The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Leader’s sermons in the Eid al-Fitr congregational prayers at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini Mosalla

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

السّلام علیکم و رحمةالله. الحمدلله ربّ‌العالمین، الحمدلله الّذی  خلق السّماوات و الارض و جعل الظّلمات و النّور ثمّ الّذین کفروا بربّهم یعدلون. نحمده و نسبّحه و نتوب الیه و نصلّی و نسلّم علی حبیبه و نجیبه و خیرته فی خلقه سیّدنا و نبیّنا ابی‌القاسم المصطفی محمّد و علی ءاله الاطیبین الاطهرین المنتجبین الهداة المهدیّین المعصومین سیّما بقیّةالله فی الارضین.

I congratulate this auspicious Eid al-Fitr to all of you brethren and sisters and to the dear nation of Iran and to Muslims across the world. And I recommend you, who say your prayers, and myself to observing the divine piety, sanctity, taking care of soul and avoiding sin.
This year’s month of Ramadan was, in the true sense of the word, a blessed month; divine blessings rained down on this nation [during this month] and its signs [were seen] in fasting during long and hot days [of summer]; in widespread Quranic sessions held in every part of the country, in huge prayer and recourse gatherings – in which thousands of [people, including] youths and elderly people and men and women raised their praying and demanding hands, [and] talked sincerely and humbly with their God – in disbursements [made for the sake of God]; in big iftar feasts, which have fortunately become widespread for a number of years in mosques, in passages, [and] on streets; and finally in the huge demonstrations of the Quds Day. These are signs of the divine blessing; fasting people who had remained awake until morning the previous night to mark the occasion of the Ehya ceremony on the 23rd night of the blessed month of Ramadan and [also on the occasion of] the Qadr Night, [and] in the hot summer day, while fasting, took part in this huge demonstration. These are the correct way to know the Iranian nation; this is the Iranian nation.
This is the Iranian nation that presents and shows itself in the month of Ramadan [by appearing] in the altar [of worship] in that way, and [at the same time appearing] in the arena of confronting and fighting against the arrogance, in this way. Our nation should not be known from the biased language of others; our nation should be known by itself, its slogan, its movement, [and] this grand manifestations; this is the Iranian nation. What the enemy tires to show from the Iranian nation through propaganda, and is unfortunately repeated by some people who misunderstand [the realities] inside [the country], is deviation and wrong. Iranian nation is the same nation that has showed its various dimensions and components in this month of Ramadan. God willing, today, all of you will pass the test; today, God willing, on the occasion of the Eid [al-Fitr], the Iranian nation will pass the test of these worships from the source of the Almighty’s favor and mercy; God willing, some of you, in addition to passing the test, will be given a reward [as well], will be promoted in rank, [and] will also experience spiritual upliftment. The slogans of Iranian nation showed what [true] orientations [of this nation] are; on the Quds Day, the slogan of “Death to Israel,” and “Death to America,” shook the atmosphere of the country; [and this] was not special to Tehran and [other] big cities; the entire country came under the umbrella of this huge movement.
O Almighty! [We swear you to] accept from Iranian nation due to your mercy and favor; O Almighty! Pour down your blessings, your mercy, and your endless favors on this nation; O Almighty! Include in your mercy and forgiveness our dear martyrs, the great Imam [Khomeini], [and] all those people who have helped and assisted this nation in this path.

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

وَالعَصرِ. اِنَّ الاِنسانَ لَفی خُسر. اِلَّا الَّذینَ ءامَنوا وَ عَمِلُوا الصّالِحتِ وَ تَواصَوا بِالحَقِّ وَ تَواصَوا بِالصَّبر.

The second sermon

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

و الحمدلله ربّ العالمین و الصّلاة و السّلام علی سیّدنا و نبیّنا ابی‌القاسم المصطفی محمّد و صلّ علی ائمّة المسلمین و حماة المستضعفین، امیرالمؤمنین، و سیّدة نساء العالمین و الحسن و الحسین سبطی الرّحمة و امامی الهدی و علیّ بن الحسین زین‌العابدین و محمّد بن علیٍّ و جعفر بن محمّدٍ و موسی بن جعفرٍ و علیّ بن موسی و محمّد بن علیٍّ و علیّ بن محمّدٍ و الحسن بن علیٍّ و الخلف الهادی المهدیّ، حججک علی عبادک و امنائک فی بلادک.

Salute and felicitation and congratulation to all brethren and sisters who say prayers along with recommendation to piety are my first words in the second sermon.
Incidents in our region during this month of Ramadan and before that were, and still are, bitter incidents. Unfortunately, unholy hands, soured the holy month [of Ramadan] for many of regional people. In Yemen, in Bahrain, in Palestine, [and] in Syria, many faithful Muslim people went through difficult days and had difficult fasting because of the mischief of the enemies. All these issues are important for our nation.
Another issue is our domestic issue, which is the issue of the nuclear negotiations. I have to mention a few points with regard to this issue. The first point is to thank officials involved in these long and breathtaking negotiations; [including] the esteemed president and especially the negotiating team who really took [a lot of] trouble and made [strenuous] effort; whether this text [of the nuclear agreement] which has been prepared is approved through the projected legal channels, or not, they will be rewarded; I have told this to those brethren in person. Of course, for the approval of this text, there is a projected legal course, which [the text] must and will go through that course, God willing. My expectation is that officials carefully take into account the expediencies – the country’s expediencies, [and] the national expediencies – and what they will deliver to the nation, they would be able with their head held high, to present before the Almighty God as well.
The next point is that whether this text is approved or not, with the [help of] divine power and strength, no abuse of that [text] will be allowed; no permit for doing harm to the basic principles of the Islamic Establishment will be given to anybody; defense capabilities and the domain of the country’s security, through divine Grace, will be protected, though we know that the enemies put a lot of emphasis on this special point. The Islamic Republic, with regard to maintaining its defense and security capabilities – especially under this atmosphere of threat that the enemies create for it – will never give in to excessive demands of the enemy.
The next point is that whether this text is approved or not, we will not stop supporting our friends in the region: [we will continue to support] the oppressed nation of Palestine, the oppressed nation of Yemen, the Syrian nation and government, the Iraqi nation and government, the oppressed people of Bahrain, [and] the honest fighters of the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine; [these people] will be always supported by us.
The next point is that with these negotiations and the text that has been prepared, at any rate, our policy toward the arrogant government of America will not change a bit. As I have repeated frequently, we have no negotiation with America on different global and regional issues; we have no negotiation [with America] on bilateral issues; sometimes in exceptional cases like this nuclear case, on the basis of the expediency, we have engaged in negotiation; [and] it has not been limited to this case, [because] there have been [other] cases before this to which I have referred in my previous public addresses. America’s policies in the region are 180 degrees different from the policies of the Islamic Republic. Americans accuse Hezbollah and the Lebanese resistance – which are the most devoted of national defense forces in a country – with terrorism; no injustice can be higher than this. Then, on the contrary, they extend their support to the terrorist, [and] infanticide Zionist government; how one can deal with such a policy; how negotiation can be possible, [and] how agreement can be reached [with America]? Now, there are other cases whose details I will leave for another opportunity.
The next point is about America’s ranting in this past few days. During these few days that have passed since the termination of these negotiations, the American officials – both statesmen and stateswomen – have been ranting, [and] every one of them rants with a different language. Of course, I have no objection to what they do in this regard; their domestic problems force them to resort to these rants that ‘yes, we brought Iran to the negotiating table, we forced Iran into submission, we prevented [production of] Iran's nuclear weapons, we took that specific concession’, and the likes of that! Well, the truth of the story is something else. They say, ‘we prevented [production of] Iran's nuclear weapon’; Iran's nuclear weapon has nothing to do with negotiation with America and other than America; they themselves know this; they have sometimes [even] pointed out the importance of the fatwa on the ban [on production] of nuclear weapon; we, in accordance with the rule of the Quran and Islamic Sharia, consider production of nuclear weapon and stockpiling it and using it as forbidden and [we] will not do that; this has nothing to do with them, [and] has nothing to do with these negotiations. They know that this is the reality – they know that what is really barring the Islamic Republic with regard to the production of nuclear weapon is not their threat and sharp words; [the main reason] is a religious barrier; they know the importance of this fatwa – however, they keep saying that ‘it was us [that prevented them]’; they are not honest with their own nation, [and] don’t tell the truth. With regard to other different issues, they say we did this about the [Iranian] nuclear industry, said this, [and] made Iran surrender’; [however,] they can only see Iran's surrender in their dreams. Five other [American] presidents since the first day of the [Islamic] Revolution up to the present day, in their wish to make the Islamic Republic surrender, either died or were lost in history; you are also like them; you will also never [be able to] make this wish come true to make the Islamic Iran surrender.
There was a point among American president’s remarks in these few days and it was confession to past mistakes of America; of course, he just enumerated a few of many [mistakes made by the US]. He admitted that on the 28th [day] of [the Iranian month of] Mordad (August 19, 1953), Americans made a mistake [by organizing a coup against the administration] in Iran; he confessed that in helping [the former Iraqi dictator] Saddam Hussein [in his eight-year invasion of Iran], Americans made a mistake; he mentioned just two [or] three cases, [but] he failed to point out scores of [other] cases. [he] did not mention 25 years of oppressive and dictatorial rule of the second Pahlavi [monarch]; [he] did not mention  tortures, plunders, massacres, crimes, wreaking havoc, destroying dignity of the Iranian nation, trampling upon domestic and foreign interests of the Iranian nation, which was done by America; [he] did not mention the dominance of the Zionists; [he] did not mention annihilation of passengers in [Iranian] passenger plane by firing missile from the sea, and many other instances; [however,] he repeated some mistakes. I want to give a word of advice to these people [American statesmen]: today, after the lapse of long years from the 28th of Mordad or from the eight-year war and the [Sacred] Defense of the Islamic Republic, you are admitting that you have made a mistake; I want to say that you are making a mistake [even] now; you are presently making mistake in various parts of this region and especially with regard to the Islamic Republic and the Iranian nation; a few years later, another person will come and will show off this very mistake of yours [in your face], just in the same way that you are today confessing to the mistake of your predecessors; you are also making a mistake; wake up, stop this mistake; [and] understand the truth. They are making big mistakes in this region.
What I want to tell the Iranian nation [is this]: the Islamic Republic, through favor of God and with the [help of] the divine strength and power [of God], is strong and powerful, [and] has become more powerful day by day. It has been 10 years, [or] twelve years that six big global governments – which are considered among powerful countries in the world in terms of economic wealth and so forth – they have sit in front of Iran, with the goal of hampering Iran from pursuing its nuclear industry; they have clearly said this. Their real goal is that to totally dismantle the nuts and bolts of [Iran's] nuclear industry; they had clearly said this to our officials many years ago, [and] are still pursing the same wish. [After] ten years, [or] twelve years of tug of war with the Islamic Republic, its result is that these six powers have been forced today to tolerate the spinning of several thousands of centrifuges in the country; [they] have been forced to tolerate the continuation of this industry in the country; [and they] have been forced to tolerate the continuation of research and development of this industry. The research and development of the nuclear industry will continue; the progress of the nuclear industry will continue; this is the thing that they endeavored for years [to prevent] [but] today, [they] have put it on paper and are signing [that paper to show] that they have no objection. What does this mean save for the strength of Iranian nation? This is due to the steadfastness of the nation, resistance of the nation and due to the courage and innovation of our dear scientists. God bless the likes of [martyred Iranian nuclear scientists including the likes of] Shahriyari and Rezaeinejad and Ahmadi Roshan and Ali-Mohammadi; God bless the nuclear martyrs, God bless their families, [and] God bless the nation that stands by its right word and [insists on] the restoration of its right.
I also mention another point, which is the last point. This gentleman [US president] has said that he can obliterate the Iranian army. Our elders called such remarks as “boasting in front of strangers” [who are not aware of the inability of the person who is boasting]. I don’t want to say anything in this regard; those who will hear this word, if they want to understand correctly, if they want to take good advantage of their experiences, [they] should know [this]; of course, we don’t welcome any war, we don’t embark on any war and don’t preempt, but if a war is waged here, the side which will get out of that war humiliated will be the aggressor and criminal America.

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
اِذا جآءَ نَصرُاللهِ وَ الفَتح. وَ رَاَیتَ النّاسَ یَدخُلونَ فى دینِ اللهِ اَفواجًا. فَسَبِّح بِحَمدِ رَبِّکَ وَ استَغفِرهُ اِنَّهُ کانَ تَوّابًا

Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings.