The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rules on Prayer & Fasting

  • Prayer
    • Obligatory Prayers
    • Daily Prayers
    • The time for fajr prayer
    • The time for ẓuhr and ‘aṣr prayer
    • The Time of Maghrib/‘Ishā’ Prayer
    • Rulings regarding the Times of Prayer
    • Order among prayers
    • Mustaḥabb prayers
    • Rulings about the Qiblah
    • The Coverage of Clothes in Prayer
    • Conditions of a Place for Prayer
    • Rulings on masjids
    • Adhān and Iqāmah
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      Adhān and Iqāmah


      129. Reciting the adhān and iqāmah before the daily prayers is mustaḥabb. This recommendation is emphasized about the fajr and maghrib prayers, especially when they are performed in congregation, but reciting adhān and iqāmah is not prescribed for other obligatory prayers, such as the āyāt prayer.
      130. The adhān consists of eighteen phrases, as follows:
      1. Allāhu akbar, four times (“God is greater than any description”).
      2. Ashhadu allā ilāha illallāh, two times (“I testify that there is no god but Allah”).
      3. Ashhadu anna Muḥammadan rasūlullāh, two times (“I testify that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger”).
      4. Ḥayya ‘alaṣ ṣalāh, two times (“Hasten to prayer”).
      5. Ḥayya ‘alal falāḥ, two times (“Hasten to ultimate happiness”).
      6. Ḥayya ‘alā khayril ‘amal, two times (“Hasten to the best of acts”).
      7. Allāhu akbar, two times (“God is greater than any description”).
      8. Lā ilāha illallāh, two times (“There is no god but Allah”).
      and the iqāmah is like the adhān, except for the following differences:
      1. The first phrase is repeated twice instead of four times.
      2. Between the 7th and 8th phrases, the following is repeated twice:
      qad qāmati-ṣṣalāh;
      certainly, the prayer has been established;
      1. The final phrase, lā ilāha ill-Allāh, is said once instead of repeated twice.
      131. Saying “ashhadu anna ‘Aliyyan waliyyullāh” (“I testify that Ali is the Friend of God”) in the adhān and iqāmah with the intention of it being a symbol for the Shi‘a is good and important, and it should be said only with the intention of closeness to Allah, but it is not a part of the adhān and iqāmah.
      132. Reciting the adhān (which announces the beginning of the time for prayer) at the beginning of the times for the daily obligatory prayers and its repetition by the listeners in loud voice are among the highly mustaḥabb actions.
      133. There is no problem in broadcasting the adhān in the usual way by means of a loudspeaker to announce beginning of time of prayer. But there is no religious justification for, and even there is a problem in, broadcasting verses of the Holy Qur’an, supplications, or the like using loudspeakers if it annoys the neighbors.
      134. If they have said adhān and iqāmah for congregational prayer, a person who prays with that congregation should not say adhān and iqāmah for his/her own prayer.
      135. It is mustaḥabb for a person to stand facing qiblah while saying adhān and to be in state wuḍū’ or ghusl and put the hands next to the ears, raise and elongate the voice, leave a little gap between the sentences of adhān, and not to talk among them.
      136. It is mustaḥabb that the body should be relaxed while saying iqāmah, and say it more quiet than adhān, and do not join its sentences together. But one should not leave as much gap among the sentences of iqāmah as one does among the sentences of adhān.
      137. It is mustaḥabb to sit between adhān and iqāmah for a while, to prostrate, to say tasbīḥ, to be quiet for a while, to talk, or to say a two-rak‘ah prayer..


    • Obligatory Acts in Prayer
    • Qunūt
    • Prayer’s Ta‘qīb (Mustaḥabb Supplications/Dhikr Recited after Prayers)
    • Translation of the Prayer
    • What Invalidates the Prayer
    • Doubts in Prayer
    • Sajdah of Inadvertence
    • Qaḍā’ of Forgotten Sajdah and Tashahhud
    • A Traveler's Prayer
    • Qaḍā’ Prayers
    • Hire Prayers
    • Qaḍā’ Prayers for Parents
    • Āyāt Prayer
    • Congregational Prayers
    • The Friday Prayer
  • Fasting
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