The Office of the Supreme Leader


On Eid al-Ghadir, the Leader of the Revolution Addressed Thousands from all Walks of Life
On Eid al-Ghadir, the Leader of the Revolution Addressed Thousands from all Walks of Life
On 25th June 2024, on the auspicious occasion of Eid al-Ghadir, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with thousands of compatriots. He described the event of Ghadir as laying the groundwork for the continuation of Islamic governance and the perpetuation of the Islamic way of life. He also referred to some of the virtues of Amir al-Mu'minin (a.s.), saying, "We have learned from our Master the populism of the Islamic system and the belief that each individual's participation impacts the country's destiny."
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Meets Judiciary Officials
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Meets Judiciary Officials
In a significant meeting with Judiciary officials on 22nd June 2024, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution underscored the pivotal responsibilities of the Judiciary, which include resolving people's issues and disputes based on justice and preventing breaches of legal red lines. He emphasised, "The primary duty of the judiciary is to execute justice with unwavering courage and impartiality."
Meeting Scientific Olympiad Medallists, the Leader of the Revolution said:
Meeting Scientific Olympiad Medallists, the Leader of the Revolution said:
At a cordial meeting today with a group of young medallists from the national and international student Olympiads, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the elite youth as a source of deep and genuine hope, saying, "The country needs a scientific surge, and young elites are the main drivers to fulfil this national need."
Wali Amr al Muslimeen of the World said in his Message to the Pilgrims of the Holy Kaaba:
Wali Amr al Muslimeen of the World said in his Message to the Pilgrims of the Holy Kaaba:
In a message on the occasion of the grand and glorious Hajj Congress, Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, said that "human compassion" and "the spiritual strength of Islam" are two dimensions of the obligation of Hajj. Referring to the tragedies in Gaza, which are unparalleled in contemporary history, he said, "The denunciation of the Zionist regime and its supporters, especially the United States, must extend beyond the Hajj season this year, reaching Muslim-populated countries, cities worldwide, and all people.
Islamic Revolution Leader Spoke at the 35th Anniversary of Imam Khomeini's Passing
Islamic Revolution Leader Spoke at the 35th Anniversary of Imam Khomeini's Passing
This morning, at a massive gathering marking the 35th Anniversary of Imam Khomeini's Passing, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution explained the importance and prominence of the Palestinian issue according to the late Imam's views and approaches. He said, "50 years ago, the esteemed Imam made a prediction about Palestine that is gradually becoming true. By nullifying the enemies' extensive plans for domination over the region and the Islamic world, the miraculous Operation Al-Aqsa Flood has put the Zionist regime on the path to dissolution. Under the impressive and faith-based resistance of the people of Gaza, the occupying regime is visibly dissolving away right before the eyes of the world."
Leader Meets with Syrian President and Delegation
Leader Meets with Syrian President and Delegation
In a meeting today (Thursday) with Mr. Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria, and his accompanying delegation, Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, stated that resistance is Syria's distinguished identity. He added that Syria's special position in the region is also due to this, and this important characteristic must be preserved.
Leader's Letter to American University Students with a Conscience
Leader's Letter to American University Students with a Conscience
In a letter to American students supporting the Palestinian people, Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, said, "You are now standing on the right side of history."
The beginning of this letter of support says, "You are now part of the Resistance Front, and you have begun a dignified struggle under the ruthless police pressure of your government that evidently defends the oppressive and brutal Zionist regime."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s Message to the 12th Islamic Consultative Assembly
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s Message to the 12th Islamic Consultative Assembly
In a message on the occasion of the commencement of the Twelfth Parliament, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, stated that the formation of an exemplary parliament depends on disciplined and harmonious interaction with other branches of government and proper conduct and patience on a social level within the legislative body. He said, “The parliament must always be a source of calm, inspiration, and motivation, encouraging unity and brotherhood in the country's public sphere."
Leader stressed this in a session with service martyrs' families
Leader stressed this in a session with service martyrs' families
This morning (Sunday), Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with the families of the Martyrs of Service. He highlighted working for the people, serving the people, and being of the people as the most prominent characteristics of these martyrs, stating, "Night or day didn't make a difference to the late martyr Mr Reisi; he was truly tireless."
Leader meets with the President of Tunisia
Leader meets with the President of Tunisia
Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met this afternoon with the President of Tunisia and his accompanying delegation. He expressed gratitude for Mr Kais Saied's brotherly and sincere sentiments regarding the recent helicopter crash that killed the President of Iran and his entourage. He said, "The event involving the loss of the President, several officials and their entourage is a heavy blow, but throughout the history of the Islamic Republic, we have always seen that based on divine wisdom and with patience and perseverance of the people, bitter incidents have become sources of progress and movement."
The Leader Meets with the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament
The Leader Meets with the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament
In a meeting with Mr. Nabih Berri, the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament this afternoon, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed his appreciation for the sympathy shown by the government and people of Lebanon in this bitter and heart-rending incident. He said, "The declaration of national mourning in Lebanon indicates the deep solidarity between the two countries, and we consider our relationship with our Lebanese brothers and Mr Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah as one of kinship and brotherhood."
Condolences on the Martyr-Like Death of the President and his Entourage
Condolences on the Martyr-Like Death of the President and his Entourage
Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, sends a message of condolence on the occasion of the martyr-like death of Hujjatul Islam Seyed Ibrahim Raisi, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Dr Hosein Amir-Abdullahian, the Foreign Minister; Hujjatul Islam Ale-Hashem, Representative of the Leader in East Azerbaijan; Dr Rahmati, the Governor of East Azerbaijan; and their esteemed entourage in a disastrous air accident
The Leader in a Session with Hajj Officials and Pilgrims
The Leader in a Session with Hajj Officials and Pilgrims
In a meeting on the 6th of May 2024, with officials, Hajj organisers and a group of pilgrims to the Holy Kaaba, the esteemed Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the remembrance of God, Islamic unity and good Muslim interrelations are two crucial spiritual and social elements among the duties of Hajj. Referring to the great tragedy in Gaza and the atrocities of the bloodthirsty Zionist regime, he said, "More than any other year, this year's Hajj should be a pilgrimage of repudiating these criminal enemies and their supporters against Muslims."
Leader Explained to Thousands of Teachers Nationwide
Leader Explained to Thousands of Teachers Nationwide
On Teacher's Day, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution honoured and thanked teachers, which he saw as the duty of every individual in the nation. He pointed out that education is incomparable in importance and impact to any other system. He said, "Empowering the identity of the new generation, instilling enthusiasm and hope in them, continuously transforming, materially and non-materially empowering teachers, supporting teacher training centres, strengthening the Department of Education, and setting standards in the teaching community are the most important agendas in education."

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