The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
  • Fasting
    • Conditions and Requirements of Obligatory Fast
    • Obligatory Acts of Fasting
    • Makrūh Acts during a Fast
    • Cases in which Qaḍā’ and Intentional kaffārah Are Obligatory
    • The Kaffārah of Breaking Fast Intentionally
    • Cases in which Only Qaḍā’ of Fasting Is Obligatory
    • Rulings of Qaḍā’ Fast
    • Kaffārah of Delay
    • The Rulings on Qaḍā’ of One's Parent's Missed Prayers/Fasts
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      The Rulings on Qaḍā’ of One's Parent's Missed Prayers/Fasts


      934. If the father, or the mother by obligatory caution, does not fast because of an excuse — other than travel — and does not make its qaḍā’ either although he/she was able to, it is obligatory for the elder son to perform its qaḍā’, or hire someone else to do so after the death of his parent. However, as to missed fasts due to traveling, it is obligatory for the elder son to perform its qaḍā’ even if they find no opportunity to perform its qaḍā’.
      935. By obligatory caution, it is the eldest son's duty to make qaḍā’ of the fasts which his parents did not observe on purpose.
    • Rulings on a Traveler's Fast
    • People for Whom Fast Is not Obligatory
    • Way of Ascertaining the First of a Lunar Month
    • Types of Fasting
    • Conclusion: Fasting Etiquettes and these of the Holy Month of Ramadan
    • I‘tikāf
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