The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader urges promotion of book reading

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei on Wednesday urged the cultural institutes to spare no efforts to promote culture of reading books and encourage the youth to make optimum use of libraries.
Islamic Revolution Leader made the remarks in a meeting with cultural figures and officials of cultural institutes and libraries.
Ayatollha Khamenei said that he was dissatisfied with the current status of publishing books and reading the book, calling on the cultural institutes to unleash new wave reforms to ensure that the books will not be an isolated means of communication.
Islamic Revolution Leader said that reading is the best means to propagate modern ideas and enlighten the society and nothing else than replace the merits of books, a reference to the prevalence of audio-visual media posing threat to the role of books as the major means of communication in the society.
Ayatollha Khamenei assigned the cultural institutes to see as part of their responsibility to encourage reading.
'Reading the books should turn to a habit for the family members - the young adults and the youth.'
Prior to Ayatollha Khamenei's remarks, Minister of Culture and the Islamic Guidance Mohammad Hosseini presented a report on 48 percent increase in the number of libraries over the past six years.
Hosseini said that purchase of books has risen up by 20 percent in the past six years.
He said that specialized book festivals and public book exhibits and contests about reading the books have been arranged to encourage the youth and the young adults to read the books.
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