The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
    • Obligatory Prayers
    • Daily Prayers
    • The time for fajr prayer
    • The time for ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayer
    • The Time of Maghrib/‘Ishā’ Prayer
    • Rulings regarding the Times of Prayer
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      Rulings regarding the Times of Prayer
      16. It is mustaḥabb that one offers prayers at the beginning of their times as Islamic instructions advise it with emphasis. If a person cannot offer a prayer at the beginning of its time, then the closest to this time you offer, the better unless it is better to delay it for a reason, such as when a person wants to perform the prayer in congregation.
      17. Regarding the timing of daily prayers (even for the areas close to the North Pole), one has to observe the particular horizon of his own area.
      18. A person can start offering prayers only when he becomes certain that the time has set in, when two just persons inform him that the time has set in, or if a reliable and punctual reciter of the adhān recites the adhān.
      19. If a person becomes confident that the time for prayers has set in and he begins offering prayers, but then doubts during the prayers whether the time has actually set in or not, his prayer is void. However, if a person is confident that the time for prayer has set in while he is praying, and doubts whether the part of the prayer that he has already performed was in the time or not, his prayer is valid.
      20. If the shar‘ī timings, which are announced by mass media or the like, bring confidence to a person about the beginning of the time, he can rely on them.
      21. If as soon as the adhān begins to be recited, one becomes certain that the time for prayer has arrived, it is not necessary to wait until the end of the adhān, and he can begin the prayer.
      22. If a creditor demands his money, the debtor should pay him first if he is able and then perform the prayer. The same ruling applies in case of another immediate obligatory act. However, if the time for prayer is short, he has to perform the prayer first.
      23. If the time for prayer is so short that due to doing some mustaḥabb acts of prayer, some of it is recited after the time, he should not perform that mustaḥabb act; for example, if by reciting qunūt, some of the prayers are recited after the time, he should not recite qunūt.
      24. A person who has time enough to perform only one rak‘ah should perform the prayer with the intention of adā’, but he should not postpone performing the prayer until such a time intentionally.
      25. If it is just enough to offer five rak‘ah of prayer until sunset, one should offer both ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayers. But if the time is shorter, he should offer only ‘aṣr prayer and make up for ẓuhr prayer later.
      If it is just enough to offer five rak‘ah of prayer until midnight, he should offer both maghrib and ‘ishā’ prayers. But if it is less than that, he should offer the ‘ishā’ prayer first, and then the maghrib prayer. According to the obligatory caution, he should not perform it as qaḍā’, but should recite it with the intention of doing the actual duty.
      26. A person who is a traveler, if he has enough time to perform three rak‘ah of prayer until sunset, he should perform both ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayers, but if he has less time, he should perform only the ‘aṣr prayer and make up for ẓuhr prayer. If till midnight, there is enough time to perform at least four rak‘ah, one must perform both maghrib and ‘ishā’ prayers. If the time is too short to perform four rak‘ah, one must say ‘ishā’ prayer first and then perform maghrib prayer, according to the obligatory caution, without intending adā’ or qaḍā’; rather with the intention of one's actual duty.
      If, after performing ‘ishā’ prayer, it becomes clear that there is one rak‘ah or more left until midnight, the maghrib prayer should be performed immediately with the intention of adā’.


    • Order among prayers
    • Mustaḥabb prayers
    • Rulings about the Qiblah
    • The Coverage of Clothes in Prayer
    • Conditions of a Place for Prayer
    • Rulings on masjids
    • Adhān and Iqāmah
    • Obligatory Acts in Prayer
    • Qunūt
    • Prayer’s Ta‘qīb (Mustaḥabb Supplications/Dhikr Recited after Prayers)
    • Translation of the Prayer
    • What Invalidates the Prayer
    • Doubts in Prayer
    • Sajdah of Inadvertence
    • Qaḍā’ of Forgotten Sajdah and Tashahhud
    • A Traveler's Prayer
    • Qaḍā’ Prayers
    • Hire Prayers
    • Qaḍā’ Prayers for Parents
    • Āyāt Prayer
    • Congregational Prayers
    • The Friday Prayer
  • Fasting
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