The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
    • Obligatory Prayers
    • Daily Prayers
    • The time for fajr prayer
    • The time for ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayer
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      The time for ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayer


      6. The time for ẓuhr prayer is from the zawāl of the sun (i.e. immediately after midday when the sun begins to decline) until there is just enough time before sunset to perform the ‘aṣr prayer.
      * As the sun rises from the east, objects have long shadows extending westward which reduce in size while the sun rises to it’s highest point – during this time objects either no longer have a shadow, or their shadow will be small extending slightly north or south, depending on how the sun is shining – thereafter the shadows of objects will begin extending towards the east. This is the time of ẓuhr prayer which is referred to as zawāl of the sun.
      7. The time of ‘aṣr prayer begins when enough time has passed after the zawāl of the sun for one to have completed their ẓuhr prayer and ends at sunset.
      8. Both ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayers have special and common times. A few minutes — enough to say it — after shar‘ī noon is special for ẓuhr prayer. A few minutes — enough to perform it — before sunset is special to ‘aṣr prayer. The gap between these two special times is common time for both.
      9. If one has not said ẓuhr prayer when the time special for ‘aṣr prayer arrives, the time for ẓuhr prayer finishes and they must perform ‘aṣr prayer.
    • The Time of Maghrib/‘Ishā’ Prayer
    • Rulings regarding the Times of Prayer
    • Order among prayers
    • Mustaḥabb prayers
    • Rulings about the Qiblah
    • The Coverage of Clothes in Prayer
    • Conditions of a Place for Prayer
    • Rulings on masjids
    • Adhān and Iqāmah
    • Obligatory Acts in Prayer
    • Qunūt
    • Prayer’s Ta‘qīb (Mustaḥabb Supplications/Dhikr Recited after Prayers)
    • Translation of the Prayer
    • What Invalidates the Prayer
    • Doubts in Prayer
    • Sajdah of Inadvertence
    • Qaḍā’ of Forgotten Sajdah and Tashahhud
    • A Traveler's Prayer
    • Qaḍā’ Prayers
    • Hire Prayers
    • Qaḍā’ Prayers for Parents
    • Āyāt Prayer
    • Congregational Prayers
    • The Friday Prayer
  • Fasting
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