The Office of the Supreme Leader

Muslims should not keep silent on Palestine

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said that performing a correct Hajj with complete unity would restore dignity, glory and strength of the Islamic Ummah.
Addressing Hajj officials on Saturday, Ayatollah Khamenei said the Muslim world is in great need of unity in the face of growing Western plots.
"Zionist and American elements are looking for an opportunity to create rifts between Muslims through religious, sectarian and racial excuses, whenever they come together," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
The Islamic Revolution Leader also criticized the Muslim states for not responding to the Palestinians' call for help and justice.
"Zionism, as a political party hated by even the Jewish, has occupied the Islamic territories of Palestine, and the Muslims' first Qibla, for the past 60 years and is committing fresh crimes every day," Ayatollah Khamenei noted.
"This is while most Muslim countries keep silent despite the Palestinians call for justice and help," the Islamic Revolution Lead said, adding that the Holy Hajj offers a great opportunity for the Muslim world to outline a united stance in response to the Palestinian suffering.
Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the expansion of extremism among some Shiis and Sunnis by the enemies of the Islamic nations and said," Nations and the Islamic governments should find needs of the world of Islam through understanding, sympathy, cooperation and vigilance."
 Leader of the Islamic Revolution criticized pressures and difficulties which some creates for Iranian pilgrims in Mecca and Medina and said," Of course in this side also a few people do some unfavorable actions and behaviors but the pressures and reactions are against the Hajj teachings."
IR Leader said that the Iranian pilgrims should perform Hajj rituals in a fair style which shows the correct and social-political gesture of Islam. It is also will be the source of unity of the Islamic nations. 
Ayatollah Khamenei urged more assistance flood-stricken area of Pakistan and said," Iranian people and government sent humanitarian aid to Pakistanis and God bless them."
"The current aid for Pakistanis is not enough and Iranian pilgrims can reduce their unnecessary expenses in Hajj ceremonies and help Pakistani brothers and sisters and invite other pilgrims to help the oppressed Pakistani nation," IR Leader added.
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