The Office of the Supreme Leader


Khums on Stocks
Question1: If we buy and sell stocks in the stock market using what we earn during our khum¬s year, is it subject to khums?
Answer: In the given case, at the end of khums year, you must pay khums on the actual price of the stocks.
Prayer at the Place of Study
Question2: A student lives in the dormitory five days per week. Is the city in which he studies ruled as his watan?
Answer: The place of study does not have the status of watan. The same rule is applied to the city in which one live temporarily. Of course, if he stays there for one year and in a way that people do not consider him as a traveler there, his prayer is four-rak‘ah even without the intention of staying for ten days.
Relation with Non-Maḥram Close Blood Relatives
Question3: Considering the importance of having good relation with close blood relatives in Islam, how can this religious duty be performed regarding non-maḥram relatives such as cousins of opposite sex?
Answer: If the close blood relatives do not sever ties with each other, and perhaps they become aware of each other's situation while observing the shar'ī rules, and rush to help each other, especially in problems, they have performed this duty. In order to perform this duty named ṣilah of raḥīim, travel and direct communication are not necessary.
Limits of Obedience to Parents
Question4: To what extent is obedience to parents necessary?
Answer: If the parents order us to do something which is not forbidden according to Islamic Law, it is nice to obey them unless not obeying them may cause them considerable distress. In this case, one should not disobey them.
Yawning in Prayer
Question5: Is it wrong to yawn or sigh in prayer?
Answer: Sounds produced due to coughing, sneezing and clearing the throat do not invalidate the prayer whether or not it makes some letters.
Istikhārah for Marriage
Question6: Some parents perform istikhārah before asking a girl's hand for marriage and act according to it, is istikhārah necessary in these cases?
Answer: In general, istikhārah is to remove astonishment and doubt in doing permissible acts, whether one doubts to do the very action or how to do it, so if there is no astonishment in good deeds, istikhārah is not necessary. To act in accordance with the result of an istikhārah is not obligatory as per shar', but it is better not to act against it.
The Cost of a Child's Education
Question7: A child's nafaqah is to be paid by the father, what about the child's education?
Answer: If the child is not financially able, it is the responsibility of the father to pay for his child's education to the extent that the people consider it as a necessity of life, such as primary education.
How Much to Pay Maintenance
1) How much must a husband pay his wife during their marriage as nafaqah?
2) Is the nafaqah that the wife receives from her husband liable to khums if it remains until the end of the khums year?
1) The obligatory nafaqah of a wife is everything that a woman normally needs, such as food, domestic appliances, clothes, housing, the cost of treating conventional diseases, cleaning, etc. suitable for her peers as far as their quantity and quality are concerned.
2) nafaqah is not liable to khums, although it is a recommended precaution to pay its khums if it exceeds the expenses of the year.
To Earn Money as a Portfolio Manager
Question9: If a person who is not an expert in stock exchange transactions gives me his capital to buy and sell shares of stock exchange companies for him and give him some profit from the transactions; is there any problem with the revenue from this type of transaction, which is called portfolio management?
Answer: It is no problem if the owner of the capital gives you power of attorney to earn money with his capital in stock exchange transactions, to give him a certain percent of profit and to take the rest for yourself. Of course, if there is a law in this regard, it must be observed.
Betting on Virtual Money
Question10: Is virtual betting forbidden if we do not know our opponent and do not pay for it, that is, the program itself gives us a free virtual currency and gives us a prize if we win? They bet on the price of virtual currencies.
Answer: If virtual money has financial value and can be bought and sold - even in a virtual environment - it is not permissible to win or lose and it is considered gambling.
To Visit Click-Sites and to Have a Group to Click
Question11: There are some Iranian and foreign sites that place ads in their sites. If we see those ads and click on them, they will pay us a (small) amount for each click. And if we make a group of people under our management to do so, an amount will be transferred to our account for their visits and clicks. Is this money ḥalāl?
Answer: If it is not against the rules and regulations and visiting advertising sites does not promote corruption such as spreading lies and presenting false content, there is no problem in visiting the sites and receiving the mentioned amount.
Wedding Ceremonies during the Moon in Scorpio
Question12: Considering that in every lunar month, some days the moon is in Scorpio, is it wrong to hold a wedding ceremony on these days?
Answer: When the Moon is in Scorpio, reciting the formulae of marriage is makrūh, but there is no problem in holding ceremonies.
To Wipe the Head on Oily Hair
Question13: Is gel or hair oil an obstacle to wiping the head while making wuḍū’?
Answer: If there is a substance or fat to prevent water from reaching the place of wiping, wuḍū’ with it is not correct and it must be removed. It rests with the very mukallaf to determine whether it prevents or not.
To Touch Qur'anic Verses on a Mobile
Question14: Is it permissible for a person without wudu' or a woman who is menstruating to touch the text of the Holy Qur'an installed on the phone?
Answer: There is no problem in touching it because in fact the mobile glass is touched and not the verses of the Holy Qur'an.


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