The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Calls on Muslims to Return to Their Original Islamic Identity

Speaking during a meeting with a group of government officials and ordinary citizens from various social backgrounds on Wednesday, Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution urged Muslims to return to their original Islamic identity. He added that Islamic Awakening in the region is the result of faith in Islam and reliance on God.

His Eminence said that Islamic Awakening in the region and the presence of the regional people on the scene in order to take control of their destiny is a very important and valuable experience in the history of Islam and reiterated: "The events that are happening in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya, Bahrain and certain other countries are decisive and fateful events for Muslim nations."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed: "If the willpower of Muslim nations overcomes those who try to interfere in Islamic countries, Muslim countries will have a progressive movement for a long time."

Ayatollah Khamenei added: "But if the world of arrogance and the leaders of global hegemony and Zionism - including the arrogant and oppressive US regime - manage to ride these waves and take management of the situation into their own hands, the world of Islam will definitely have to deal with big problems for decades."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that members of the Islamic Ummah, particularly prominent political and cultural figures of the world of Islam, have a very important responsibility at this sensitive stage, further stressing: "Today Islamic countries and Muslim nations have to go through a great test. Until today, nations were not so much aware of their capabilities. Today nations have come to know what power they have and how effective their willpower can be."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the resistance of the Iranian nation in the face of the pressure exerted by the arrogant powers - particularly the sanctions and the military, political and security threats - is an example of how a nation can rely on its own capabilities to stand up against the enemy. He reiterated that the results of the 33-year resistance of the Iranian nation have become clear.

His Eminence said that the Iranian nation is a glorious, powerful and progressive nation with promising prospects, adding that the current historical stage is one of the most brilliant stages of Iran's history.
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