
Funeral services were held in the presence of the Leader, officials, and foreign guests
Funeral services were held in the presence of the Leader of the Revolution, the families of the martyrs, various segments of the public, officials, and foreign guests.

Joint Graduation Ceremony of Military University Students Held at Imam Ali (a.s.) University
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution and Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces delivered a powerful message during the joint graduation ceremony of armed forces cadets, emphasising the significance of these forces as guardians of security, honour, and national identity. He highlighted the "irreparable defeat" suffered by the Zionist regime in the recent events, attributing the cause to the unrelenting brutality, criminal actions, and greed of the usurping regime against the Palestinian people. The Supreme Leader asserted that the Zionist regime cannot conceal its monstrous actions behind lies and victim-playing. Instead, the bravery and strategic prowess of the Palestinian youth have become a source of inspiration for all.

The Leader's Address: Grand Ceremony Commemorates Imam Khomeini's 34th Passing Anniversary
This morning, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution addressed the appreciative and loyal masses in a grand and emotional ceremony commemorating the thirty-fourth anniversary of Imam Khomeini (ra) 's passing. He referred to the late Imam as 'one of the leaders in Iranian history'. He said, explaining the three significant developments the Imam brought about on the level of the nation, the Islamic ummah, and the global community, "The faith and hope of the Imam were the intangible factors and creators of these major historical developments. Every individual and movement with a love for Iran, the national interests, the improvement of the economic situation, the progress of the country and national honour should invest all their efforts in strengthening the faith and hope of the people and society."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution planted three saplings on Arbor Day.
This morning, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, planted three saplings in celebration of Arbor Day.

The Leader attended the Joint graduation ceremony of the armed forces and Police academies
This morning (Monday), in an important talk at the joint graduation ceremony of armed forces officer universities, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Commander, referred to the recent events and emphasised: I say; frankly, these events are designed by America, the Zionist regime and their followers. Their main problem is a strong and independent Iran and the progress of the country. The Iranian nation appeared quite strong in these events and will bravely enter the field wherever necessary in the future.

With the presence of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in Imam Khomeini Husseiniyyah, The mourning ceremony of Imam Sajjad (a.s) martyrdom was held
In this ceremony, in a speech, Hojjatul-Islam wal-Muslimin Rafiei called the great mission of Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) the continuation of Jihad after the Ashura incident in the form of explanation Jihad and said: Revival of the culture of the Qur'an and Prophetic, and Imamate tradition and clarification of religious teachings in the form of prayer and revival of the Ashura movement are the five main areas of explanation Jihad of Imam Zayn al-Abdin (peace be upon him).

In the presence of the Islamic Revolution Leader; The Sham-e-Ghariban mourning ceremony was held
n this ceremony, Hojjatul-Islam wal-Muslimin Rafiei said in a speech, referring to the historical address of Hazrat Seyyed al-Shuhada (peace be upon him) for the enemy army in the last moments where he said, "if you don't have religion, at least be free in the affairs of your world": Freedom means the inner freedom of a person from the whims of the soul and lusts. The five characteristics and signs of a free person are: "Avoid scaring people", "Modesty and chastity", "Avoid deceit and betrayal", "Trying to acquire lawful (Halal) wealth and "Observing public rights.

It was held in Imam Khomeini's Hosseiniyeh (RA) with the presence of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution; The mourning ceremony on Ashura's eve
The mourning ceremony of the night of Ashura Hosseini (peace be upon him) was held in Imam Khomeini Hosseiniyeh (RA) in the presence of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.

The Leader on the thirty-third anniversary of the departure of Imam Khomeini:
Ayatollah Khamenei attended the shrine of the Grand Leader of the Revolution this morning (Saturday) on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of his departure from life, calling Imam Khomeini the soul of the Islamic Republic, a genuinely impressive figure and Imam of "yesterday, today and tomorrow of the Iranian and emphasized: the current young and intelligent generation needs reliable, comprehensive, accelerating and transformative software, i.e. the lessons, speech and morals of the Imam, to govern the future of the country and lead the nation to glorious peaks.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the shining circle of closeness to the Quran
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan in the shining circle of closeness to the Qur'an, called Ramadan the month of feasting and the infinite expansion of the divine mercy. He called purgation of the heart and proximity to the Qur'an accompanied by contemplation and understanding some crucial factors in benefiting from God's feast.

the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution planted two fruit seedlings
On the occasion of Arbor Day and Natural Resources Week, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution planted two fruit seedlings this morning (Sunday).

The second night of the mourning ceremony for the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra
The second night of the mourning ceremony for the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra, peace be upon her, was held in the presence of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Imam Khomeini's Husseiniyya;

The first night of the mourning ceremony for the Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra
The first night of the mourning ceremony for the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra, peace be upon her, was held in Imam Khomeini's Husseiniyya with the presence of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution;

The mourning ceremony on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Reza (a.s)
The mourning ceremony on the martyrdom anniversary of Ali ibn Musa al-Reza(a.s) was held today, Thursday the 7th of October 2021, in the presence of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution at Imam Khomeini (r.a) Hussainiyyah.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces referring to the issues of neighbours:
Joint Graduation Ceremony of Armed Forces Officers academy at Imam Hussein (a.s) University:
This morning (Sunday), Ayatollah Khamenei, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, in a video link with the joint graduation ceremony of the Armed Forces at Imam Hussein (a.s) Military University, called the honourable forces "the strong fortress of security of the proud Iranian nation and the powerful and dear homeland" and added: The interference of foreigners in the region is a source of discord and damage, and all issues and incidents must be resolved without foreign interference and by following the example of the countries of the region from the Power and rationality of Iran and the armed forces of the Islamic Republic. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed hope for the success of the graduates and the promotion of the youth of the Armed Forces in Hosseini School and University, and congratulated the Iranian nation for having faithful, pious, brave and determined and insightful youth and added: the dear commanders, who train the youth of the homeland this way, deserve merit and appreciation.

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the mourning ceremony of Arbaʽeen
The mourning ceremony of Arbaʽeen of the master and leader of all martyrs, Hazrat Aba Abdillah Al-Hussain PBUH and his faithful companions was held in the presence of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution through a video link from the University of Tehran (the gathering place of student delegations) with Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution at the 13th presidential inauguration ceremony
The presidential inauguration ceremony of the 13th term was held today morning (03 August 2021) at the Hosseiniyeh of Imam Khomeini. By recognising the people's vote, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has appointed Hujjat al-Islam Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi as the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In the decree of endorsement, Ayatollah Khamenei considered the meaningful and honourable presence of the people in the elections. He added: Electing a popular, pious and brilliant figure of management is a sign of the nation's determination to follow the enlightened path of the revolution, the direction of justice, progress and freedom. To leap forward in all areas, the country's people have emphasised removing barriers to production, strengthening the national currency, empowering the middle and lower class of the society and expeditious move towards the worthy position of the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei Received his second dose of COVIran Barakat vaccine
After receiving his second dose of the Iranian vaccine called COVIran Barakat, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, today, 23rd July 2021, thanked the health authorities for their efforts against the pandemic, especially the efforts of scientists and researchers for producing domestic vaccines. He emphasised the continuation of full compliance with restrictions related to covid-19 in order to stop the spread of the virus. By referring to the excruciating water problem of the loyal people of Khuzestan province, He instructed the officials of governmental and non-governmental organisations to seriously pursue the issues of the Khuzestan's people and resolve them without further delay.