The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
  • Fasting
    • Conditions and Requirements of Obligatory Fast
    • Obligatory Acts of Fasting
    • Makrūh Acts during a Fast
    • Cases in which Qaḍā’ and Intentional kaffārah Are Obligatory
    • The Kaffārah of Breaking Fast Intentionally
    • Cases in which Only Qaḍā’ of Fasting Is Obligatory
    • Rulings of Qaḍā’ Fast
    • Kaffārah of Delay
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      Kaffārah of Delay


      It means Kaffārah that becomes obligatory due to delay in performing qaḍā’ of fasting during the month of Ramadan until the arrival of the next month of Ramadan.
      928. If, due to an excuse, one does not fast in the month of Ramadan, then the excuse is over but one, till the next Ramadan comes, does not make up for their missed fasts, they should, in addition to making up for the missed fasts in qaḍā’, provide a needy person with 750 gm. food for each day.
      929. One must give one mudd (750 gm.) of food for each day as kaffārah of delay to the poor in addition to fasting and kaffārah of breaking one's fast intentionally if they do not fast during Ramadan on purpose nor perform its qaḍā’ before the next Ramadan.
      930. Kaffārah for delay is one mudd, i.e. 750 grams of wheat, flour, bread, rice or other food and it is to be given to the poor.
      931. If one delays the qaḍā’ of fasting in the month of Ramadan for several years, he must pay the very one mudd of food in addition to the qaḍā’ of fasting, and nothing becomes obligatory for him because of the delay in the following years.
      932. A person who has to give one mudd of food for each day, can give kaffārah for several days to a poor person.
      933. In case that one does not know that it is a must to observe qaḍā’ of a fast before the next Ramadan, Kaffārah of delay is not waived.
    • The Rulings on Qaḍā’ of One's Parent's Missed Prayers/Fasts
    • Rulings on a Traveler's Fast
    • People for Whom Fast Is not Obligatory
    • Way of Ascertaining the First of a Lunar Month
    • Types of Fasting
    • Conclusion: Fasting Etiquettes and these of the Holy Month of Ramadan
    • I‘tikāf
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