The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader calls new year, the year of national unity and Islamic harmony

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei called the new Iranian year "the year of national unity and Islamic harmony."

In his celebratory remarks to open the new Iranian year of 1386, the IR Leader said all Iranians wish for national independence, national dignity and public welfare and that these aims would be realized through Islamic faith, unity of goal, national hope and resolve, due utilization of the country's potentialities as well as exercising foresight and exerting efforts.

Ayatollah Khamenei congratulated Nowrouz (the New Year Day) to every one of the Iranian people, Iranians expats as well as every nation that celebrates the day and characterized it as the Iranian national celebration.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the many glories of the national celebration of Nowrouz and called for enhancing bonds of affection and rejuvenating the surrounding to mark the exquisite, modest and affectionate features of the opening day of the New Year which are also confirmed by the revered creed of Islam.

As regards the naming of the previous Iranian year after the Noblest Messenger of Allah Hazrat Mohammad (S), Ayatollah Khamenei noted that even though the precedent year was abundant in name and memory of the revered man a very large time is needed to cherish the position of the noblest messenger so that all years shall be named after him.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said Iran's happy achievements surpassed bitter moments during the last year, singling out the manifestation of the Iranian national grandeur in international arenas which came about through reprised efforts inside the country in scientific and economic domains.

"The national movement will be buoyed up in the New Year through by the firm will of the people and authorities as the nation would cal for," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader considered favorable future a tribute to public awareness, hope and will as well as national confidence, adding the Iranian nation will make anew its will as the New Year commences and keeps on its bright path by taking on newer fields and deliberate treatment of challenges and enmities.

Ayatollah Khamenei believed that the enemy essentially challenges the Iranian nation through "sowing discord by demoting the Iranian national unity" and "inciting economic problems to slow down the country's progress."

The Leader however said that following the notification of the general policies of the article 44 of the Constitution that pave the ground for business ventures, the enemy attempts would remain futile given to efforts of all people, including national forces with deep belief in the lofty national aspirations to use the country's ample capacities.

Ayatollah Khamenei cautioned about enemy's psychological warfare and vicious efforts to stir up differences between the Iranian people and the world of Islam.

"Under the pretext of sectarian feelings, religious inclinations and gild orientations, the enemies are bent on destroying unity of the Iranian nation or fan religious differences in the world of Islam and draw a wedge between the Iranian nation and the rest of the Islamic community by inciting war between Shiites and Sunnis," Ayatollah Khamenei warned.

Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed that the sole way to frustrate enemies and thwart their plots lies in efforts to unite the nation and promote its integrity.

"In God's assistance, all people of every sect or religion will expedite their hopeful move towards their bright future," Ayatollah Khamenei vowed, adding, "at the same time all Muslim nations will demonstrate their unity by promoting Islamic solidarity and fraternity."
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