The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
  • Fasting
    • Conditions and Requirements of Obligatory Fast
    • Obligatory Acts of Fasting
    • Makrūh Acts during a Fast
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      Makrūh Acts during a Fast


      878. Some makrūh acts for a fasting person are as follows:
      1. Any act that causes weakness, (such as donating blood and taking a bath);
      2. Smelling a fragrant plant, (wearing perfume is not makrūh);
      3. Wetting the clothes one is wearing;
      4. Brushing with wet wood;
      5. Pulling teeth and doing anything that causes blood to come from the mouth;
      6. Tasting food and the like;
      7. Pouring medicine in the nose if it does not reach the throat;
      8. Applying medicine in the eyes and applying kajal if the smell or taste reaches the throat;
      9. A woman's sitting in water;
      10. Touching one’s wife, joking with her and doing anything that arouses sexual desire;
      11. Too much gargling is makrūh for a fasting person.
    • Cases in which Qaḍā’ and Intentional kaffārah Are Obligatory
    • The Kaffārah of Breaking Fast Intentionally
    • Cases in which Only Qaḍā’ of Fasting Is Obligatory
    • Rulings of Qaḍā’ Fast
    • Kaffārah of Delay
    • The Rulings on Qaḍā’ of One's Parent's Missed Prayers/Fasts
    • Rulings on a Traveler's Fast
    • People for Whom Fast Is not Obligatory
    • Way of Ascertaining the First of a Lunar Month
    • Types of Fasting
    • Conclusion: Fasting Etiquettes and these of the Holy Month of Ramadan
    • I‘tikāf
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