The Office of the Supreme Leader


The Revolution’s Leader, in a meeting with the People of Khuzestan and Kirman, Emphasized:
The Revolution’s Leader, in a meeting with the People of Khuzestan and Kirman, Emphasized:
In an impassioned meeting with thousands of the proud people of Khuzestan and Kerman provinces, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution called the March 2 elections important and decisive and the basis for transformation. In explaining the importance of the Islamic Consultative Assembly in solving existing problems and determining the direction the country should take, he said, “Prepare the nation to hold elections in the best way possible, that is, with four characteristics: strong and enthusiastic participation, real competition between different factions and perspectives, real vigour and full security."
In a meeting with thousands of women and girls, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said:
In a meeting with thousands of women and girls, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said:
In a meeting with thousands of women and girls on 27 December 2023, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution elucidated Islam's reasoned stance regarding the various aspects of women's roles in the family and their extensive engagement in society, politics and management across levels. He said, “In Islam, the way is open for women, like men, to participate in any kind of social activity provided that two important sensitive issues are heeded: the issue of the family and the dangers of sexual attraction.”
In his meeting with the President of Cuba, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said
In his meeting with the President of Cuba, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said
In his meeting with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel and his accompanying delegation on 04 December 2023, Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, spoke about the two countries' great political and economic capacities. He said, “These capacities should be used to form an alliance and coalition between countries with the same position on resisting American and Western bullying.”
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution explained in a meeting of thousands Basij members:
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution explained in a meeting of thousands Basij members:
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution met thousands of Basij members across the country on the morning of 29th November 2023. He said that Imam Khomeini's (RA) reasons for creating the Basij were to provide “Iran’s maximum resistance against threats and dangers". He outlined the characteristics of Basij’s culture and thinking and gave important practical recommendations. He said that the Imam's prediction and good news about the formation of centres of global resistance have become true. The inextinguishable Al-Aqsa Flood has facilitated the formation of a new political geography in the West Asian region. That this new political geography is characterised, firstly, by de-Americanization, secondly, with the rise of the dichotomy of "resistance or surrender" replacing counterfeit dichotomies and thirdly, by accelerating the resolution of the Palestinian issue. These are the most important features of this new political geography.
Visit of the Commander in Chief to the IRGC Aerospace Force Exhibition
Visit of the Commander in Chief to the IRGC Aerospace Force Exhibition
The Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, visited the Ashura University of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies on Sunday, 19th November 2023, to see the latest achievements of the IRGC Aerospace Force at its permanent exhibition.
The exhibition, which includes missile, drone, defence and space pavilions, also showcased the achievements of young scientists and specialists of the IRGC Aerospace Force in their innovations and improvements under the banner, "From ideas to products for a strong Iran".
In a meeting with Allamah Tabatabai International Congress’ organisers
In a meeting with Allamah Tabatabai International Congress’ organisers
The text of the statements of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the meeting on Wednesday, 8th November 2023, with the organisers of the Allamah Tabatabai International Congress in Qom was published on the morning of 15th November 2023 at the conference venue.
In this meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei called the late Allamah a rare phenomenon of the seminary in recent centuries and said, “One of Ayatollah Seyyid Mohammad Hossein Tabatabai's important tasks was to wage an intellectual jihad and to form a solid and reliable intellectual base amid an invasion of imported and foreign ideas.”
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in his meeting with the Prime Minister of Iraq, emphasised:
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in his meeting with the Prime Minister of Iraq, emphasised:
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Mr. Mohammad Shiaa’ al-Sudani, the Prime Minister of Iraq and his accompanying delegation on the morning of 6th November 2023. He expressed his appreciation for the excellent and robust positions that the Iraqi government and people have taken in their support for the people of Gaza. He saw this as crucial because of the necessity for the Islamic World to increase the political pressure on the United States and the Zionist regime. He said, “Iraq, as an important country in the region, can play a special role in this regard and create a new approach in the Arab and the Islamic world.”
Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting of thousands of high school and university students:
Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting of thousands of high school and university students:
In a meeting with thousands of high school and university students on the morning of 1 November 2023, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution spoke about the roots of America's longstanding hostility to the Iranian nation. He said the disaster created by the Zionists and Americans in Gaza has been unprecedented in history.
Citing the humiliating blows that the patience and resolution of the people of Gaza have inflicted on the reputation of the artificial usurper regime and its arrogant supporters, he said, “If there was no comprehensive U.S. aid, the Zionist regime would have been crippled in a matter of days. The world of Islam should also mobilise against this regime by cutting off economic cooperation with it and with a loud voice call for an immediate end to the bombing and atrocities in Gaza; these are the most important responsibilities in this confrontation between the war-front of truth and that of falsehood.”
The Leader of Revolution, During His Reception of Holy Defence Front-Line and Activists
The Leader of Revolution, During His Reception of Holy Defence Front-Line and Activists
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, His Eminence Ayatollah Khamenei, welcomed thousands of Holy Defence front-line forces and activists, as well as the families of martyrs, artists, writers, and pioneers, in the morning of Wednesday, 20th September 2023, at the Imam Khomeini Hussainiya. He highlighted various aspects of the significance of the Holy Defence and the remarkable achievements of the resilient Iranian people.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a Meeting with Elites and Top Scientific Talents
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a Meeting with Elites and Top Scientific Talents
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution called for a new and innovative scientific leap and entered a new season of innovative activities in scientific university centres and environments. Ayatollah Khamenei also pointed to the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza, emphasised the immediate cessation of the bombings, and referred to the concrete role of the Americans in the politicisation of the actions of the Zionists. he said: “Muslim nations and even non-Muslim people of the world are furious of the ongoing crimes of the usurping regime and if these atrocities continue, the Muslims of the world and the resistance forces will become impatient, and no one will be able to stop them.”
The Leader met with religious scholars, seminary students, and Islamic Missiology activists.
The Leader met with religious scholars, seminary students, and Islamic Missiology activists.
This morning, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated in a meeting with religious scholars, seminary students, and Islamic Missiology activists that religion and spiritual goals are the seminaries' essential duty. Referring to practical and up-to-date Missiology tools, he emphasised the importance of understanding the audience and recognising the true nature of global Missiology scenes to have an offensive position and a spirit of jihad. He said, "The younger generation, as the owners and builders of the country's future, should be the centre of attention for creative and innovative Missiology methods and approaches."
The Leader met with the Chief Justice, officials, and a group of Judiciary employees.
The Leader met with the Chief Justice, officials, and a group of Judiciary employees.
This morning, His Eminence Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, emphasised the unparalleled importance of the Judiciary in a meeting with the Chief Justice, officials, and a group of Judiciary employees. He stressed the need for the complete implementation of the Judicial Transformation Document, combatting corruption within and outside the Judiciary, revitalising public rights, ensuring legitimate freedoms, and preventing the occurrence of crimes as some of the crucial duties of the Judiciary, adding, "The primary criterion for evaluating the performance of all institutions, including the Judiciary, is the final result and outcome that reaches the hands of the people."
The Leader met with Mr Ismail Haniyeh, the Head of the Political Office of Hamas
The Leader met with Mr Ismail Haniyeh, the Head of the Political Office of Hamas
This afternoon, His Eminence Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Ismail Haniyeh, the Head of the Political Office of Hamas, and his accompanying delegation. He referred to the progressive movement in the Palestinian issue. He emphasised the sense of responsibility among the young and faithful Palestinian generation and their individual and collective involvement in the arena of struggle. He considered this to be a highly important matter. He stressed, "The recent events in Jenin and the besiegement by Zionist forces, resisted by Palestinian youth, are a clear example of this new scene and a herald of a bright future accompanied by complete victory."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Meets The Uzbek President
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Meets The Uzbek President
On Wednesday afternoon, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, received Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the President of Uzbekistan, and the accompanying delegation. In this meeting, referring to the unique historical, cultural, and scientific affinity between Iran and Uzbekistan, he remarked, "These common grounds should be used to expand bilateral relations in different arenas."
The Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad in Palestine and the Accompanying Delegation Meet with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution
The Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad in Palestine and the Accompanying Delegation Meet with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution
Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Mr Ziad Al-Nakhalah, the Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement (PIJ), and the accompanying delegation on Wednesday afternoon. He congratulated the PIJ for its victory over the Zionist regime in the latest battle in the Gaza Strip, saying that the Zionist entity is in a very different position today than it was seventy years ago. He stressed, "The Zionist enemy has lost the initiative and is simply reacting to events. This passivity indicates that resistance movements, including the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, are on the right path and are proceeding with wisdom."
In a meeting with nuclear scientists, experts, and industry officials, the Leader of the Revolution
In a meeting with nuclear scientists, experts, and industry officials, the Leader of the Revolution
After an hour-and-a-half visit this morning to the Nuclear Accomplishments Exhibition that showcased achievements in agriculture, medicine and health, industry, environment, water, and power plant construction, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution declared this industry as the key to Iran's progress in various fields in the presence of several prideful scientists, experts and officials of the nuclear industry, and he emphasised the all-round effort to ensure that the impact of nuclear progress is felt in the lives of the people. He said, "The localisation of the overly important nuclear industry demonstrates the failure of the West and the humiliation of Westernised individuals who sought to demean the nation and weaken the spirit of work and hope in the country."
Ayatollah Khamenei expressed his gratitude to the scientists, officials, and those active in the nuclear industry. He described the exhibition he visited as 'excellent, pleasing, and promising' and said, "People should be informed about the various aspects and effects of this progress on national life."
The Leader, met with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, chairman of the People's Expediency Council of Turkmenistan
The Leader, met with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, chairman of the People's Expediency Council of Turkmenistan
This afternoon, His Eminence Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, chairman of the People's Expediency Council of Turkmenistan. He referred to Iran and Turkmenistan as relatives with many shared cultural commonalities. He emphasised, "These cultural commonalities are an important basis for further expanding relations in various sectors, particularly energy and roads."
Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the organizers of the Congress of Martyrs of Sabzevar and Neyshabur:
Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the organizers of the Congress of Martyrs of Sabzevar and Neyshabur:
The text of the speech of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with the organizers of the National Congress in honour of two thousand and forty-four martyrs of Sabzevar, as well as the organizers of the National Congress of two thousand four hundred and ninety-eight martyrs of Neyshabur, and a group of families of martyrs from these two cities, which was held on Tuesday, 30th of May, 2023, was published this morning at the conference venue in Sabzevar.

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