The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader urges Muslim nations to remain vigilant

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei has warned against plots hatched by enemies to hijack the Muslim world's achievements, urging Muslim nations to remain vigilant.

Nations in Muslim countries must be vigilant and cautious not to permit enemies to hijack their victories, said Ayatollah Khamenei in an address to massive crowds of worshippers during the Eid al-Fitr prayers at Tehran University on Wednesday.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to “big events” which have taken place in the Muslim world during the recent months and added that the world is going through an important chapter in its history at the current juncture.

Islamic Revolution Leader stated that Muslims are currently present in the scene and emphasized that the puppets of America and the Zionist regime are falling in the region “one after another.”

However, issues have not been settled; this is the start of a long path, the Islamic Revolution Leader pointed out.

He further expressed “deep concern” over the situation in Bahrain, saying promises to the oppressed Bahraini people are not fulfilled.

Ayatollah Khamenei also praised the Iranian nation for its high turnout in the International Quds Day rallies and noted that regional developments allowed other Muslim nations to massively participate in the anti-arrogance rallies.

He expressed hope that Palestine and the entire region would get rid of the cruel Zionists.

Ayatollah Khamenei further stressed the importance of strengthening unity among the Iranian officials and nation particularly as the country is gearing up for parliamentary elections in March.

"Elections have always been a relatively challenging issue," said Ayatollah Khamenei, urging the Iranian people to remain vigilant to thwart enemies' plans to misuse the issue of elections and to inflict damage on the people's security.

"Elections are the manifestation of religious democracy. However, enemies seek to misuse elections to harm the country," he stated.

Ayatollah Khamenei also called on the Iranian nation to safeguard elections which are a divine blessing.

Ayatollah Khamenei further expressed deep sorrow for the famine-hit people in Somalia and called on the Iranian nation and officials to provide Somalis with more relief aid.
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