The Office of the Supreme Leader

In a meeting with Iran's elections organizers:

Ayatollah Khamenei: Reciprocate any P5+1 breach of promise

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with officials involved in organizing elections for the 10th term of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis) and the 5th term of the Assembly of Experts on Wednesday, explained customs and elements that would guarantee “healthy competition in elections,” describing the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic of Iran as the honorable winners of the holding of a “national and powerful race” in the arena of elections. 


Mentioning important points about last Saturday’s implementation of the nuclear deal clinched by Iran and the P5+1 group of countries last July, which is known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Ayatollah Khamenei said: “America is [still] the same old America, [therefore,] watch out for its treacheries [and deceit] with regard to the implementation of these very results of the nuclear talks.” 


The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the two forthcoming elections as very important and significant, and stressing that elections are a national rivalry and competition, said: “In this competition, winning and losing have in fact no meaning for the nation, because either way, the Iranian nation will be the real and final winner.” 


Ayatollah Khamenei added: “If the Iranian nation enters the arena of elections in good [shape], [and] with strength and resolve, and fills the ballot boxes with its vote and determination, the Islamic Republic of Iran will take pride in itself and feel proud.”


The Leader of the Islamic Revolution then elucidated the “requirements of healthy competition in the elections,” saying: “The most important condition for a healthy competition is the participation of all eligible voters and even those who have a problem with the Establishment [of the Islamic Republic].”


Ayatollah Khamenei added: “Certain people are likely to have a problem with the Establishment, but these individuals have normally nothing against the security, progress and dignity of the country, and to that effect, if they favor the persistence of the national security, enhancement of national honor, and guaranteed progress and forward-moving drive of the country, they have to participate in the elections.”  


“Of course, those who participate in the elections out of duty and following their divine intention, will definitely pave the way to win divine satisfaction for themselves,” said the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.


Wrapping up this part of his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “The first and the important condition for healthy competition is general and vivid presence of people in the elections, and under the aegis of divine permission and Grace, the vigilant and insightful people of Iran will show such [massive] presence in the two upcoming elections.”  


“Certain [hostile governments] are waiting in ambush in an attempt to catch the Establishment of the Islamic Republic red-handed by [betting on] people’s refusal to participate in the elections, and on boycotting and or undermining the elections, but the nation has proven its efficacy in the face of these wicked and treacherous ambushers and it will do so in these [upcoming] elections as well,” said the Leader of the Islamic Revolution. 


Ayatollah Khamenei said the second condition for healthy competition in the elections is a thoughtful and insightful participation of people and voting for competent hopefuls, adding: “It is necessary to elect people who will make themselves a scapegoat for the country’s problems after taking office, and dedicate themselves fully to providing services [to people] and [serving] public’s best interests and expediencies, and while refusing to sell off the country to the enemy, would not trample upon national interests just for standing on ceremony.”


The Leader of the Islamic Revolution reaffirmed his previous remarks that “even those who have a problem with the [Islamic] Establishment should participate in the elections,” saying: “This remark does not mean that those who disapprove of the [Islamic] Establishment would be voted into Majlis.”


Ayatollah Khamenei said: “Nowhere in the world, people who do not agree with the essential principle of the Establishment of that country are allowed into decision-making centers and even in a country like [the United States of] America, which introduces itself as the symbol of freedom and a group of naives accept and promote it, people were put aside on the slightest suspicion of having Socialist tendency during the competition between the East and West blocs.”


“To feel obliged that only those people must go to the parliament, who would approve of the [Islamic] Establishment and its best interests and the country’s values, is a public right, which [if observed] would be effective in [guaranteeing] the wholesomeness of the elections,” said the Leader of the Islamic Revolution. 


Ayatollah Khamenei went on to speak about other requirements of healthy elections, saying: “’Compliance of all organs involved in the elections with the law and respecting the very framework of the law’, ‘not insulting legal institutions, ‘not disturbing public opinion’, ‘abstinence of election nominees from insulting each other and even backbiting’, ‘avoiding giving impractical and illegal promises [to people]’, and ‘honesty vis-à-vis people’ are among the criteria and requirements of a healthy electoral competition.”


Touching on the disturbance of public opinion, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to certain indiscreet behaviors and remarks, saying: “Certain people are constantly repeating the word ‘hardliners’ and they are alluding to the pious and faithful current, while revolutionary and faithful youths should not be accused of radicalism because these youths are present in the arena with absolute devotion and from the bottom of their hearts, and every time that defending [the country’s] borders and defending the national identity are concerned, they are in the middle of the arena.”  


“Merely on the strength of a very bad and wrong incident like the attack on the Saudi embassy, the faithful and the pious and revolutionary youths should not be blamed,” said Ayatollah Khamenei. 


“The wisdom and the understanding of these very revolutionary and faithful youths and their analysis of issues [have proven to] be better than some elders in many cases, and these youths, who are dead loyal to the [Islamic] Revolution and Islam, should not be undermined and targeted under the pretext of having stormed the Saudi embassy, or earlier, the attack on the British embassy – both of which were harmful to the country and Islam and I personally disliked [them],” said the Leader of the Islamic Revolution. 


Wrapping up his remarks about the elections, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “Elections are a blessing and a big opportunity and the thanksgiving for this blessing is holding a good and healthy election. Therefore this big drive and honor should not be disturbed and blemished through certain remarks and behaviors and some indiscreet remarks.”  


The Leader of the Islamic Revolution dedicated the second part of his remarks to mentioning important points about JCPOA. 

Here, Ayatollah Khamenei extended his gratitude to President Hassan Rouhani, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif and other members of Iranian nuclear negotiating team for their efforts during the talks with the P5+1 group of countries, saying: “Of course all demands of the Islamic Republic were not met, but fairly speaking, officials took pains in this issue and God willing, God will reward them.”


Criticizing those who introduce even the existing outcomes of JCPOA as a result of the US favor, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “Certain people want to seize this opportunity to make up the ominous face of the arrogance, which this move is very heinous and dangerous.” 


Explaining the irrationality of this move, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: “If a bully in your neighborhood seizes by force your house and property and you finally manage to force him out of part of your house by making efforts and taking pains, will it be the result of the favor of that bully or the fruit of your own power and efforts?”


Ayatollah Khamenei said: “The nuclear achievements are the product of the efforts and genius of Iranian scientists, including four valuable nuclear martyrs and the nation’s support and steadfastness, and these facts, along with officials’ efforts, forced the enemy to retreat on certain grounds. Therefore, it would be totally unfair to [see] certain people promote these results as ‘the favor of Americans’.” 


Citing “recently explicit” remarks by “Americans,” the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: “The enemy’s objective behind the sanctions was to infuriate people and draw them into the streets, but the nation exercised patience and steadfastness and along with the [Islamic] Establishment and officials, showed dignity and strength.”


“Of course I believe that it could have been done better, but in any case, the [existing] capabilities, opportunity and facilities brought about these results, which is an important and remarkable job,” said Ayatollah Khamenei.


The Leader of the Islamic Revolution labeled the US as the “big idol” and other Western bullying powers as marginal idols of arrogant powers, and while explaining the real objectives of the enemies of Iran in the nuclear case, said: “One can swear that our [opposite] parties knew [quite well] that Iran does not seek [to develop] a nuclear bomb and they were pursuing other objectives.”


The Leader of the Islamic Revolution mentioned stopping the general and forward-moving drive of the Iranian nation and putting an end to the daily growing influence of the Islamic Republic in the region and the world as the main objectives of the arrogant front in intensifying pressures on the nuclear issue, saying: “By realizing these objectives, they wanted to make nations believe that even the Islamic Republic failed to manage and continue a religion-based Establishment.” 


Ayatollah Khamenei said: “Everybody including officials must watch out for the main objectives of the Americans [because] they intend to push ahead with their projects by force and through propaganda and [we] must be vigilant in their face and resist [them].”


The Leader of the Islamic Revolution called on government officials and members of the JCPOA supervisory panel to watch out for the United States’ deceits and treacheries, noting: “The opposite side is given to deceit and treachery, [therefore,] don’t trust its smile and mask.”


Ayatollah Khamenei said the current objectives and policies of the United States mirror the same violent and anti-Iran objectives that the US pursued under former presidents, Ronald Reagan and George Bush, noting: “[Iranian] officials must be vigilant so that the Americans would really fulfill their commitments in implementing JCPOA and otherwise, they must not hesitate to take reciprocal action.”


The Leader of the Islamic Revolution offered his profound gratitude to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) forces for their recent arrest of a group of US Marines, who had trespassed on Iran’s territorial waters, saying: “They showed Iran’s identity and strength in the face of the enemy’s aggression and the officials should act similarly in all fields, and anywhere the enemy oversteps the lines of Iran’s national interests, stop it with force.” 


In another reference to true nature of the United States, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “Ongoing events in the region have pushed into bold relief what Americans meant several years ago [when they talked] about the necessity of forming a new Middle East. Their [desired] new Middle East is in fact a ‘Middle East of war, terrorism, fanaticism and rigid-mindedness and [a region] fraught with sectarian and internal conflict.”


The Leader of the Islamic Revolution recommended everyone to “know the real America on the strength of its behaviors as such.” 


Ayatollah Khamenei dismissed the argument that the lifting of sanctions would mean the end of people’s livelihood problems and the resolution of economic challenges, saying: “Improving people’s livelihood and [bringing about] economic progress requires planning and management, which I have [already] told this to all [Iranian] administrations.”


Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out the Economy of Resistance as the main strategy for the resolution of the country’s economic problems and while laying emphasis on serious follow-up by officials for the enforcement of plans drawn up by various organs, added: “Pinning hope on the enemy will resolve no problem, [but] we have to prop up and strengthen Iran’s economy in such a way that it will [be able to] resist external tremors and not be affected.”


Highlighting another important point, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: “The current flurry of foreign delegates’ traveling to Iran and signing contracts should by no means harm domestic industry and production and agriculture; [and to prevent this,] officials must be careful.”


Concluding his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “Religiousness, insight, being revolutionary and the authority of the Iranian nation have so far blocked encroachment by the sworn enemies, and through God’s Grace, in the light of ‘public and devoted effort, and empathy and kindness’, the nation will live to see the day it will have overcome all policies of global bullies, and the materialization of all objectives of the [Islamic] Revolution.” 


Prior to Ayatollah Khamenei’s speech, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, the secretary of top oversight body, the Guardian Council, described elections as a divine blessing and source of support for security, dignity and prestige of the Iranian nation and the Islamic Establishment, and while offering gratitude to the Ministry of Interior for its cooperation through different stages of holding elections, said: “All our efforts are focused upon organizing healthy, free, legal, competitive and fully secure elections, and to realize this objective, the Guardian Council will carefully supervise [election process] and take [necessary] steps in all stages, including by screening [of nominees for their] qualifications, and will not be influenced by pressures and propaganda.”


Iran’s Minister of Interior Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli also presented a report on the activities of election committees across the country for holding a lively and legal vote.


Referring to different measures taken by the Ministry of Interior, including taking advantage of legal capacities of the country, dissemination of up-to-date and transparent information, making efforts to ensure full security [of the elections] and mobilization of all necessary facilities, he said: “The Ministry of Interior has had very good interaction with organs involved in elections.”



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