The Office of the Supreme Leader

Justice must turn into common discussion

A meeting on strategic thoughts in the Islamic Republic was held Tuesday in the presence of Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei where several scholars presented their papers and exchanged views with the IR Leader on the issue of social justice. This is the second meeting on such strategic thoughts ever held.
In the 4-hour session, 10 scholars expressed their views on the notion, aspects and functions of "justice in society".
Next, Ayatollah Khamenei delivered a speech, saying that Iranian intellectuals and thinkers must engage in a serious exchange of views until a genuine Islamic view of justice is developed based on Islamic sources and teachings.
The IR Leader appreciated the overall efforts made in the past three decades for the purpose of social justice in the country, adding however that the current status of justice in society was never satisfying the demands of Islam as the faith seek a maximum implementation of justice as a global value.
Ayatollah Khamenei called the Tuesday session a starting point, adding that the notion of justice must turn into a common discussion among the elites until it bears its blessing fruits.
Ayatollah Khamenei said justice has been a preoccupation for human being throughout history and that unlike many theories made by different intellectuals, divine faiths have played an exceptional role in the expansion of justice worldwide.
Ayatollah Khamenei said in view of the Holy Koran, the divine messengers sought justice as their main aim and that such an attention to justice has never been paid by any human school of thought. "The divine messengers also struggled with oppressors and supported the oppressed besides elucidating the notion of justice while theorists of justice only paid lip services to the concept," the IR Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the divine faiths also differ from human schools of though in that they believe that human history ultimately ends in an era full of justice.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the divine faiths have all depicted a similar track for human being which eventually leads to justice and for the same reason, the issue of justice has found an exceptional status in the Islamic Republic from the advent of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and has been underscored in the national slogans and views of Imam Khomeini (R.A.)
Ayatollah Khamenei said justice has been the foremost objective of the Iranian Islamic System from the outset. He however expressed dissatisfaction over the current status of justice in the society and said that the Islamic Republic seeks a full implementation of justice and removal of the existing gaps based on Islamic views and for that purpose, serious, all-out efforts were needed.
Ayatollah Khamenei also noted that for the Islamic Iran, trial and error approach to social justice was a thing of the past and that from now on, any projects in this domain must be carried out based on a solid platform.
The IR Leader said greater decisions were needed in order to keep the current speedy national progress however the drive must go hand in hand with justice so as to avoid irreparable losses.
Ayatollah Khamenei urged the scholars to avoid any confusion of Islamic views of justice with those of other schools of thought and that the Islamic theory of justice should be purely developed through genuine Islamic sources. Ayatollah Khamenei said every school of thought defines justice based on its own ontology and for the same reason the views of human schools of thought concerning justice must be shunned in the development of the Islamic theory.
"Islam considers implementation of justice as a divine duty unlike human schools of thoughts," he added.
Ayatollah Khamenei also noted that no prejudgment is allowed in the development of the theory and rather the theory must be developed through serious exchange of views between domestic scholars and the exchange of views must continue even after a theory as such was developed.
The IR Leader said the scholars were expected to arrive at a solid definition and mechanism of justice in the first place so as to be followed up in the future, long-term national projects, and afterwards, newer researches must be conducted to develop possible relevant executive methods.
Ayatollah Khamenei then proposed the university and the Howza (Islamic seminary) establish a course on justice studies and called it a useful investment for implementation of social justice and training of powerful human resources to that effect.
The IR Leader also urged building independent, Islam-based assessment indicators to see whether and to what extents social justice has been materialized, adding that many western indicators in this domain are either incomplete or totally wrong.
 The Islamic Revolution Leader also urged the parliament and the Constitutional Guardian Council to heed the issue of justice in their ratifications or verifications, adding that many projects had remained to be carried out for the purpose of social justice.
Ayatollah Khamenei wrapped his remarks by saying that justice could not be implemented in a society which has no belief in God as origin of creation or Day of Resurrection as a day when people are awarded or punished for their deeds. He said every individual in the society was also expected to implement justice in his or her self and that the individual efforts would help keep the person from sins and indirectly advance the social justice.
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