The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader lauds armed forces' achievements

Attending a military parade in Tehran on Wednesday, Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said the pattern of strength in the Islamic system is based on faith, relying on God and sincere struggle towards high values.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the Iranian armed forces have achieved considerable progress in producing military equipments by relying on their faith.
Ayatollah Khamenei named the country's Air Force as a pioneer in manufacturing military equipment.
"Through reliance on faith, the Armed forces including the Islamic Republic of Iran Army have made considerable progress in manufacturing military equipment," Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said Wednesday.
"Through reliance on faith, the Armed forces including the Islamic Republic of Iran Army have made considerable progress in manufacturing military equipment," Ayatollah Khamenei said Wednesday.
"A prime example of spiritual power overcoming material power was the victory of Islamic Revolution in which the Iranian nation managed to defeat the Shah's regime with empty hands and reliance on faith," The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said.
The Islamic Republic of Iran's commander-in-chief went on to say that material powers, which rely on their military equipment and worldly calculations cannot defeat a nation following the paradigm of Islamic might.
"During the sacred defense (the eight-year Iraqi-imposed war on Iran) while under all-out sanctions, the Iranian nation sealed its victory over the corrupt Baath regime, which had the support of the East and the West, through reliance on faith and the valor of its youth and armed forces," Ayatollah Khamenei added.
"Orient your studies, research and education towards making use of the experiences of veterans, rely on your capabilities and do not be satisfied with any level of progress," Ayatollah Khamenei concluded.
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