The Office of the Supreme Leader

Palestine belongs to Muslims in its entirety

The faithful Iranian people showed adherence Saturday to the sublime aspirations of the late founder of Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, and renewed their allegiance with his successor, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in a ceremony to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the demise of the late leader.
Ayatollah Khamenei in the ceremony outlined the characters of the current Islamic awakening in the region and said Imam Khomeini's prediction came true during the regional uprisings. Ayatollah Khamenei said the school of the late Imam was founded on the three elements of spirituality, rationality and justice.
The Islamic Revolution Leader said the 22nd anniversary was coincided with the epic Islamic awakening of the regional nations so that the forecast of the divine man came true.
Ayatollah Khamenei called the school of the Imam as a great legacy for the Iranian nation, adding that the Iranian nation by the legacy could pass through hard terrains of the past 32 years and will pass in the future.
The IR Leader pointed to waves of pure affections poured by the nation in memory of the late Imam, adding however that the profound faith of the Iranian nation in the late Imam went beyond the heart felt affection to convene their adherence in the clear school of Imam.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the three elements of spirituality, rationality and justice which formed the school of Imam should be considered altogether so as to avoid any deviations from the path.
Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the late Imam was a man of ultimate spirituality but at the same time he considered rationality and prudence at any conditions and pursued justice besides the two other elements through the very discourse of Islam and the Holy Koran.
Ayatollah Khamenei said Imam's rationality emerged in his option of "religious democracy" as the platform of the political system of the country, adding that his reliance on the vote of people in the country after centuries of dictatorial rules points to the rational side of Imam Khomeini's prosperous school of thought.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the late Imam was also rational in his political awareness about the enemies and his solid perseverance against their conspiracies, adding that unlike those who considered it rational to relinquish the field in the face of enemy, Imam considered any withdrawal against the enemy as a grant of opportunity to the enemy for further advance. "For the same reason, he continued to stand against the enemies like a mountain to the end of his life," the IR Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the late Imam also proved to be rational in that he imbued the nation with self-confidence, adding that against a background of relentless efforts of the arrogance and its internal stooges to make the people to feel humiliated and unable, Imam Khomeini put the motto of "we can" in the hearts of the people.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the exceptional advances of the young Iranian scientists in different industrial and technological spheres were the palpable result of the Imam's rational efforts to revive the moral in the Iranian nation.
Ayatollah Khamenei also described the trend of the formulation of the Constitution as another manifestation of the clear and rational thought of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, saying that the Imam through his precise calculations ceded it to people to choose the board in charge of the formulation of the draft Constitution and to vote to the Constitution afterwards in a nationwide referendum.
Ayatollah Khamenei said in view of Imam, the people are the owners of the country. "Imam, based on his insightful rationality taught people that they are the owners of the country rather than the dictators of the past regimes," the IR Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the late Imam based on his rationality founded so strong a legal, social and political platform on the basis of which a great Islamic civilization can be established.
As for the element of spirituality, Ayatollah Khamenei said Imam strictly observed Islamic ethics in all his conducts and avoided any sins of backbiting, accusations, grudges, vanity and so on. "From the outset, Imam called the authorities to work for the sake of God and avoid looking down on people. He always urged them to welcome criticisms and admit their mistakes," the IR Leader said.
As for the elements of justice, Ayatollah Khamenei said Imam paid a special attention to underprivileged strata of the society and called on the authorities to avoid luxury and instead help the poor people. "The great lessons must never be forgotten," the IR Leader urged. In the same regard, the IR Leader called it a huge plague if the authorities focus on personal welfare and strive to collect wealth.
Ayatollah Khamenei in another regard said the late Imam was insisting that the authorities should be chosen from among the people and considered it a big danger if individuals rely on sources of wealth or power in the society in a quest for government posts as it was common during the past dictatorial, royal regimes in Iran.
Ayatollah Khamenei said national and international dignity would be achieved through the school of Imam Khomeini, adding that ignorance of the spiritual side of the Imam's line under the cover of justice seeking or making part of the society insecure in the name of revolutionary intentions are all deviations from the true path of Imam Khomeini.
"If an individual is not seeking subversive goals or enemy directions but also opposes our political inclinations, we must not trample on his or her security as the Holy Koran too advises us not to treat objections with injustice," the IR Leader urged.
Ayatollah Khamenei then turned to the regional developments and said the great Islamic awakening in the Middle East was a significant and fateful incident.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the developments in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Bahrain, each must be given its own special analysis, however, it was a common knowledge in all those developments that whenever a nation becomes awakened and feels powerful, nothing could stop it from victory.
"The world hegemony, the Bigger Satan and the bloodthirsty Zionists seek to block the eventual victory of the nations; However, if the nations get awakened and adhere to the Koranic call of patience and perseverance and have faith in the Divine promises, they will be victorious indeed," the IR Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the West seeks to create a feeble state in Libya as it owns huge oil resources and sits several steps from the Europe. "The West seeks to enfeeble the country and then take its control directly or indirectly," Ayatollah Khamenei said. Ayatollah Khamenei likened the Yemeni conditions to those of Libya.
As for Bahrain, he said the Bahraini people are in sheer innocence while the West and its accomplices have decided to present the Bahraini popular movement as a sectarian move by calling it a "Shia move." "The issue of Bahrain is not that of a Sunni-Shia issue rather the innocent nation calls for its preliminary rights of voting and getting involved in the process of formation of government," the IR Leader deplored.
Ayatollah Khamenei said a liar and deceitful US was active in the repression of the Bahraini people despite its claims of human rights and democracy. "They say the Saudis have went to Bahrain. But everyone knows that the Saudis could not do the thing without the US green light so the Americans too are accountable in the Bahraini developments," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the regional uprisings, especially the bright Egyptian movement, were featured with the three characters of being Islamic, being anti-US and anti-Zionist, and being popular. The Islamic Revolution Leader said the Islamic Republic would support any movement which has the three characters.
"However if we see a movement was provoked by the US or the Zionists we would not side with it as we are sure that the Bigger Satan and its accomplices would not do anything in favor of other nations," the IR Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei urged the regional and the North African nations to be vigilant against the West's conducts, adding that the superficially friendly assistance of the US was actually a way of dominance over other nations. "The regional nations, especially the Egyptian nation relying on their rich Islamic-cultural heritage must be vigilant not to allow an enemy which has already exited from the door to return from the windows," the IR Leader urged.
Ayatollah Khamenei lauded the Egyptian nation for its stance concerning the Palestinian issue, especially in the opening of the Rafah crossing and said the stance must be kept until the objectives of the Egyptian revolution are fully materialized in God's favor.
Ayatollah Khamenei also warned about an enemy effort to sow discord among the regional nations, especially in Egypt.
Ayatollah Khamenei concluded his remarks by making clear the IRI's stance concerning the Palestinian issue.
"Palestine will not be disintegrated; it belongs in its entirety to Muslims and will return to the lap of Islam indeed," the IR Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the US-designed initiatives in the Palestinian issue were futile and that the solution was the proposal the IRI put forward several years ago, based on which, the type of the regime to rule Palestine should be chosen through a referendum from the original people of the land.
 "After the Palestinian nation's desired government was established, the Palestinian people would decide on the fate of the Zionists who have come to the country from outside," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
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