The Office of the Supreme Leader

Seminaries should make Islamic theories available to world

Islamic Revolution Leader in a meeting with seminaries' scholars, Alims and managers of religious seminaries in the holy city of Qom explained different aspects of reform in the religious seminaries and revealed the enemies' tactics for weakening the Islamic system and isolating seminaries and religious scholars.
Describing Qom as the main center of Ahl ul-Beit teachings, he also said that it plays an active role in promoting vigilance and insight among Muslims.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution urged vigilance against misleading concepts spread by the enemies, which aim at causing division among the Iranian nation.
"They want to deprive the establishment of the Islamic Republic of the vast intellectual, rational and logical support of clerics, and isolate and tarnish the reputation of the revolutionary clerics. We should vigilantly counter these plots," Ayatollah Khamenei said added.
The Islamic Revolution Leader referred to governmental clergymen and government of clergymen as two misleading concepts which form part of the enemies' propaganda against Iran.
"The Shia clergy, in its totality, has always been an essential part of social and political developments, and therefore has an influence and depth like no other Islamic and non-Islamic clerical body," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said calling the Islamic Republic a government of clerics is a blatant lie and stressed that the Islamic establishment is the rule of religion and religious values, not the rule of clergymen.
"In the Islamic establishment, being a clergyman is not enough for receiving governmental responsibilities, because being a clergyman alone does not guarantee competence, just as it does not
negate it," Islamic Revolution Leader added.
"The Islamic system is in need of support of Alims and religious seminaries. Regarding Islamic identity of the Islamic Republic, it is the duties of the Alims to make the Islamic theories available to the world," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Islamic Revolution Leader underlined that ignoring new Islamic theories would pave tha way for penetration of Western theories into the seminaries.
Ayatollah Khamenei named the seminaries especially the Qom seminary as the mother of the Islamic system adding that the common approach between the seminaries and the system is mutual support and cooperation.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution called on the religious authorities and thinkers to make plans for changes as an inevitable issue.
Ayatollah Khamenei also underlined that the lack of religion theories will leave the ground for western theories. Seminaries and scholars should make the Islamic theories available to the officials so that they make plans on the basis of Islamic premises.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution pointed to the necessity for dynamism of the Qom Religious Seminary in the world and said," The religion would hit if the religious scholars act passively and the issue is opposed to the scholars' philosophy".
"Of course the activities of seminaries would increase enmities but if we become awareness, the enmities will be changed into opportunities and remove ambiguities," Leader of the Islamic Revolution added. 
Explaining that positive and correct reforms are different from incorrect and deviation ones, Ayatollah Khamenei said," Some figures issue fatwa in the favor of arrogant powers."
"It is not wrong if some scholars issue different fatwas based on correct method because it would bring new developments to seminaries," IR Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei recalled religious seminaries for active presence in the international fields including philosophy, jurisprudence and theology and said," Seminaries should present firm and reasonable responses to different issues regarding different religious ideas."
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