:37,710 --> 00:54:43,680 Some people insist on saying that “the (13)57 revolution [i.e., the Islamic Revolution that triumphed in Iranian calendar year of 1357 (1979)];” [because] they don’t want to mention the name of Islam, 455 00:54:43,800 --> 00:54:49,600 [since] they are afraid of Islam, [and] are afraid of the name of the Islamic Revolution. 456 00:54:51,970 --> 00:54:58,370 Islam is base and essence and all the content of our revolution; 457 00:54:59,770 --> 00:55:04,820 of course, our Islam is pure Islam, 458 00:55:05,420 --> 00:55:15,910 [and] is not the Islam, which is dependent on deviated and wrong and mediocre, and foolish ideas of people like Takfiris. 459 00:55:17,080 --> 00:55:21,880 [Our Islam] is the Islam, which is based on wisdom and tradition 460 00:55:24,620 --> 00:55:37,170 – [it is] the wise Islam – the Islam, which relies on the Quran, the Islam that relies on the ideas of the Prophet [of Islam (PBUH)] and the ideas of the Prophet’s Household, 461 00:55:37,850 --> 00:55:46,420 with clear thoughts, [and] with strong and clear logic; [our Islam] is such an Islam. 462 00:55:46,800 --> 00:55:56,770 This is [true] Islam; [and this [is] the Islam which can be defended in all totally up-to-date circles of the world. 463 00:55:59,540 --> 00:56:09,850 Thank God, various aspects of this revolution have been explained in Islamic societies. 464 00:56:10,020 --> 00:56:14,450 Despite [the fact that] they have spent all this money, [and] spent all these petrodollars 465 00:56:14,910 --> 00:56:18,310 in order to be able to block this movement, 466 00:56:18,620 --> 00:56:22,540 fortunately, without us having taken any solid and calculated measure [in this regard] 467 00:56:22,680 --> 00:56:31,570 – we greatly lag behind in terms of publicity and explanation [of the revolution] – this powerful and strong way of thinking has advanced. 468 00:56:32,200 --> 00:56:38,880 Today, thank God, this is [the case] in [all] corners of the Islamic world and there is a lot of evidence [attesting to this fact, including]: 469 00:56:40,420 --> 00:56:46,740 nations, Muslim nations, love the Islamic Republic in the true sense of the world, 470 00:56:46,880 --> 00:56:53,370 [and] love the officials of the Islamic Republic. Our presidents throughout these years, 471 00:56:53,710 --> 00:56:59,710 wherever they have traveled and it has been decided to let people free [to contact them], 472 00:56:59,800 --> 00:57:06,050 they [people] have shown huge enthusiasm [to meet Iranian presidents]; it was like this in Pakistan, was like this in Lebanon, 473 00:57:06,050 --> 00:57:10,340 was like this in Sudan, [and] was like this in many other countries. 474 00:57:10,340 --> 00:57:14,080 Of course, wherever they block people’s [access], well, it is a different issue; 475 00:57:15,220 --> 00:57:24,340 [however,] at any place where people of those Muslim countries know that they can express [their] opinion and express [their] feelings, 476 00:57:25,310 --> 00:57:30,340 [they do it] and this is due to the blessing of Islam, [and] is due to the blessing of recourse to the Quran. 477 00:57:33,510 --> 00:57:38,170 The Islam which is [limited to] personal acts, the secular Islam, 478 00:57:40,310 --> 00:57:47,220 the Islam [in which people] “believe in some [principles] and renounce others,” the Islam of which jihad is crossed out, 479 00:57:47,220 --> 00:57:50,800 [of which] prohibition of vice is crossed out and removed, 480 00:57:51,710 --> 00:57:57,170 [of which] martyrdom in the path of God is removed, is not the Islam of [the Islamic] revolution. 481 00:57:58,370 --> 00:58:08,740 The revolutionary Islam, is the same [Islam] that one observes in the holy Quran – in numerous divine verses of the Quran – 482 00:58:10,050 --> 00:58:14,000 [and] is also [observed] in our own language, [which] is this last will and testament of Imam [Khomeini], 483 00:58:14,000 --> 00:58:21,800 [and] is [seen in] orated and written memorabilia of the Imam. This is our Islam; 484 00:58:22,310 --> 00:58:29,680 [our duty is] guarding a revolution with this essence; [with] Islamic essence. 485 00:58:29,850 --> 00:58:35,510 Not simply a purely epic movement, 486 00:58:35,740 --> 00:58:46,050 no, [but a movement] with Islamic meaning, which this was able to, fortunately, [affect] the world. 487 00:58:46,450 --> 00:58:51,880 So, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has such a [valuable] connotation; 488 00:58:52,680 --> 00:58:59,540 you must work a lot, must be very vigilant, must greatly appreciate; 489 00:59:00,800 --> 00:59:03,200 [and] everybody must appreciate the IRGC. 490 00:59:05,140 --> 00:59:15,280 Undermining the IRGC and irrelevant remarks that are sometimes uttered against the IRGC, 491 00:59:15,280 --> 00:59:19,000 [these are] things that [only] delight the enemy and make the enemy happy. 492 00:59:20,370 --> 00:59:28,370 Now, I don’t mean that all people who talk like this, are vanguards of the enemy; no, 493 00:59:29,600 --> 00:59:32,710 some of them [utter such remarks] out of ignorance and they don’t understand; 494 00:59:32,910 --> 00:59:39,570 [but] some [people] are probably on a mission to talk like this and to utter such remarks. 495 00:59:39,710 --> 00:59:45,740 The IRGC must be revered, [because] the IRGC is a great divine bounty for the country. 496 00:59:46,450 --> 00:59:51,200 And let me tell you this: the first person who should revere it is you. 497 00:59:53,050 --> 01:00:05,050 Make the spiritual and intellectual and ideological and practical fabric of the IRGC as much a strong fabric as you can; 498 01:00:06,000 --> 01:00:11,000 strongly avoid the pretexts that some people may look for; 499 01:00:12,510 --> 01:00:19,340 [and] in various economic and financial and political fields and so forth 500 01:00:20,280 --> 01:00:26,850 follow the direct line and the correct line of the revolution 501 01:00:26,850 --> 01:00:34,710 and absolutely avoid pursuing things that can harm the dignity of the IRGC. 502 01:00:35,280 --> 01:00:42,540 You are the first person who must safeguard this status, [and] this real prestige 503 01:00:43,170 --> 01:00:51,110 – not an imposed prestige that we would want to impose [on you] that ‘you must think this way’; no, this is the reality of this issue - ; 504 01:00:52,710 --> 01:00:59,450 and since you are the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, you [must] be aware of threats. 505 01:00:59,620 --> 01:01:10,820 As I said, today, infiltration by enemies is one of the great threats [posed] to this country; 506 01:01:11,310 --> 01:01:17,770 they seek to infiltrate. What does infiltration mean? Economic infiltration is possible, 507 01:01:18,570 --> 01:01:22,140 which of course, the least important [of various forms of infiltration] is economic infiltration; 508 01:01:22,400 --> 01:01:27,600 and even security infiltration may be [considered] among the least important [of infiltration]. 509 01:01:28,420 --> 01:01:30,910 [Of course,] security infiltration is not a small issue, 510 01:01:31,400 --> 01:01:37,220 but in comparison to intellectual and cultural and political infiltration, it is less important. 511 01:01:38,940 --> 01:01:45,220 Security infiltration has its own agents, [and] various officials 512 01:01:45,800 --> 01:01:53,770 – including the IRGC itself – will, God willing, prevent security infiltration of the enemy with full force. 513 01:01:55,710 --> 01:02:03,970 In economic fields, the watchful eyes of economic officials must be open and they must take care 514 01:02:05,020 --> 01:02:07,820 [so] that [enemies] would not find [the opportunity] for economic infiltration, 515 01:02:08,620 --> 01:02:16,220 because infiltration by the enemy will make pillars of a strong economy shaky. 516 01:02:17,000 --> 01:02:21,170 In those places, where they infiltrated economically, [and] those places where they could mount themselves 517 01:02:21,800 --> 01:02:32,400 on the economy of countries and nations like a nightmare, havoc was wreaked on those countries. 518 01:02:32,680 --> 01:02:40,250 Here, [about] ten [or] fifteen years before this, head of one of these states, which was 519 01:02:40,620 --> 01:02:47,020 among developed countries in our region, in a trip he made to Tehran and came to visit me, told me that 520 01:02:47,170 --> 01:02:55,450 ‘sir, due to economic infiltration, we turned into [a] poor [and] mendicant [country] overnight’; [and] he was right. 521 01:02:55,770 --> 01:03:03,570 A given capitalist due to a given characteristic makes a decision to bring this country to its knees: 522 01:03:06,020 --> 01:03:14,140 he takes his capital out or does other things to bring that country’s economy to its knees. 523 01:03:14,280 --> 01:03:17,450 This, of course, is also very important, 524 01:03:17,800 --> 01:03:27,020 however, in comparison with cultural economy, political economy, political infiltration and cultural infiltration, its importance is less 525 01:03:27,400 --> 01:03:32,020 and the most important of all is political infiltration and cultural infiltration. 526 01:03:32,850 --> 01:03:41,420 The enemy endeavors in the cultural field to change what a society believes in; 527 01:03:41,710 --> 01:03:45,420 and [tries] to shift those beliefs which have been able to keep this society on its feet, 528 01:03:46,450 --> 01:03:55,250 cast doubt on them, disrupt [them] and make them crack. 529 01:03:56,480 --> 01:04:00,220 [The enemies] spend a lot of money, spend billions for this purpose; 530 01:04:00,680 --> 01:04:02,940 this is cultural penetration and infiltration. 531 01:04:02,940 --> 01:04:08,620 Political infiltration is that [the enemies] infiltrate into decision-taking centers, 532 01:04:08,620 --> 01:04:12,820 and if this failed, in decision-making [centers]. 533 01:04:14,510 --> 01:04:23,940 When political organs and management organs of a country come under influence of arrogant enemies, 534 01:04:24,310 --> 01:04:34,310 then all decision-making in this country will be [done] according to the demand and will and determination of the arrogant; 535 01:04:36,880 --> 01:04:43,200 I mean, they will have [to do so]. When a country comes under political influence, 536 01:04:43,450 --> 01:04:50,020 the movement of that country, [and] orientation of that country within management organs, will conform to their determination; 537 01:04:50,020 --> 01:04:51,420 and this is [exactly] what they [the arrogant powers] want. 538 01:04:51,850 --> 01:04:59,250 They do not like to [make] one of their own dominate a country, 539 01:05:00,400 --> 01:05:07,170 like what they did in late 19th century and early 20th century in India; 540 01:05:07,250 --> 01:05:14,510 they had agents of their own in there; [and] a person from Britain was chief of India. 541 01:05:15,050 --> 01:05:17,800 Today, this is not possible anymore; 542 01:05:18,420 --> 01:05:23,770 [therefore] it is better for them that some people from the same nation be on top of that country 543 01:05:24,110 --> 01:05:30,020 that would think like them, decide like them, [and] make decision like them and in accordance with their expediencies; 544 01:05:30,140 --> 01:05:32,020 this is [true meaning of] political infiltration. 545 01:05:33,220 --> 01:05:35,250 [The goal of arrogant powers is] to infiltrate into decision-taking centers, 546 01:05:35,420 --> 01:05:38,450 [and] if they failed, [then try to infiltrate into] decision-making centers, 547 01:05:39,110 --> 01:05:43,740 [because] these are places that make decisions. These are [among important] steps that the enemy takes. 548 01:05:44,050 --> 01:05:49,820 If we were vigilant, their hope would be dashed. 549 01:05:49,970 --> 01:05:58,280 They are waiting that one day the Iranian nation and the Establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran may fall asleep; 550 01:05:59,540 --> 01:06:04,650 they are waiting for this. They promise that ten years later, Iran would not be that Iran [which it is now] and others [other countries] would not do anything anymore! This is what they imagine. 551 01:06:04,880 --> 01:06:12,770 This thought and this evil hope should not be allowed to take root in the enemy’s heart; 552 01:06:12,850 --> 01:06:19,170 the pillars of the revolution and revolutionary thought must be so strong here 553 01:06:19,170 --> 01:06:26,910 that dying and living of this or that [person] and this and that [given official] would have no effect on the revolutionary movement of this country; 554 01:06:27,140 --> 01:06:33,170 this is the basic duty of the IRGC elites and all revolutionary elites of this country. 555 01:06:33,450 --> 01:06:38,050 O Almighty God! Land your blessings and guidance on all of us; 556 01:06:38,910 --> 01:06:43,000 make what we said and heard for yourself and in your path 557 01:06:43,650 --> 01:06:45,000 and [we swear you] by your Grace [to] accept [our words and deeds]. 558 01:06:46,140 --> 01:06:48,740 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings.