The Office of the Supreme Leader

Practical Laws of Islam

    • Rules of Taqlīd
    • Rules on Purity
    • Prayer
      • Importance and Conditions of Prayer
      • Prayer Times
      • Qiblah
      • The Place of Praying
      • Rules of a Masjid
      • Rules Regarding Other Religious Places
      • Clothes of the Praying Person
      • Wearing and Using Gold and Silver
      • Adhān and Iqāmah
      • Recitation [of the Fātiḥah and the Other Chapter] and its Rules
      • Dhikr of Prayer
      • Rules of Prostration
      • Things that Invalidate Prayer
      • Rules of Greeting in Prayers
      • Doubt in Prayers
      • Qaḍā’ Prayer
      • Qaḍā’ Prayers of the Parents
      • Congregational Prayers
      • Rule of Incorrect Recitation by a Congregational Prayer Imam
      • Congregational Prayer Led by a Person Lacking a Body Part
      • Women’s Attendance in Congregational Prayer
      • Performing Congregational Prayer behind Sunnīs
      • Friday Prayer
      • The Two ‘Īd Prayers
      • A Traveler’s Prayer
      • Someone for Whom Traveling Is a Job or a Preliminary for the Job
      • Rule of Students
      • Intent of Traveling the Shar‘ī Distance and Staying for Ten Days
      • Tarakhkhuṣ Limit
      • A Travel for the Purposes of Committing a Sin
      • Rules Regarding the Watan
      • Wife’s and Children’s Following as far as Watan Is Concerned
      • Rules of Large Cities
      • Prayer Performed by Hiring
      • Āyāt Prayer
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        Āyāt Prayer
        Q 707: What is an āyāt prayer and what makes it obligatory according to Islamic law?
        A: It is comprised of two rak‘ahs, with five rukū‘s and two prostrations in each rak‘ah. According to Islamic law, it becomes obligatory due to solar and lunar eclipses, even partial ones; an earthquake; and any abnormal phenomenon which scares most people, such as an unusual black, red, or yellow storm, an intense darkness, landslide, a cry (from the heavens), and the fire which sometimes appears in the sky. Āyāt prayer is not made obligatory by that which does not frighten most people, excepting eclipses and earthquakes, or by things which scare exceptions among people.
        Q 708: How is an āyāt prayer performed?
        A: Āyāt prayer has several forms:
        i. After making intention and saying the takbīrah al-iḥrām, one recites the Fātiḥah and another one, and then performs rukū‘. After rising from the rukū‘, one recites the Fātiḥah and a chapter, and again performs rukū‘. One keeps on doing so until he performs five rukū‘s, each preceded by the Fātiḥah and another one. After that, he rises up and performs two prostrations, then stands up and performs the second rak‘ah in the same manner as the first one, completing with two prostrations, followed by tashahhud and salām.

        ii. Only one Fātiḥah and sūrah is to be recited in each rak`ah. it is said as follows: the other sūrah is divided into five parts and, after making intention and saying takbīrah al-iḥrām, one recites the Fātiḥah and one part of the other sūrah (be it one complete verse, a part of it or more than a verse), then performs rukū‘ (of course, it is an obligatoy caution not to count Bismillah as a part of the sūrah and bow to rukū‘ after it).  Then rising from the rukū‘, one recites another part of that sūrah without the Fātiḥah, followed by the second rukū‘. Then raising his head, he continues this procedure so that he completes the other sūrah just before the fifth rukū‘. Then after the fifth rukū‘, he performs two prostrations, then stands up and performs the second rak‘ah in the same manner as in the first one, finishing with tashahhud and salām.
        iii. One performs one of the two rak‘ahs in one of the above two forms and the other rak‘ah in the other form.

        iv. One completes the sūrah, of which he recited a part in the first standing state, in the second, third, or the fourth standing state, for instance. Then it will be obligatory for him, after raising his head from the rukū‘, to repeat the Fātiḥah in the following standing state, and to recite with it a sūrah or a part of it, in case of which he must complete that sūrah before the fifth rukū‘.


        Q 709: Is the obligation of āyāt prayer limited to those who are in the city of occurrence of the phenomenon, or does it apply to any mukallaf who comes to know about it without being in that city?

        A: It is obligatory only for those who are in the phenomenon’s city at the time of its happening.
        Q 710: If someone is unconscious when an earthquake occurs, and becomes conscious after its occurrence, will the āyāt prayer be obligatory for him?
        A: As for the given assumption, it is an obligatory caution that he offers the āyāt prayer.
        Q 711: After an earthquake in an area it is often observed that dozens of tremors occurs there in a short period of time. What is the rule with respect to āyāt prayer in such cases?
        A: Each quake, whether violent or mild, requires its own āyāt prayer provided that it is considered as an independent quake.
        Q 712: The center of seismography reports the occurrence of several mild earthquakes in the area we live, mentioning their number, though we felt none of them. Is āyāt prayer obligatory for us in such a case?
        A: If it happens in a way that no one feels its occurrence and it is only understood by using an instrument, the āyāt prayer will not be obligatory.
      • Nāfilahs
      • Miscellaneous Issues of Prayers
    • Fasting
    • Khums
    • Jihad
    • Enjoining the Good and Forbidding Evil
    • Ḥarām Gains
    • Chess and Gambling Instruments
    • Music and Ghinā’
    • Dancing
    • Clapping
    • Non-maḥrams’ Pictures and Films
    • Satellite Television Equipment
    • Theatre and Cinema
    • Painting and Sculpture
    • Magic, Conjuring, and Evocation of Spirits and Jinn
    • Hypnosis
    • Lottery
    • Bribery
    • Medical Issues
    • Teaching, Learning and Their Proprieties
    • Copyrights
    • Dealing with non-Muslims
    • Working for Oppressive States
    • Rules on Clothing and Conspicuous ones
    • Treating the West
    • Smoking and Narcotics
    • Shaving the Beard
    • Attending Gatherings of Debauchery
    • Writing Supplications and Istikhārah
    • Religious Events
    • Hoarding and Extravagance
    • Buying and Selling
    • Miscellaneous Issues in Business
    • Rules Concerning Ribā
    • Right of Pre-emption
    • Hiring, Renting, and Lease
    • Surety
    • Pawning and Mortgaging
    • Partnership
    • Presents and Gifts
    • Debt and Loan
    • Ṣulḥ
    • Power of Attorney
    • Mustaḥabb Alms
    • Deposits and Loaned Properties
    • Leaving a Will
    • Usurpation
    • Placement under Guardianship and Signs of Maturity
    • Silent Partnership
    • Banking
    • State Property
    • Endowments
    • Rules Concerning Graveyards
    • Glossary
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