The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader warns about new enemy scenario

The domineering powers now seek to deal a blow to the Islamic Republic by torpedoing the economy, dividing the authorities and undermining the Islamic beliefs among the nation, Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei told members of the Iranian parliament (Majlis) Sunday.
Ayatollah Khamenei thanked the parliament for its decisive stance against the US conspiracies and said it was a divine blessing that the Iranian nation commands a good and clear understanding about the goals of the hegemoniy system.
"The arrogance seeks to trouble the situation and impede the nations from getting a true understanding however the Iranian nation has increasingly got a better understanding of their conspiracies," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
The IR Leader said it was imperative both for the Legislative and the Executive to adopt decisive stances against the enemies of Islam and Iran, adding that the Arrogance would continue to challenge the Islamic Republic as long as it hopes it can deal a blow to the Iranian revolution. "Thank to God's assistance however the Islamic Republic has got a stronger stance in the confrontation while the enemy has increasingly grown weaker," the IR Leader added.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the enemies would be defeated if the nation realizes their scenario and makes appropriate plans to thwart it. Ayatollah Khamenei said the enemies have overtly focused on Iran's economy and seek to frustrate people by paralyzing the economy.
"The enemy also overtly seeks to divide the state bodies. All authorities must be alert not to allow differences to turn into challenges or conflict between them," the IR Leader added. In the same regard, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the 2009 post election seditious riots and said even if one looks at the incident optimistically, he or she would find it an unforgivable guilt on the part of the seditionists for they made their perceptions about the vote result into a challenge against the government and delivered a blow to the country.
Ayatollah Khamenei urged all authorities to consider it a national duty to avoid discord, adding that the parliamentary fractions of any affiliations must fulfill their duty in keeping the national unity.
The Islamic Revolution Leader said the enemy also seeks a third goal at present that is to undermine the Islamic beliefs of the nation and promote atheist inclinations among the Iranian people and other Muslim people. Ayatollah Khamenei said the western media have launched a massive propaganda to influence the Muslim youths, especially in Egypt and Tunisia and promote indecency and religious doubt among them so as to demote the Islamic awakening in the region.
The IR Leader said the Islamic Iran can ably stand against the enemy scenario thank to its profound philosophical and ideological assets provided it avoids negligence and vanity in the struggle. "We may risk defeat if we ignore our main works in favor of trivial ones or get too proud of ourselves or underestimate the enemy," Ayatollah Khamenei warned.
Ayatollah Khamenei then said any performance which may satisfy the enemy's goals and may deal a blow to the country and nation is a sin that God would never forgive for it is impossible to make for such a blow.
"God has entrusted us with a massive assignment and we must fulfill it decisively and trustfully," the IR Leader urged.
Ayatollah Khamenei in another regard welcomed difference of opinions in the parliament and said difference of opinion was a natural issue however the political currents must beware not to turn their differences into a challenge for the country. Ayatollah Khamenei also urged the lawmakers to pursue and ratify a draft policy currently on table on parliamentary self-supervision without any reservations.
The IR Leader then touched on the upcoming March parliamentary elections and urged the lawmakers not to allow their election campaigns run at the cost of their legislative duties. He also warned that any lawmaker that seeks to retain its seat in the next parliament by resorting to masters of power or wealth would risk a severe ethical loss and God too would never forgive such an ugly performance.
Ayatollah Khamenei then urged the Legislative and the Executive to help one another, adding that the two must refer to the Constitution for any disputes arising between them. The IR Leader urged the legislature to make their ratifications easy for implementation, adding the Executive was supposed to do its best to implement any legislation without any excuse.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the upcoming ninth parliamentary vote was an indicator for the government, noting that the Islamic system has always staged all elections after the 1979 revolution without delay despite any adversaries.
Ayatollah Khamenei said it was a flag of pride for the government to hold 30 elections ever, all sound and fair so that no one could prove any claims to the contrary.
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