The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
    • Obligatory Prayers
    • Daily Prayers
    • The time for fajr prayer
    • The time for ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayer
    • The Time of Maghrib/‘Ishā’ Prayer
    • Rulings regarding the Times of Prayer
    • Order among prayers
    • Mustaḥabb prayers
    • Rulings about the Qiblah
    • The Coverage of Clothes in Prayer
    • Conditions of a Place for Prayer
    • Rulings on masjids
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      Rulings on masjids


      115. It is forbidden to make the floor, roof, ceiling, and walls of a masjid najis, and if a masjid becomes najis, it is obligatory to purify it immediately.
      116. Purifying a masjid is a kifā’ī obligation and it is not obligatory only for the person who has made it najis or caused it to be najis. Rather, it is obligatory for all people who can purify the masjid.
      A kifā’ī obligation, which is opposite to an‘īnī obligation, is an obligation to be performed by a person, such as purifying the mosque and giving ghusl to a corpse and burying it. In the beginning, everyone is obligated to do it but it suffices to be performed by one of them. If nobody does it, everyone will be guilty. An‘īnī obligation is an obligation that all mukallafs must perform, such as daily prayers, khums and zakat.
      117. It is forbidden to make the shrine of an infallible Imam (peace be upon them) najis, and if it becomes najis, it is obligatory to purify it if it is considered disrespectful to remain najis. Otherwise, it is good to purify it.
      118. Adorning a masjid with gold is forbidden if considered an act of extravagance. Otherwise, it is makrūh.
      119. It is obligatory to show appropriate respect for the status and position of a masjid, and any practice incompatible with its standing and prestige should be avoided.
      120. There is no problem with activities such as holding educational classes if they do not conflict with the dignity of the masjid nor cause any disturbance to congregational prayers and worshipers.
      121. It is not permissible to demolish a mosque or a part of it except for an inevitable reason which cannot be ignored.
      122. One cannot perform for sure that it is ḥarām to make a masjid najis if it is usurped, demolished and replaced by another building, or abandoned so that there is no sign that it is a masjid without any hope for its reconstruction. Yet, it is mustaḥabb caution not to make it najis.
      123. If they demolish a part of a masjid due to an emergency as it is located in the construction plan of the municipality to make a street and there is no possibility of its return to its original state, the shar‘ī rules of a masjid are not applied to it.
      124. It is not permissible to build a museum or a library in a corner of a masjid's yard if it is against the terms of endowment of the masjid’s hall or yard, or results in a change in the masjid’s building.
      125. If a movable and non-fixed place such as a vehicle is made waqf as a masjid, then by obligatory caution it is called a shar‘ī masjid and the rules of masjid apply to it.
      126. The following actions are mustaḥabb to be performed for a masjid:
      1. To clean and develop the masjid.
      2. To apply perfume and wear neat clothes when going to the masjid.
      3. To verify that there is no pollution or najis object on the soles of the shoes or the feet.
      4. To enter the masjid earlier than others and exit after they have departed.
      5. To have a humble heart and a tongue remembering God, upon entering and exiting the masjid.
      6. It is mustaḥabb that when a person enters a masjid, he offers a two-rak‘ah prayer with the intention of venerating the masjid. Of course, it suffices to perform another obligatory or mustaḥabb prayer.
      127. Sleeping in a masjid is makrūh.
      128. The rulings for a masjid do not apply to takiyahs and ḥusayniyyahs.
    • Adhān and Iqāmah
    • Obligatory Acts in Prayer
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    • Translation of the Prayer
    • What Invalidates the Prayer
    • Doubts in Prayer
    • Sajdah of Inadvertence
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