The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader's Message to 19th National Prayer Conference

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The creation of an entity called "mosque" - first in Quba and then in Medina - is among the most exquisite and meaningful innovations of Islam at the beginning of the formation of an Islamic community: The house of God and the house of people, the solitude of a close relationship with God and the companionship provided through socializing with people, the center for remembrance of God and spiritual ascension, the center for science, jihad and management of material affairs, the place for worshipping and a center for politics. These are all interrelated pairs which portray the image of the Islamic mosque and illustrate the gap that exists between the Islamic mosque and worship centers of other religions. In the Islamic mosque, the enthusiasm and joy of pure worship is mixed with the enthusiasm of a healthy, pure and rational life and brings society closer to its Islamic standard. The mosque is the manifestation of the union of the world and the hereafter and the union of individuals and society in Islamic ideology.

Based on this view our hearts beat for mosques and are filled with enthusiasm and sense of responsibility. Today we are not short of individuals - in our mosques - who can present a view of this glorious and impressive image. The presence of our pure-hearted youth and conscious and sympathetic teachers and clergy has truly made mosques the center for remembrance of God, worshipping, thought and knowledge and has evoked beloved and precious memories in our hearts. However, before this duty is fulfilled in a perfect manner, none of us can ignore the danger which threatens society, youth, families and future generations as a result of shortage of mosques or the shortcomings which exist in mosques. Nor can we deprive ourselves of the great blessings which Islamic mosques present to society and the Islamic Republic.
Construction of mosques and the presence of qualified clergy in them is the most important point. Currently, despite the existence of thousands of mosques across the country, there is room for thousands more in villages, cities, satellite towns and residential complexes. Easy access to mosques is an urgent need for our faithful people, youth and teenagers. A pious, intellectual, expert and sympathetic cleric in a mosque is the spirit of the mosque - just as doctors and nurses are the spirit of a hospital. Prayer leaders should prepare themselves to provide moral remedies and consider this an essential duty. And the centers in charge of dealing with the affairs of mosques and Islamic seminaries should provide aid to prayer leaders in all situations.
Mosques should be a place for teaching Quranic exegesis and hadith, a pulpit for promoting social and political principles and a center for preaching and promotion of ethics. Through their kindness, the custodians, managers and trustees of mosques should attract the pure hearts of the youth and instill enthusiasm into them. The presence of youth with basiji spirits should fill the atmosphere of mosques with dynamism, enthusiasm, hope and foresight. There should be well-defined and appropriate cooperation between mosques and educational centers in all areas. It would be very appropriate if prayer leaders commended prominent students of every area in mosques and in front of the people.
Mosques should preserve a strong and continuing relationship with the youth who get married, with people who make scientific, social, artistic and sports achievements, with benevolent people who make efforts to provide aid to other people, with grief-stricken people who are in need of sympathy and even with newly-born infants. In every neighborhood and area, mosques should be the source of benevolence and grace. In particular, mosques should not cause discomfort or trouble for people living in their neighborhood. Producing irritating sounds during night time and when people are resting is an inappropriate act which is at times against the laws of sharia. The only sound which should be produced by mosques is the sound of adhan [call to prayer] recited in a pleasant voice.
Reconstruction of mosques and paying attention to their spiritual and physical adornment is a duty which lies on the shoulders of all people. And everybody should fulfill their duty in this regard as much as they can. The people, municipalities and government organizations should all play their role in this regard. Wise, responsible and pious clergy can and must act as the axis of this holy effort.
I pray to Allah the Exalted to bestow success on everyone. I also pray to God to bestow a long life, continued enthusiasm and increasing success on Hojjatoleslam wal Muslemeen Aghaye Qara'ati who is a mujahid and devoted cleric.
Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Mehr 18, 1389
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