The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rites of Hajj 2023

    • Chapter one Places (Mīqāts) of iḥrām
    • Chapter two iḥrām
        • First: Intention
        • Second: Saying Labbayk (Talbiyah)
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          Second: Saying Labbayk (Talbiyah)


          Issue 132: Saying talbiyah while wearing iḥrām is just like the takbīrat ul-iḥrām in prayer. When a pilgrim says the talbiyah, he becomes muḥrim and is now prepared to perform the rites of ‘umrah.
          Talbiyah means accepting the invitation of Allah Almighty who has invited qualified people to perform hajj. Therefore, it is worthy that one should pronounce the words of talbiyah with full humility.
          Issue 133: According to the most correct view, the sentences of talbiyah are as follows:
          "لَبّیکَ اللّهُمَّ لَبّیک، لَبّیکَ لا شریکَ لکَ لَبّیک"
          "Labbayk Allāhumma labbayk, labbayka lā sharīka laka labbayk"
          I am present in your court, here I am, O Allah. Here I am. You have no partners. Here I am.
          If one says only this, his iḥrām is correct, however on the basis of mustaḥabb caution, one should say these mentioned talbiyahs following the above talbiyah:
          "اِنَّ الحَمدَ و النِّعمَةَ لَکَ وَ المُلکَ لَا شَرِیکَ لَکَ لَبَّیکَ "
          "Innal-ḥamda wan-ni‘mata laka wal-mulk, lā sharīka laka labbayk"
          Truly all praise, all favours and the kingdom belong to You. You have no partner, here I am.
          And to observe more caution, one may add:
          " لَبَّیکَ اللّهُمَّ لَبَّیکَ، اِنَّ الحَمدَ وَ النِّعمَةَ لَکَ وَ المُلکَ، لَا شَرِیکَ لَکَ لَبَّیکَ"
          "Labbayk Allāhumma labbayk, innal-ḥamda wan-ni‘mata laka wal-mulk, lā sharīka laka labbayk"
          Here I am, O Allah. Here I am. Truly all praise, all favours and the kingdom belong to You. You have no partner, here I am.
          "لَبَّیکَ ذَا المَعارِج لَبَّیک، لَبَّیکَ داعِیاً إلی دارِ السَّلامِ لَبَّیکَ، لَبَّیکَ غَفَّارَ الذُنُوبِ لَبَّیکَ، لَبَّیکَ أهلَ التَّلبِیَةِ لَبَّیکَ، لَبَّیکَ ذَا الجَلالِ وَ الإکرامِ لَبَّیکَ، لَبَّیکَ تُبدِیُ وَ المَعادُ إلَیکَ لَبَّیکَ، لَبَّیکَ تَستَغنِی وَ یُفتَقَرُ إلَیکَ لَبَّیک، لَبَّیکَ مَرهوُباً وَ مَرغُوباً إلَیکَ لَبَّیکَ، لَبَّیکَ اِلهَ الحَقِّ لَبَّیکَ، لَبَّیکَ ذَا النَّعمَاءِ ِ وَ الفَضلٍ الحَسَنِ الجَمِیل لَبَّیکَ ، لَبَّیکَ کَشّافَ الکُرَبِ العِظامِ لَبَّیکَ، لَبَّیکَ عَبدُکَ وَ ابنُ عَبدَیکَ لَبَّیکَ، لَبَّیکَ یا کَریمُ لَبَّیکَ"
          Issue 134: Saying talbiyah once is obligatory but it is mustaḥabb that one repeats it as much as possible for him.
          Issue 135: It is obligatory for a person to pronounce talbiyah correctly. Thus, if a person can learn the pronunciation exactly or somebody may say it word by word so that he says it correctly but he ignors these steps and pronounces it in a wrong way, it would not be enough. But if he cannot learn it due to shortage of time and he cannot say it correctly with somebody dictating, he should pronounce it in any possible way and it is based on caution that he should appoint a representative to say it on his behalf.
          Issue 136: The person who neglects talbiyah purposely is similar to the person who neglects wearing iḥrām in mīqāt purposely.
          Issue 137: The person who does not pronounce talbiyah correctly and has no excuse for it is similar to the man who neglects talbiyah purposely.
          Issue 138: It is obligatory for a person who wears iḥrām for ‘umrah of tamattu‘, to stop saying talbiyah upon seeing the houses of the holy city of Mecca – though these new buildings around the Mecca which are considered a part of it. For a person who wears iḥrām for hajj, it is obligatory to stop talbiyah from the noon of the 9th of Dhul-Ḥijjah (the day of Arfah).
          Issue 139: Iḥrām for hajj tamattu‘ and its ‘umrah, hajj ifrād and ‘umrah mufradah is materialized only by saying talbiyah, while iḥrām for hajj qirān is achieved by saying talbiyah along with ish‘ār or taqlīd. Ish‘ār is confined to the camel while taqlīd includes other types of sacrifices as well.
          Issue 140: Ish‘ār means cutting the hump of the camel so that it becomes stained with blood and indicates that it is for slaughtering. Taqlīd refers to hanging a string or a shoe in the neck of the animal by a pilgrim so that it may become clear that it is for slaughtering on the occasion of hajj.


        • third: Wearing two cloths of iḥrām
      • 2) The mustaḥabb acts of iḥrām
      • 3) makrūh acts of iḥrām
      • 4) prohibited acts of iḥrām
    • Chapter three Ṭawāf and its prayer
    • Chapter four sa‘y between Safā and Marvah
    • Chapter five taqsīr
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